Staff Catalogue


Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Green Park, 503
91, Aglantzias Ave.

Rafaela Agathokleous is a Lecturer at the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at the University of Cyprus (UCY). She holds a Bachelors Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) and MSc degree in Sustainable Energy Technologies and Management from Brunel University London. In 2017 she received her Doctorate (PhD) in the area of thermal analysis of solar energy systems at Cyprus University of Technology. In the period 2018-2022 she was a post-doctorate associate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering at CUT, researching the thermal behavior of BIPV systems with the use of phase change materials (PCM) to manage their excess heat, storage technologies and waste heat recovery systems. During the same time, she also taught undergraduate courses (Introduction to Engineering, Engineering Economics, Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer, Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning systems).

The past few years she has been collaborating with the Department of Industrial Engineering of University of Naples Federico II as a researcher on energy aspects, and with the Belfast School of Architecture in both research and teaching.

From 2017 until 2023 she served Energy the International Journal of Elsevier as an Editorial Assistant and from 2023 she is the Handling Editor of the topic Solar Energy - Thermal and Photovoltaics at the same Journal:

From 2023 she is also an Associate Editor in Energy Reports Journal:

Her research interests and activities lie in the areas of energy modeling and experimentation of solar energy systems, waste heat recovery systems, and thermal energy storage systems.

Research interests:

  • Thermal energy modeling of energy systems

  • Experimental analysis of solar energy systems in controlled conditions and natural conditions

  • Waste heat recovery technologies

  • Seasonal thermal energy storage systems

  • Smart grid planning for energy distribution

  • Experimental and numerical thermal behavior of materials, coatings, paints

  • Optimization of thermal energy storage systems with the use of PCM

Kotarela F., Kyritsis A., Agathokleous R., Papanikolaou N., (2023). On the exploitation of dynamic simulations for the design of buildings energy systems. Energy, 2023,271,127002.

Herrando M., Wang K., Huang G., Markides C., Kalogirou S., Agathokleous R., Daukes N.E., Otanicar T., Taylor R., Mousa O., Ding Y., (2023). A review of solar hybrid photovoltaic-thermal (PV-T) collectors and systems, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 2023, 97, 101072.

Vassiliades C., Agathokleous R., Barone G., Buonomano A., Forzano C., Giuzio G., Palombo A., Kalogirou S., (2022). Building integration of active solar systems: A review of Geometrical and Architectural Characteristics, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2022.

Christodoulides, P.; Agathokleous, R.; Aresti, L.; Kalogirou, S.A.; Tassou, S.A.; Florides, G.A. Waste Heat Recovery Technologies Revisited with Emphasis on New Solutions, Including Heat Pipes, and Case Studies. Energies 2022, 15, 384.

Agathokleous R.A, Kalogirou S.A., (2021). PV roofs as the first step towards 100% RES electricity production for Mediterranean islands: The case of Cyprus, Smart Energy, 2021.

Ktistis P.K., Agathokleous R.A., Kalogirou S.A., (2022). A design tool for a Parabolic Trough Collector system for Industrial Process Heat based on Dynamic Simulation, Renewable Energy 183, 502-514.

Ktistis P.K., Agathokleous R.A., Kalogirou S.A., (2020). Experimental performance of a parabolic trough collector system for an industrial process heat application, Energy, 2020, 119288.

Agathokleous R.A, Kalogirou S.A., (2020). Status, Barriers and Perspectives of Building Integrated Photovoltaic Systems, Energy, 191, 116471.

Agathokleous, R., Panayiotou, G., Aresti, L., Argyrou, M.C., Georgiou, G.S., Jouhara, H., Kalogirou, S.A., Florides, G.A., Christodoulides, P., (2019). Waste Heat Recovery in the EU industry and proposed new technologies. Energy Procedia 161, 489–496.

Kalogirou S.A., Agathokleous R., Barone G., Buonomano A., Forzano C., Palombo A., (2019). Development and validation of a new TRNSYS Type for thermosiphon flat-plate solar thermal collectors: energy and economic optimization for hot water production in different climates, Renewable Energy 136, 632-644.

Agathokleous R., Buonomano A., Barone G., Forzano C., Kalogirou S., Palombo A., (2018). Building façade integrated solar thermal collectors for air heating: modelling and simulation of energy and comfort performance, Applied Energy 239, 658-679.

Agathokleous R.A., Kalogirou S.A., (2018). Part I: Thermal analysis of naturally ventilated BIPV system: Experimental investigation and convective heat transfer coefficients estimation, Solar Energy 169, 673-681.

Agathokleous R.A., Kalogirou S.A., (2018). Part II: Thermal analysis of naturally ventilated BIPV system: Modeling and Simulation, Solar Energy 169, 682-691.

Panayiotou, G.P., Bianchi, G., Georgiou, G., Aresti, L., Argyrou, M., Agathokleous, R., Tsamos, K.M., Tassou, S.A., Florides, G., Kalogirou, S., Christodoulides, P., (2017). Preliminary assessment of waste heat potential in major European industries. Energy Procedia 123, 335-345.

A. Kyritsis, E. Roman Medina, S.A. Kalogirou, J. Nikoletatos, R. Agathokleous, E. Mathas, S. Tselepis, (2019). Households with Fibre Reinforced Composite BIPV modules in Southern Europe under Net Metering Scheme, Renew. Energy, 167-176.

Agathokleous, R.A., Kalogirou, S.A., Karellas, S., (2017). Exergy analysis of a naturally ventilated Building Integrated Photovoltaic/Thermal (BIPV/T) system. Renew. Energy 128, Part B, 541-552.

Agathokleous, R.A., Kalogirou, S.A., (2016). Double skin facades (DSF) and building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV): A review of configurations and heat transfer characteristics. Renew. Energy 89, 743–756.

Kalogirou, S., Agathokleous, R., Panayiotou, G., (2013). On-site PV characterization and the effect of soiling on their performance. Energy 51, 439–446.