Department of Psychology
FEB 01 - Faculty of Economics and Management, B207
University Campus
Panayiotis Stavrinides is an Associate Professor in Developmental Psychology at the University of Cyprus. He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses and he supervises a number of doctoral, master, and undergraduate students. Along with his associates, Dr Stavrinides co-founded the Developmental Psychology Lab at the University of Cyprus.
Byllying, victimization and Cyberbullying
1. Charalampous, K., Tantaros, S., Georgiou, S., & Stavrinides, P. (2022). Does paternal acceptance buffer the effect of maternal rejection on victimization in early adolescents? A short-term longitudinal study. Psychology: The Journal of the Hellenic Psychological Society, 27(2), 8–20.
2. Georgiou, St., Charalampous, K. & Stavrinides, P. (2021). The mediating effects of adolescents’ internalizing and externalizing problems on the relationship between emotion regulation, mindfulness, and bullying/victimization at school. School Psychology International. DOI:
3. Markou, M., Charalambous, K., Tantaros, S., & Stavrinides, P. (2022). Childhood Peer Victimization, Identity Diffusion and Disordered Eating Behaviors in Emerging Adults. Emerging Adulthood. DOI:
4. Georgiou, St., Charalampous, K. & Stavrinides, P. (2021). Moral disengagement and bullying at school: Is there a gender issue? International Journal of School & Educational Psychology, DOI: 10.1080/21683603.2020.1859421.
Thoma, M., Ioannou, M., & Stavrinides, P. (2021). Delinquent behaviors in group sports: Predictive variables for athletes and fans. Psychology, 25 (2), 142-158.
5. Charalampous, K., Georgiou, St., Demetriou, C., Tricha, L., Nikiforou, M., & Stavrinides, P. (2020). Comparing short-term growth in traditional and cyber forms of bullying in early and mid-adolescent students. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 1-17.
6. Georgiou, St., Stavrinides, P. & Charalampous, K. (2020). Mindfulness, impulsivity and moral disengagement as parameters and bullying and victimization at school. Aggressive Behavior. 2020; 46:107–115. org/10.1002/ab.21876
7. Charalampous, K., Ioannou, M., Georgiou, St. & Stavrinides, P. (2020). Cyberbullying, psychopathic traits, moral disengagement and school climate: The role of self-reported psychopathic levels and gender. Educational Psychology.
8. Stylianou, I., Charalampous, K., & Stavrinides, P. (2019). Psychopathic Traits and Adolescents’ Delinquency: A Short-Term Longitudinal Study. European Journal of Developmental Psychology. 16, 417-432.
9. Charalampous, K., Ioannou, M., Georgiou, St., & Stavrinides, P. (2019). The integrative model of multiple attachment relationships in adolescence: Linkages to bullying and victimization. International Journal of Developmental Science.
10. Charalampous, K., Stavrinides, P., Georgiou, St., & Giasemidou, P. (2019). Is there a psychopathic element in adolescent drinking? A longitudinal study. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 16, 47-65, doi 10.1080/17405629.2017.1334547.
11. Scheithower, H., Stavrinides, P, & Fanti, K. (2019). Thematic Section Guest Editorial: 22nd Workshop on Aggression: Contemporary Perspectives on Aggressive Behavior: Exploring Trends across the Lifespan. International Journal of Developmental Science.
12. Stavrinides, P., Fanti, K., Charalampous, K., Demetriou, C., Hadjicharalambous, MZ., & Solomontos, O. (2018). Contemporary Perspectives on Aggressive Behavior: Exploring Trends across the Lifespan (brief report). International Journal of Developmental Science.
13. Charalambous, K., Georgiou, St., Tricha, L., Demetriou, C., Ioannou, M., Nikiforou, M., & Stavrinides, P. (2018). The effect of parental style on bullying and cyber bullying behaviors and the mediating role of peer attachment relationships: A longitudinal study. Journal of Adolescence.
14. Stavrinides, P., Tantaros, S., Georgiou, St., & Tricha, L. (2018). Longitudinal Associations between parental rejection and bullying/victimization. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties.
15. Georgiou, St., Ioannou, M., & Stavrinides, P. (2018). Cultural values as mediators between parenting styles and bullying behavior at school. Social Psychology of Education.
