All EE and CE students are required to complete a full year senior design project.

During the spring term of their third year, students are required to propose or choose a project. The students can choose a project from any of the following categories:

  • Faculty suggested project
  • Student suggested project
  • Industry suggested project
  • School of Engineering competition project
  • Interdisciplinary project in connection with students from other departments

Project selection timeline

The faculty of the department suggest possible project descriptions by mid April. The list of faculty together with the project descriptions is published on the Department website soon thereafter.

Fourth year students who have completed the prerequisites for projects are eligible to submit a form with project topics ranked according to preference. Students are encouraged to approach faculty and discuss the projects in more detail before submitting the form (by mid May). In addition, students are allowed to propose a project, to be approved by the faculty.

The students are then assigned to a faculty member and a topic. If two or more students apply for the same project (or more than 2 in the case of a team project) the project assignment is decided by the faculty.

Assessment and Progress Report

By the end of the second week of classes of the Fall semester, each student (in collaboration with the academic advisor) submits a form with a brief project description, a description of the expected work and the names of the examination committee.

The examination committee for a project consists of 2-3 faculty, including the advisor. It is also possible to include an external examiner from the industry/academia.

For each project, students write a progress report by the end of the Fall semester.

At the end of the Spring semester (last Friday of classes) a workshop is organized during which all students present their projects. During that day, each student (or team) gives a 20-minute presentation of the project and, if applicable, a demonstration of the project

A final report is completed and submitted to the Department by the last day of the exam period of the Spring semester. Subsequently, the examination committee turns in its evaluation and earned grade.