As of September 2010, the Department of English Studies at the University of Cyprus is offering a restructured Bachelor of Arts Degree in English Language and Literature (BA in English), as well as a range of Minor Programmes, currently in:
(A) Anglophone Literature & Cultural Studies
(B) Theoretical & Applied Linguistics
(C) American Literature & Culture
(D) Gender Studies
Some more information on the institution of minor programmes at the University of Cyprus can be found here.
Students taking a minor in English Literature are required to fulfil the Foreign Language Requirement in English in addition to nine courses in English Literature. The composition of the course requirements is as follows:
(a) Three compulsory courses
- ENG 110 Introduction to the Study of Fiction
- ENG 120 Introduction to the Study of Poetry
- ENG 130 Introduction to the Study of Drama
(b) Six additional compulsory courses
The additional six courses must be chosen from among the courses offered in the Anglophone Literature & Cultural Studies track. Choices will be made in accordance with students’ interests and guidance of faculty members of the Literature Section. Students may opt to take one or two courses in Translation Studies instead of literature courses.
Students taking a minor in Theoretical & Applied Linguistics are required to fulfil the Foreign Language Requirement in English in addition to ten courses required for the minor. These are:
(a) Six compulsory courses
- ENG 160 Introduction to Linguistics
- ENG 240 Pedagogical Grammar
- ENG 250-255 Topics in Phonetics and Phonology of English
- ENG 260-269 Topics in Morphology and Syntax of English
- ENG 256-259 Topics in Semantics and Pragmatics
- One of the following: ENG 241 Sociolinguistics, ENG 350 Methodology of Teaching English as a Foreign Language, or ENG 341 Psycholinguistics
(b) Four additional courses
Four courses must be taken from the Linguistics and/or Professional components of the BA Degree in English Language and Literature. All course choices are subject to approval by the Department.
Students must attend seven compulsory courses and at least two elective courses in American Literature and Culture offered by the Anglophone Literature & Cultural Studies track. The tenth course required for the minor may be a third elective course in the field (from among the courses offered by the programme), an Independent Study project related to the field (supervised by a qualified faculty member), or a relevant course from another programme. In the latter two cases, approval by the Department of English Studies and by the relevant instructor is required. The seven compulsory courses are:
- ENG 110 Introduction to the Study of Fiction
- ENG 130 Introduction to the Study of Drama
- ENG 211-219 Topics in Fiction
- ENG 310 History of Literary Theory and Criticism
- ENG 220-229 Topics in Poetry
- Seminar in American Studies I
- Seminar in American Studies II
(D) MINOR in GENDER STUDIES (interdepartmental)
The programme is offered in collaboration with the following Departments:
French and European Studies (School of Humanities)
Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies (School of Letters)
History and Archaeology (School of Letters)
Education (School of Social Sciences & Education)
Social and Political Sciences (School of Social Sciences & Education)
Business and Public Administration (School of Economics & Management)
Students are required to take ENG 500 Introduction to Feminist Theory and a sufficient number of the designated elective courses to graduate with 60 ECTS. Given the interdepartmental nature of the programme, students are required to take courses from at least three different Departments. Available options will vary from year to year according to the interests of members of staff and the needs of the collaborating Departments. Specific options will be announced before the beginning of each semester. After consultation with their advisor and instructors, students may choose up to two postgraduate courses in Gender Studies. They may also conduct independent research in a relevant area under the supervision of one of the collaborating academics.