16. Georgiou, St., Ioannou, M., & Stavrinides, P. (2017). Parenting styles and bullying at school: The mediating role of locus of control. International Journal of School & Educational Psychology. 1-17.
17. Georgiou, N., Stavrinides, P., & Georgiou, St. (2016). Parenting and children's adjustment problems: The mediating role of self-esteem and peer relations. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties. 21 (4), 433-446
18. Stavrinides, P., & Nikiforou, M. (2016). Bullying and victimization among 4 to 8 year olds: temperamental, parental, and systemic correlates. In Saracho, O. (Ed.). Contemporary Perspectives in Early Childhood Education. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
19. Nikiforou, M., & Stavrinides, P., (2016). Victims of School Bullying: Predictors and Outcomes . In Colby, TF. (Ed). Victims and Victimization: Risk Factors, Intervention Strategies and Socioemotional Outcomes. New York: Novascience Publishers.
20. Stavrinides, P., Nikiforou, M., & Georgiou, St. (2015). Do mothers know? Longitudinal associations between parental knowledge, bullying, and victimization. Journal of Social and Personal Relations, 32 (2), 180-196.
21. Georgiou, St., Stavrinides, P., & Nikiforou, M. (2015). Bullying and victimization in Cyprus: The role of social pedagogy. International Journal of Social Pedagogy, Special Issue ‘Social Pedagogy in Times of Crisis in Greece’ 4(1), 43-54
22. Mora, L., Stavrinides, P., & McDermut, W. (2014). Religious Fundamentalism and Religious Orientation Among the Greek Orthodox. Journal of Religion and Health, 53, 1498-1513.
23. Georgiou, St., Stavrinides, P., & Fousiani, K. (2013). Authoritarian parenting, power distance and bullying propensity. International Journal of School & Educational Psychology, 1, (3) 199 – 206.
24. Nikiforou, M., Georgiou, St., & Stavrinides, P. (2013). Attachment to parents and peers as a parameter of bullying and victimization. Journal of Criminology, 1, 1-9.
25. Stavrinides, P., Tsivitanou, A., Nikiforou, M., Hawa, V., & Tsolia, V. (2013). Longitudinal associations between bullying and children’s preference for television violence. International Journal of Criminology and Sociology, 2, 72-78.
26. Stavrinides, P., & Nikiforou, M. (2013). Parenting: Challenges, practices, and cultural influences. In Barberis, P., & Petrakis, S. (Eds). Parenting: Challenges, practices, and cultural influences. New York: Novascience Publishers, pp 59 – 82.
27. Georgiou, St. & Stavrinides, P. (2013). Parenting at home and bullying at school. Social Psychology of Education: An International Journal, 16, 165-179.
28. Fanti, K., & Stavrinides, P. (2013). The development antisocial disorders and bullying behaviour. In S. Fotiou, (Ed), Pergamini, Nicosia, CY: University of Cyprus, pp 157 – 174.
29. Georgiou, St., Fousiani, K., Michaelides, M., & Stavrinides, P. (2013). Cultural value orientation and authoritarian parenting as parameters of bullying and victimization at school. International Journal of Psychology, 48, 1, 69 – 78.
30. Georgiou, St. & Stavrinides, P. (2012). Social-psychological profiles of early adolescents involved in bullying activities. Int. Journ. Crim & Soc., 1, 60-68.
31. Stavrinides, P., Constantinidou, F., Anastassiou, I., Malikides, A., & Papacostas, S. (2012). Psychosocial adjustment of patients with epilepsy in Cyprus. Epilepsy and Behaviour, 25 (1) 98-104.
32. Stavrinides, P., Georgiou, St., Nikiforou, M, & Kiteri, E. (2011). Longitudinal investigation of the relationship between bullying and psychosocial adjustment. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 8 (6), 730–743.
33. Stavrinides, P. (2011). The relationship between parental knowledge and adolescent delinquency: a longitudinal study. International Journal about Parents in Education, 5, 1, 46-55.
34. Stavrinides, P. & Georgiou, N.St. (2011). National Identity and Ingroup-Outgroup Attitudes with Children: The Role of Socio-Historical Settings. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 8: 1, 87-97.
35. Stavrinides, P., Georgiou, St., & Theofanous, V. (2010). Bullying and empathy: a short-term longitudinal investigation. Educational Psychology, 30,7, 793-802.
