1. About us

The School Economics and Management, one of the first Schools of the University of Cyprus, was founded in 1989, but began operations in 1992. The objectives of the School are to diffuse knowledge, introduce students in critical thinking, and enhance students´ expertise and competencies. It also seeks to enhance the moral, right behavior and important values. It provides students with the essential tools that will help them face the challenges of today. The School also offers its students suitable academic qualifications that will allow them to achieve a successful career, either in the private or in the public sector. It actively serves more than 1400 students, who are currently enrolled in its undergraduate and graduate programmes.

The School of Economics and Management comprises the Department of Accounting and Finance, the Department of Business and Public Administration,  and the Department of Economics. It also maintains two research units, the Economics Research Centre and the Centre for Banking and Financial Research. The School offers a number of undergraduate and postgraduate studies to prospective students (please visit the Departmental webpages for more information).

2. Our People

The School currently has 48 faculty members and 19 administrative staff. We are very proud that among the faculty of our School we have the 2010 Nobel Laureate in Economics, Sir Christopher Pissarides. All staff work together as a team, bringing about a wide range of perspectives and employing them for teaching, instruction, and problem-solving. The faculty vigorously pursues research projects and training in issues of unyielding regional and global significance.

Faculty members of the Department of Accounting and Finance

Faculty members of the Department of Business and Public Administration

Faculty members of the Department of Economics

3. Facilities

3.1 Computer Laboratories
Students have access to the computer laboratories of the University for their homework assignments and research projects. A modern microcomputer laboratory has been established especially for the students of the Faculty of Economics and Management. Lectures in Economics, Accounting, Finance and Management Science are supplemented with the use of the latest business software and related databases.

3.2 Library
School students have full access to the University of Cyprus Library, which is equipped with all major international scientific and business journals in the areas of Business Administration, Finance and Economics. The Library has also a rich collection of books scientific journals related to the above topics, and it is continuously enriched with new editions. The Library subscribes to a large number of international electronic databases providing students with direct access to all information and data needed to prepare their studies.

3.3 Databases Laboratory
The Database Laboratory was established n 2010 and its main objective is to support faculty members, research units and students of the School in their research operations such as data collecting and processing. It also provides advisory and teaching services for the use of software and keeps a data achieve related to the research interests of the School.

4. Maps and Directions

The School has moved in June 2010 in its privately-owned facilities at Campus. The new facilities are designed on the basis of very high standards and all offices, teaching and laboratory facilities are fully equipped.

Contact Details:

University Campus
P.O.Box: 20537
1678 Nicosia – Cyprus
tel: 357 22893660
fax: 357 22895032

Email: [email protected]