1. Lopsided vortex cells in rotating Bose-Einstein condensates, by Stavros Theodorakis, Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 48 (2015) 245303 2. Local pinning of trial wave functions: an optimization method without integrals for finding approximate solutions of field equations, by Stavros Theodorakis and Nitsa Kindyni, American Journal of Physics 78 (2010) p. 244-249. 3. Oscillations of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a rapidly contracting circular box, by Stavros Theodorakis and Christina Psaroudaki, Physics Letters A 373 (2009) p. 441-447. 4. Evolution of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a rapidly expanding circular box, by Stavros Theodorakis and Yiannis Constantinou, Physical Review E 76 (2007) 036205. 5. Piecewise analytic approximation for Bose-Einstein condensates in isotropic harmonic traps, by Stavros Theodorakis, Physical Review A 70 (2004) 063619. 6. Speed selection mechanism for propagating fronts in reaction-diffusion systems with multiple fields, by Stavros Theodorakis and Epameinondas Leontidis, Physical Review E 65 (2002) 026122. 7. Certain similarities between the evolution of cooperation and phase transitions in Physics, by Stavros Theodorakis, Systems Research and Behavioral Science 18 (2001) p. 63-67. 8. Emergence of approximate translation invariance in finite intervals as a speed selection mechanism for propagating fronts, by Stavros Theodorakis and Epameinondas Leontidis, Physical Review E 62 (2000) p. 7802-7806. 9. Analytic solutions for the evolution of domain walls, by Stavros Theodorakis, Physical Review D 60 (1999) 125004. 10. Proximity effect through higher derivatives in superconducting filaments, by Stavros Theodorakis, Physical Review B 59 (1999) p. 9522-9526. 11. Phenomenological model for organic superconductors, by Stavros Theodorakis, Physical Review B 57 (1998) p. 3635-3639. 12. Undulating vortices in layered superconductors, by Stavros Theodorakis and Abdel Mouneim Ettouhami, Physical Review B 51 (1995) p. 11664-11668. 13. Theory of vortices in weakly Josephson coupled layered superconductors, by Stavros Theodorakis, Physical Review B 42 (1990) p. 10172-10177. 14. Heavy family masses: analytic results, by S. Dimopoulos and S. Theodorakis, Physics Letters B 154 (1985) p. 153-158.