36. Stavrinides, P., Paradisiotou, A., Tziogkouros, C., & Lazarou, C. (2010). Prevalence of bullying among Cyprus elementary and high school students. International Journal of Violence and Schools, 11, 114-128.
37. Stavrinides, P., Georgiou, N. St., & Demetriou, A. (2010). Longitudinal associations between adolescent alcohol use and parents' sources of knowledge. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 28, 643-655.
38. Stavrinides P. (2008). Emotional development in children. In Georgiou, N., St (Ed.). Of child and school. Athens: Atrapos Publishers.
39. Stavrinides, P. (2008). Fears and hopes of the two Cypriot communities: The psychological aspects of the Cyprus issue. In Faustman & Varnavas (Eds.). The Failure to Reunify Cyprus: The Annan Plan, the Referendums of 2004 and the Aftermath. I.B Tauris Publishers.
40. Georgiou, N, St., Stavrinides, P., & Demetriou, A. (2008). Attachment styles and mentoring relationships in adolescents. Educational Psychology, 28 (6), 603-614.
41. Georgiou, St. & Stavrinides, P. (2008). Bullies, victims, and bully-victims: psychosocial profiles and attributions styles. School Psychology International, 29 (5), 574-589.
42. Georgiou, N, St., Stavrinides, P., & Kyriakou, M. (2007). Children’s perception of bullying. Scientia Paedagogica Experimentalis. Special Issue on Bullying at school: current trends for definition and prevention, XLIV, 1, 103-124.
43. Georgiou, St., Stavrinides, P. & Kalavana, T. (2007). Is Victor better than Victoria at Maths? Educational Psychology in Practice, 23(4), 329-342.
44. Stavrinides, P., & Demetriou, A. (2005). Cyprus National Report on Missing and Sexually Abused Children in the European Union: Epidemiological Data. In G. Vermeulen (Ed.) Missing and sexually abused children in the European Union: Epidemiological Data., Antwerp:Maklu.
45. Georgiou, N. St., Demetriou, Α. & Stavrinides, P. (2005). The development of mentoring relationships in adolescence. Pedi & Efivos. 7(1).
46. Georgiou, N. St., & Stavrinides, P. (2002). School failure: Teacher attributions and behavior. Educational Review, 33, 115-136.
47. Georgiou, St., Christou, C., Stavrinides, P. & Panaoura, G. (2002). Teacher attributions of school failure and teacher behavior towards the failing student. Psychology in the Schools, 39, (5), 583-595.
2. Georgiou, St., Charalampous, K. & Stavrinides, P. (2021). The mediating effects of adolescents’ internalizing and externalizing problems on the relationship between emotion regulation, mindfulness, and bullying/victimization at school. School Psychology International. DOI:
3. Markou, M., Charalambous, K., Tantaros, S., & Stavrinides, P. (2022). Childhood Peer Victimization, Identity Diffusion and Disordered Eating Behaviors in Emerging Adults. Emerging Adulthood. DOI:
4. Georgiou, St., Charalampous, K. & Stavrinides, P. (2021). Moral disengagement and bullying at school: Is there a gender issue? International Journal of School & Educational Psychology, DOI: 10.1080/21683603.2020.1859421.
Thoma, M., Ioannou, M., & Stavrinides, P. (2021). Delinquent behaviors in group sports: Predictive variables for athletes and fans. Psychology, 25 (2), 142-158.
5. Charalampous, K., Georgiou, St., Demetriou, C., Tricha, L., Nikiforou, M., & Stavrinides, P. (2020). Comparing short-term growth in traditional and cyber forms of bullying in early and mid-adolescent students. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 1-17.
6. Georgiou, St., Stavrinides, P. & Charalampous, K. (2020). Mindfulness, impulsivity and moral disengagement as parameters and bullying and victimization at school. Aggressive Behavior. 2020; 46:107–115. org/10.1002/ab.21876
7. Charalampous, K., Ioannou, M., Georgiou, St. & Stavrinides, P. (2020). Cyberbullying, psychopathic traits, moral disengagement and school climate: The role of self-reported psychopathic levels and gender. Educational Psychology.
8. Stylianou, I., Charalampous, K., & Stavrinides, P. (2019). Psychopathic Traits and Adolescents’ Delinquency: A Short-Term Longitudinal Study. European Journal of Developmental Psychology. 16, 417-432.
