Doctor of Philosophy Degrees (Ph.D.)
A postgraduate student becomes a candidate for a Ph.D. degree after being admitted to the Electrical Engineering or Computer Engineering Ph.D. program, and successfully taking the Ph.D. Qualifying Examination of the Department. For the fulfillment of a Ph.D. degree the requirements are:
  • Successful completion of at least 240 ECTS units of postgraduate level coursework and research work.
  • Attendance of the Postgraduate Seminar Series.
  • Passing the Ph.D. Qualifying Examination.
  • Completing at least one semester of Teaching Assistantship.
  • Approval of the Dissertation Proposal, submitted and presented by the student.
  • Successful defense of the Doctoral Dissertation.
According to University regulations, the minimum time period for completing a Ph.D. degree is three academic years. The maximum time period for completing a Ph.D. degree is eight academic years.

Areas of Research
Research in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering currently focuses on the following areas:

  • Power and Renewables
  • Telecommunication Systems and Networks
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Waves and Optics
  • Intelligent Systems and Control
  • Instrumentation, Sensors and Nanotechnology
  • Digital Hardware Design and Embedded Systems
  • Electronics
For more information, visit the Faculty page for the research interests and activities of each faculty member. The detailed Postgraduate Guide can be downloaded here.