Orthogonal polynomials
Special functions
Approximation theory
Fourier analysis
Geometric function theory
Analytic number theory
[1] Christian Berg, Stamatis Koumandos and Henrik L. Pedersen. Nielsen's beta function and some infinitely divisible distributions. Mathematische Nachrichten, to appear.
[2] Stamatis Koumandos and Henrik L. Pedersen. On generalized Stieltjes functions. Constructive Approximation, 50 (2019), no. 1, 129--144.
[3] Stamatis Koumandos and Henrik L. Pedersen. On the Laplace transform of absolutely monotonic functions. Results in Mathematics, 72 (2017), no. 3, 1041--1053.
[4] Stamatis Koumandos. Positive trigonometric integrals associated with some Lommel functions of the first kind.
Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 14 (2017), no. 1, Art. 15, 16 pp.
[5] Stamatis Koumandos and Henrik L. Pedersen. On the asymptotic expansion of the logarithm of Barnes triple gamma function, II. Mathematica Scandinavica, 120 (2017), 291--304.
[6] Stamatis Koumandos. On the log-concavity of the fractional integral of the sine function. Journal of Approximation Theory, 210 (2016), 30--40.
[7] 'Arp'ad Baricz and Stamatis Koumandos. Tur'an type inequalities for some Lommel functions of the first kind. Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society (2), 59 (2016), no. 3, 569--579.
[8] Stamatis Koumandos and Henrik L. Pedersen. On asymptotic expansions of generalized Stieltjes functions. Computational Methods and Function Theory (CMFT), 15 (2015), no. 1, 93--115.
[9] Stamatis Koumandos and Martin Lamprecht. Complete monotonicity and related properties of some special functions. Mathematics of Computation, 82, no. 282, (2013), 1097--1120.
[10] Stamatis Koumandos. A Bernstein function related to Ramanujan's approximations of} $\exp(n)$. The Ramanujan Journal, 30 , no. 3, (2013), 447--459.
[11] Horst Alzer and Stamatis Koumandos. A sharp inequality for a trigonometric sum . Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 10, no. 1, (2013), 313--320.
[12] Stamatis Koumandos and Martin Lamprecht. The zeros of certain Lommel functions. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 40, no. 9, (2012), 3091-3100.
[13] Stamatis Koumandos and Henrik L. Pedersen. Tur'an type inequalities for the partial sums of the generating functions of Bernoulli and Euler numbers. Mathematische Nachrichten, 285, No. 17--18, (2012), 2129-2156.
[14] Horst Alzer and Stamatis Koumandos. Sharp estimates for various trigonometric sums. Analysis (Munich). International Mathematical Journal of Analysis and its Applications, 33, no. 1, (2012), 9--26.
[15] Stamatis Koumandos and Henrik L. Pedersen. Absolutely monotonic functions related to Euler's gamma function and Barnes' double and triple gamma function, Monatshefte f"ur Mathematik, 163 (2011), no. 1, 51--69.