Dr. Sophia Stavrou is Assistant Professor of Sociology at the Department of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Cyprus. She is also Research Associate at the Mediterranean Center of Sociology, Political Science and History (MESOPOLHIS UMR 7064, AMU-CNRS). She has completed her university studies in the field of Sociology (License, Maîtrise, Master) and obtained a PhD in Sociology from Aix-Marseille Université in France in 2012, with a research fellowship for academic excellence from the Ministry Higher Education and Research, Rectorate of the Aix-Marseille Academy, and the PACA Regional Council. Previously she worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the research project "Enhancing Employability of Graduates of Humanities and Social Sciences" for which she received a research fellowship from the University of Cyprus (E.U.G.E, Postdoctoral Programs 2016). She taught at the University of Cyprus, Department of Social and Political Sciences (2013-2017) and Aix-Marseille University, Department of Sociology (2006-2010) and worked as Researcher at the French National Institute for Research INRP in Lyon (2006-2008). She also participated in large-scale international research programs in the field of European policies to combat social inequality in education, intra-European youth migration in the context of the economic crisis and youth employment. She currently participates as Researcher in the international project PPECPA 'A Sociology of humanisation of elder care through continuous training' funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation and is the coordinator of the programme YOUTHTRAMS 'From Higher Education to Work: Sociology of Youth Trajectories in the Making' funded by the UCY. Her work has been published in international scientific journals, such as International Studies in Sociology of Education, Journal of Youth Studies, Journal of Education Policy, Sociologie du Travail, Mots. Les Langages du Politique, among others, as well as in collective edited volumes in international academic publishing houses. She is the author of the monograph L'Université au diapason du Marché (L'Harmattan-Academia, 2017).
Her main research interests are in the following areas:
- relations between higher education and work
- sociology of education, with an emphasis on social inequalities in education and in the sociology of curriculum
- current trends in social and educational policy
- social impact of quality assessment and quality assurance mechanisms
- the evolution of academic disciplines and knowledge, in particular in humanities and social sciences
- youth migration, youth employment
- qualitative research methods, especially discourse analysis in the social sciences
- Stavrou S. (with C. Poulet and I. Loffeier), 2023, « Quand les droits pédagogiques se muent en devoirs professionnels. Hiatus dans la formation continue pour la réforme des pratiques professionnelles en santé », Revue Française de Pédagogie, 220, p. 83-97, DOI :
- Stavrou S. (with D. Trimithiotis), 2022, Digitalisation as Discursive Construction: Entrepreneurial Labour and the Fading of Horizons of Expectations for Newcomer Journalists, Journalism Studies, DOI: 10.1080/1461670X.2022.2143866
- Stavrou S., 2022, Structuring forms of transition from higher education to employment: bridging Bernstein and Bourdieu in understanding mismatch, Journal of Education and Work, DOI: 10.1080/13639080.2022.2036709
- Stavrou S. (with P. Achniotis), 2021, Towards a revaluation of work in post-Fordist societies? Critical reconversions of highly skilled youth and negotiations of fluid relationships with work, Journal of Youth Studies, DOI: 10.1080/13676261.2021.2010685.
- Stavrou S. (with C. Poulet and I. Loffeier), 2021, « Humaniser le soin aux personnes âgées ? Réponses transnationales du marché de la formation continue », Sociologie Du Travail, Vol. 63 - n° 4 | Octobre-Décembre 2021. DOI :
- Stavrou S., 2019, « Quand la politique de l’employabilité conduit à la régionalisation des sciences sociales », Revue d’Anthropologie des Connaissances, 13(1), pp.171-193.
- Stavrou S., 2017, « L’évaluation de la qualité des formations », in C. Barats, J. Bouchard et A. Haakenstad (dir.), Faire et dire l’évaluation. L’enseignement supérieur et la recherche conquis par la performance, Paris, Coll. Sciences Sociales, Presses des Mines, pp.219-235.
- Stavrou S., 2017, L’Université au diapason du marché. Une sociologie du changement curriculaire dans les universités françaises, Louvain-la-Neuve, Academia-L’Harmattan, 320p. ISBN : 978-2-8061-0325-3.
- Stavrou S. (with M. Ballatore), 2017, “Internationalisation policy as a (re)producer of social inequalities. The case of institutionalised student mobility”, in Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, 2, pp.251-282. DOI: 10.1423/87309
- Stavrou S., 2016, “Pedagogising the University: On higher education policy implementation and its effects on social relations”, Journal of Education Policy, 31(6), pp.789-804. DOI: 10.1080/02680939.2016.1188216
- Stavrou S., 2016, “Changing official knowledge in economy-based societies: higher education policy, projected identities and the epistemic shift”, in P. Vitale and B. Exley (ed.), Pedagogic Rights and Democratic Education, London, Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, pp.118-132.
- Stavrou S., 2013, « De l’acte régulateur à la possibilité d’une institution cognitive collective. Les enjeux politiques de l’évaluation dans le cas de la France », in C. Fallon, B. Leclercq (ed.), Leurres de la qualité dans l’enseignement supérieur ?, Louvain-la-Neuve, Academia- L’Harmattan, pp.217-232.
- Stavrou S., 2013, « Des discours politiques au discours de l’évaluation. Autour de la réforme des formations universitaires », Mots. Les langages du politique, n°102, juillet, n°102, pp.85-102.
- Stavrou S., 2011, « La professionnalisation des formations universitaires. De l’expertise aux effets curriculaires », Cahiers de la Recherche sur l’Education et les Savoirs, n°3 hors-série, Juin, pp.93-110.
- Stavrou S., 2010, “Reviewing recontextualisation of knowledge at university. From Bernstein’s theory to empirical research”, in D. Frandji and P. Vitale (ed.), Knowledge, Pedagogy & Society, London, Routledge, pp.143-159.
- Stavrou S., 2009, “Negotiating curriculum change in the French university. The case of regionalising social scientific knowledge”, International Studies in Sociology of Education, 19(1), pp.19-36. DOI: 10.1080/09620210903057624