This page contains information for current students. You can find here information regarding your studies, course registrations, exams, etc. You can also find information related to your studies in the Department’s programs as well as your academic career now and in the future.


 Registration and Studies
Some important rules that students must know during their studies can be found at this link.
The academic year consists of two semesters and student registration takes place during the first week of each semester. Uninterrupted attendance is compulsory for all courses. Students are expected to complete their undergraduate studies in eight semesters but this can be extended to a maximum of twelve semesters in exceptional circumstances. Also in exceptional circumstances students can be eligible for leave of absence for a maximum of two semesters. Students are not granted leave of absence to prepare for the University entrance examinations in order to change to another degree course. Also, students applying for leave of absence ‘for personal reasons’ must consult with the Academic Affairs and Students Welfare Service.

Student wishing to change from one degree course to another within the Department can do so provided that this does not violate Departmental regulations (see degree requirements below). Students wishing to transfer to another Department of the University must apply during the second semester of their studies. Such transfers are subject to the approval of the Board of the admitting Department.

Each student of the Department has a member of the teaching staff as her/his academic advisor. Academic advisors provide students with advice on all matters related to their academic studies. They also follow the academic progress of their students and examine whether the courses chosen satisfy the degree requirements. Students are expected to consult with their academic advisor regularly throughout their studies and keep her/him informed about their academic progress.

Each semester students are required to attend 27-30 ECTS.  Students can apply to the Board of the Department for permission to enrol to courses adding to more than 30 ECTS in one semester. The policy of the Department is to discourage students from over- burdening their studies in any one semester. (also, see announcements above)

Students are responsible for selecting their semester courses and for consulting their advisor to confirm that their selection satisfies the formal degree requirements. Students can withdraw from a course and/or select more courses during the first three weeks of the semester. Withdrawal from a course before the seventh week of the semester is also possible; in this case however this will appear in the course transcript.

 The grading of students for a given course is based on written and/or oral final examinations, mid-term examinations, written or other assignments, class work and class participation and other methods decided by the instructor and approved by the Board of the Department. The particular combination and weighting of the grading methods applied to each course are defined in the course description handed to the students during the first week of the semester.  The dates of the mid-term examinations are also announced in the course description.

The grading is on a scale 0-10 with .5 intervals. The lowest pass mark is 5. Marks between 5 and 5,49 are graded ’satisfactory’, between 5,5 and 6,49 ‘good’, between 6,5 and 8,49  ‘very good’,  between 8,5 and 9,49 ‘excellent’ and between 9,5 and 10 ’distinction΄. The degree award is on the basis of the weighted average grade achieved in all courses. The marks obtained in each course are given in the course transcript. The weight given to each course in grading the degree award is described below.

A student can be given an ‘incomplete mark’ in a course only under substantiated exceptional circumstances (e.g. illness). The procedure for a mark to be deemed incomplete is as follows: (i) the instructor of the course, after obtaining the approval of the Head of Department, must complete and submit to the Board of the Department and the University the incomplete mark form and (ii) there must be provisions for completing the mark before the end of the following semester. If the mark is not completed by the time agreed, then the incomplete mark is changed to ‘0’ and this becomes the final mark for the course.

Students must repeat compulsory courses they have failed. Students who failed an optional course are allowed to repeat the same course or choose another optional course. All course failures are reported in the student’s academic transcript. Students wishing to attend a course for which there is a prerequisite that they failed must have the permission of the instructor of the course.

A student can appeal to the Department for her/his final course mark, requesting for his examination paper to be re-marked.  This request has to be made in writing to the Chair of the Department. The instructor of the course re-examines the paper and makes a recommendation to the Board of the Department which communicates to the student its decision on her/her final mark for the course. The new mark awarded can be the same, higher or lower than the previous mark.

Students are expected to know of and abide by the University regulations. Plagiarism or other forms of examination deceit and attempts to influence in any way the instructor to secure a higher mark are considered punishable offences and will be referred to the University Disciplinary Committee for further action. The University regulations are available from the Student Affairs Office of the University.

Deferral of Academic Studies

Students who wish to defer their studies have to apply to the Board of the Department which decides whether to approve or disapprove the application with simple majority. The Chair of the Department informs the student in writing about the decision of the Board and also sends this information to the Academic Affairs and Students Welfare Service.

The process of granting deferral of studies should be completed by the end of the first week of classes. The total period of deferral of studies should not exceed two academic semesters. The academic semester(s) that the student deferred her/his studies does not count in the duration of her/his academic studies.

Temporary Interruption of Academic Studies

A student can apply for temporary interruption of her/his studies during the semester due to serious medical reasons. The application must be submitted to the Board of the Department and also send to the Academic and Students Welfare Service. The duration of the interruption of studies can be up to two academic semesters and afterwards the situation is re-examined. The academic semester(s) that the student interrupted her/his studies does not count in the duration of her/his academic studies.

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