9. Charalampous, K., Ioannou, M., Georgiou, St., & Stavrinides, P. (2019). The integrative model of multiple attachment relationships in adolescence: Linkages to bullying and victimization. International Journal of Developmental Science.
10. Charalampous, K., Stavrinides, P., Georgiou, St., & Giasemidou, P. (2019). Is there a psychopathic element in adolescent drinking? A longitudinal study. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 16, 47-65, doi 10.1080/17405629.2017.1334547.
11. Scheithower, H., Stavrinides, P, & Fanti, K. (2019). Thematic Section Guest Editorial: 22nd Workshop on Aggression: Contemporary Perspectives on Aggressive Behavior: Exploring Trends across the Lifespan. International Journal of Developmental Science.
12. Stavrinides, P., Fanti, K., Charalampous, K., Demetriou, C., Hadjicharalambous, MZ., & Solomontos, O. (2018). Contemporary Perspectives on Aggressive Behavior: Exploring Trends across the Lifespan (brief report). International Journal of Developmental Science.
13. Charalambous, K., Georgiou, St., Tricha, L., Demetriou, C., Ioannou, M., Nikiforou, M., & Stavrinides, P. (2018). The effect of parental style on bullying and cyber bullying behaviors and the mediating role of peer attachment relationships: A longitudinal study. Journal of Adolescence.
14. Stavrinides, P., Tantaros, S., Georgiou, St., & Tricha, L. (2018). Longitudinal Associations between parental rejection and bullying/victimization. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties.
15. Georgiou, St., Ioannou, M., & Stavrinides, P. (2018). Cultural values as mediators between parenting styles and bullying behavior at school. Social Psychology of Education.
16. Georgiou, St., Ioannou, M., & Stavrinides, P. (2017). Parenting styles and bullying at school: The mediating role of locus of control. International Journal of School & Educational Psychology. 1-17.
17. Georgiou, N., Stavrinides, P., & Georgiou, St. (2016). Parenting and children's adjustment problems: The mediating role of self-esteem and peer relations. Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties. 21 (4), 433-446
18. Stavrinides, P., & Nikiforou, M. (2016). Bullying and victimization among 4 to 8 year olds: temperamental, parental, and systemic correlates. In Saracho, O. (Ed.). Contemporary Perspectives in Early Childhood Education. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
19. Nikiforou, M., & Stavrinides, P., (2016). Victims of School Bullying: Predictors and Outcomes . In Colby, TF. (Ed). Victims and Victimization: Risk Factors, Intervention Strategies and Socioemotional Outcomes. New York: Novascience Publishers.
20. Stavrinides, P., Nikiforou, M., & Georgiou, St. (2015). Do mothers know? Longitudinal associations between parental knowledge, bullying, and victimization. Journal of Social and Personal Relations, 32 (2), 180-196.
21. Georgiou, St., Stavrinides, P., & Nikiforou, M. (2015). Bullying and victimization in Cyprus: The role of social pedagogy. International Journal of Social Pedagogy, Special Issue ‘Social Pedagogy in Times of Crisis in Greece’ 4(1), 43-54
22. Mora, L., Stavrinides, P., & McDermut, W. (2014). Religious Fundamentalism and Religious Orientation Among the Greek Orthodox. Journal of Religion and Health, 53, 1498-1513.
23. Georgiou, St., Stavrinides, P., & Fousiani, K. (2013). Authoritarian parenting, power distance and bullying propensity. International Journal of School & Educational Psychology, 1, (3) 199 – 206.
24. Nikiforou, M., Georgiou, St., & Stavrinides, P. (2013). Attachment to parents and peers as a parameter of bullying and victimization. Journal of Criminology, 1, 1-9.
25. Stavrinides, P., Tsivitanou, A., Nikiforou, M., Hawa, V., & Tsolia, V. (2013). Longitudinal associations between bullying and children’s preference for television violence. International Journal of Criminology and Sociology, 2, 72-78.
26. Stavrinides, P., & Nikiforou, M. (2013). Parenting: Challenges, practices, and cultural influences. In Barberis, P., & Petrakis, S. (Eds). Parenting: Challenges, practices, and cultural influences. New York: Novascience Publishers, pp 59 – 82.
