Graduate's prospects

The programme is designed for students interested in seeking employment in public or private organizations in the fields of Behavioural analysis, marketing, consumer behaviour, product design, etc. Faculty in both departments maintains strong connections to national and international organizations and the private sector.

Additionally,our graduates will be able to follow academic paths leading to PhDs in Behavioural sciences and experimental Psychology/Economics. Both Departments have a strong tradition in fostering PhD programmes, and graduates of the Master in Behavioural Economics can be competitive applicants to these and other international programmes.

Requirements and conditions

Admission requirements

Admission is based on suitability in terms of both academic credentials and experience (e.g. prior research or work experience).

Vacancies are announced once a year and admissions are made based on the regulations of the Graduate School of the University of Cyprus. After initial screening, shortlisted applicants may be called for a personal interview.

The minimum necessary requirements are:

  1. Bachelor Degree in a related discipline, such as economics, psychology, political science, sociology, mathematics, physics, computer science, engineering.
  2. Demonstrated proficiency in English.

Students with academic backgrounds outside of Economics or Psychology may be required to take up to two undergraduate courses, in addition to the formal course load, in order to acquire the necessary background for completing the programme. ECTS from these courses will not count towards the Master’s Degree.

Language requirement

Candidates for the graduate studies programme are required to have a grade of 550 in the TOEFL examinations or 213 in the TOEFL computer-based format exam or B in the GCE O-Level examinations or an equivalent qualification demonstrating sufficient knowledge of the English language (by previously obtaining a degree from an accredited U.K. or U.S. academic institution, for instance). In addition to the requirements described in the relevant Admission and Attendance Regulations, candidates for the graduate studies programme whose first language is not English are required το provide proof of proficiency in English in one of the following ways:

  1. G.C.E. O-Level English with a minimum grade “C”.
  2. I.G.C.S.E. English with a minimum grade “C”.
  3. I.E.L.T.S. minimum average score 6.5.
  4. T.O.E.F.L. with a minimum score of 550 (Paper-based) or T.O.E.F.L. with a minimum score 213 (Computer-based) or T.O.E.F.L. (Internet based) with a minimum score 92.
  5. Cambridge English First (FCE), with a minimum score 176.
  6. Cambridge English Advanced (CAE), with a minimum score 176.
  7. Cambridge English Proficiency (CPE), with a minimum score 176.
  8. Certificate of Proficiency in English (ECPE), with a minimum score 650.
  9. Anglia Examinations – Proficiency (C1).
  10. IB diploma (International Baccalaureate).
  11. Certificate of success in the exams conducted by the Ministry of Education and Culture.
  12. Certificate of success in year 6th final exams, of the Cyprus State Institutes of Further Education.
  13. Any other equivalent exam that will prove proficiency in English language.
  14. Candidates who hold a degree from a recognized university programme taught in English are considered to have proficiency in English.
Application process

Prospective students must apply through the Graduate School of the University of Cyprus.

The application must include:

  1. Academic Record (transcripts and degree certificate if the applicant has already graduated)
  2. Curriculum Vitae/Resume
  3. Motivation Letter
  4. Recommendation Letters from two academic supervisors or instructors
  5. Proof of proficiency in English
Tuition fees
Tuition for the programme is set at €5,125.

Programme Structure

Description of all courses can be found here


Semester 1
Code/Course ECTS
ECO 661 Microeconomics 7.5
ECO 665 Behavioural and Experimental Economics 7.5
Choose one of the following four:
ECO 663 Econometrics 7.5
ECO 664 Analysis of Economic and Financial Data* 7.5
PSY 604 Multivariate Statistics for the Behavioural Sciences 7.5
PSY 789 Applied Data Analysis I 7.5
Choose one of the following two:
PSY 713 Experimental Methods in Psychology 7.5
PSY 641 Epistemology and Research Design in the Social Sciences 7.5
Semester 2
Code/Course ECTS
PSY 608 Attention and Perception 7.5
PSY 640 Social Influences and Social Representations 7.5
ECO 675 Behavioural Insights for Policy 7.5
Choose one of the following two:
PSY 731 Cognitive Neuroscience 7.5
PSY 719 Topics in Neuroscience
Semester 3
Code/Course ECTS
BEH697A Master's thesis 30


*ECO 664 is the course the will typically be offered and suggested to the students. In cases this course is not possible to be offered, students with some background in economics can take ECO663 and those with no such background can take PSY604 or PSY789 as alternates.