Staff Catalogue


Department of Mathematics and Statistics
FST 01 - Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences,
University Campus
EDUCATIONModel School of Anavruta, Kifissia, Greece (1977-1980).Undergraduate:University of Athens, Department of Mathematics (1980-84). Πτυχίον. (B.S. equivalent.) Ranked 1st ( grade 9.7/10.0).Graduate:Courant Institute, New York University (1984-89).- M.S. degree in Mathematics (1986).- Ph.D. degree in Mathematics (1989). Thesis title “Existence and stability of stationary profiles of the LW scheme”. Thesis supervisor Peter D. Lax.ACADEMIC POSITIONS HELDResearch Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of California at Los Angeles, (1989-91).Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, University of Manchester, (1991-93).Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Cyprus (1993-2003).Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Cyprus (2003-2010).Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Cyprus (2010-)
Conservation Laws.Numerical methods for elliptic boundary value problems.Density results with linear combinations of particular solutions of elliptic equations.Dissipative and dispersive–dissipative dynamical systems.Development of linearly implicit schemes for nonlinear parabolic equations.
G. AKRIVIS AND Y.-S. SMYRLIS,Linearly implicit schemes for a class of dispersive–dissipative systems, Calcolo, to appear.G. AKRIVIS, D. T. PAPAGEORGIOU AND Y.-S. SMYRLIS,Linearly implicit methods for a semilinear parabolic system arising in two-phase flowsIMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 31(1), 299-321, 2011. S. KOUMANDOS, V. NESTORIDIS, Y.-S. SMYRLIS AND STEFANOPOULOS, Universal series in ?p>1?p. Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 42, no. 1, 119–129, 2010.Y.–S. SMYRLIS, Applicability and applications of the method of fundamental solutions,Mathematics of Computation,78, Number 267, 1399–1434, July 2009.Y.–S. SMYRLIS AND A. KARAGEORGHIS, Efficient implementation of the MFS: The three scenarios, Journal of Computationaland Applied Mathematics, 227, Issue 1, 83–92,May 1, 2009.Y.–S. SMYRLIS, Mathematical foundation of the MFS for certain elliptic systems in linear elasticity, NumerischeMathematik, 112, Issue 2, 319–340, April, 2009.Y.–S. SMYRLIS, Approximation by solutions of elliptic equations in semilocal spaces, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 350, Issue 1, 122–134, February 1, 2009.R. L. TANKELEVICH, G. FAIRWEATHER, A. KARAGEORGHIS AND Y.–S. SMYRLIS, Potential Field Based Geometric Modellingusing the Method of Fundamental Solutions, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 68, Issue 12, 1257–1280, 17 December 2006.Y.–S. SMYRLIS AND A. KARAGEORGHIS, The method of fundamental solutions for stationary heat conduction problems in rotationally symmetric domains, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 26, Issue 4, 1493–1512, 2006.G. AKRIVIS AND Y.–S. SMYRLIS, Implicit-explicit BDF methods for the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 51, Issues 2–3, 151–169, November 2004.Y.–S. SMYRLIS AND A. KARAGEORGHIS, Numerical Analysis of the MFS for certain harmonic problems, M2AN. Mathematical Modellingand Numerical Analysis, 38, Issue 3,May–June, 495–517, 2004.Y.–S. SMYRLIS AND A. KARAGEORGHIS, Some aspects of the method of fundamental solutions for certain harmonic problems, Journal of Scientific Computing, 16, Number 3, 341–371, 2001.Y.–S. SMYRLIS AND D. T. PAPAGEORGIOU, Predicting chaos for infinite dimensional dynamical systems: The Kuramoto–Sivashinsky equation, a case study, Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, Applied Mathematics, 88, 11129–11132, December 1991.Y.–S. SMYRLIS, Existence and stability of stationary profiles of the LW scheme, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 43, 509–545, 1990.