27. Georgiou, St. & Stavrinides, P. (2013). Parenting at home and bullying at school. Social Psychology of Education: An International Journal, 16, 165-179.
28. Fanti, K., & Stavrinides, P. (2013). The development antisocial disorders and bullying behaviour. In S. Fotiou, (Ed), Pergamini, Nicosia, CY: University of Cyprus, pp 157 – 174.
29. Georgiou, St., Fousiani, K., Michaelides, M., & Stavrinides, P. (2013). Cultural value orientation and authoritarian parenting as parameters of bullying and victimization at school. International Journal of Psychology, 48, 1, 69 – 78.
30. Georgiou, St. & Stavrinides, P. (2012). Social-psychological profiles of early adolescents involved in bullying activities. Int. Journ. Crim & Soc., 1, 60-68.
31. Stavrinides, P., Constantinidou, F., Anastassiou, I., Malikides, A., & Papacostas, S. (2012). Psychosocial adjustment of patients with epilepsy in Cyprus. Epilepsy and Behaviour, 25 (1) 98-104.
32. Stavrinides, P., Georgiou, St., Nikiforou, M, & Kiteri, E. (2011). Longitudinal investigation of the relationship between bullying and psychosocial adjustment. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 8 (6), 730–743.
33. Stavrinides, P. (2011). The relationship between parental knowledge and adolescent delinquency: a longitudinal study. International Journal about Parents in Education, 5, 1, 46-55.
34. Stavrinides, P. & Georgiou, N.St. (2011). National Identity and Ingroup-Outgroup Attitudes with Children: The Role of Socio-Historical Settings. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 8: 1, 87-97.
35. Stavrinides, P., Georgiou, St., & Theofanous, V. (2010). Bullying and empathy: a short-term longitudinal investigation. Educational Psychology, 30,7, 793-802.
36. Stavrinides, P., Paradisiotou, A., Tziogkouros, C., & Lazarou, C. (2010). Prevalence of bullying among Cyprus elementary and high school students. International Journal of Violence and Schools, 11, 114-128.
37. Stavrinides, P., Georgiou, N. St., & Demetriou, A. (2010). Longitudinal associations between adolescent alcohol use and parents' sources of knowledge. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 28, 643-655.
38. Stavrinides P. (2008). Emotional development in children. In Georgiou, N., St (Ed.). Of child and school. Athens: Atrapos Publishers.
39. Stavrinides, P. (2008). Fears and hopes of the two Cypriot communities: The psychological aspects of the Cyprus issue. In Faustman & Varnavas (Eds.). The Failure to Reunify Cyprus: The Annan Plan, the Referendums of 2004 and the Aftermath. I.B Tauris Publishers.
40. Georgiou, N, St., Stavrinides, P., & Demetriou, A. (2008). Attachment styles and mentoring relationships in adolescents. Educational Psychology, 28 (6), 603-614.
41. Georgiou, St. & Stavrinides, P. (2008). Bullies, victims, and bully-victims: psychosocial profiles and attributions styles. School Psychology International, 29 (5), 574-589.
42. Georgiou, N, St., Stavrinides, P., & Kyriakou, M. (2007). Children’s perception of bullying. Scientia Paedagogica Experimentalis. Special Issue on Bullying at school: current trends for definition and prevention, XLIV, 1, 103-124.
43. Georgiou, St., Stavrinides, P. & Kalavana, T. (2007). Is Victor better than Victoria at Maths? Educational Psychology in Practice, 23(4), 329-342.
44. Stavrinides, P., & Demetriou, A. (2005). Cyprus National Report on Missing and Sexually Abused Children in the European Union: Epidemiological Data. In G. Vermeulen (Ed.) Missing and sexually abused children in the European Union: Epidemiological Data., Antwerp:Maklu.
45. Georgiou, N. St., Demetriou, Α. & Stavrinides, P. (2005). The development of mentoring relationships in adolescence. Pedi & Efivos. 7(1).
46. Georgiou, N. St., & Stavrinides, P. (2002). School failure: Teacher attributions and behavior. Educational Review, 33, 115-136.
47. Georgiou, St., Christou, C., Stavrinides, P. & Panaoura, G. (2002). Teacher attributions of school failure and teacher behavior towards the failing student. Psychology in the Schools, 39, (5), 583-595.