FoMArc's 2022 organizing committee

Nisan Köknar, PhD cand.


Nisan Köknar graduated from the Bilkent University Archaeology department and completed her MA titled ‘Late Bronze Age Burials, Mycenaean Connections, and the Maritime Cultural Landscape of the Western Anatolian Coast’ at Koç University Archaeology programme in 2020. Currently, she is a Ph.D. candidate in the Mediterranean Archaeology programme at the University of Cyprus.

Email: [email protected]

Myrto Kalofonou, PhD cand.

Myrto Kalofonou is a Chemical Engineer specializing in Material Science and has graduated from the National Technical University of Athens. She holds a master’s degree from the same institute on the “Protection of Monuments”- Direction of “Materials and Conservation Interventions”.  Currently, she is a fellow of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action: PlaCe-ITN based in UCY. During her PhD project she will investigate hydraulic plasters from the island of Cyprus.

Email: [email protected]

Savvina Hadjipanteli, MSc

Savvina Hadjipanteli studied History and Archaeology (major in Archaeology) at the University of Cyprus and she is currently attending the postgraduate programme “Conservation and Restoration of Historic Buildings and Sites”. She is a postgraduate associate in the Cooperation Program INTERREG V-A GREECE-CYPRUS 2014-2020, "METAL PLACES - Crossroads of Culture in the Eastern Mediterranean".

Email: [email protected]

Theodore Vasileiou, PhD cand.

Theodore Vasileiou studied Archaeology at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) and holds a MSc in Material Culture Studies from Leiden University (Universiteit Leiden). His research interests focus on ceramic petrology and the application of analytical techniques on archaeological ceramics. Currently, he is based at UCY working with early medieval pottery in the Eastern Mediterranean. His PhD project is part of the EU Horizon 2020 PlaCe -ITN network, a Marie Sklodowska-Curie action.

Email: [email protected]

Elpida Agapitou, MA

Elpida Agapitou completed her studies on History and Archaeology (specialization in Archaeology) at the University of Thessaly (UTh) in Greece. She is currently studying for her MA diploma in the University of Cyprus in the Master's program "Field Archaeology on Land and Under the Sea" with an interest in the Maritime Cultural Landscape during Late Antiquity. 

Email: [email protected]

Panos Diamantopoulos, MA

Panos Diamantopoulos graduated from the University of Thessaly (UTh), department of History, Archaeology and Social Anthropology with a degree in Archaeology and is currently pursuing a Masters degree in "Field Archaeology on Land and under the Sea" in the University of Cyprus.

Email: [email protected]


Graduate Forum for Mediterranean Archaeology (FOMARC) - Programme 2022


Graduate Forum for Mediterranean Archaeology (FOMARC) - Book of Abstracts 2022


Graduate Forum for Mediterranean Archaeology (FOMARC) - Keynote speaker 2022 Bernard Knapp


FoMArc 2022 - Keynote lecture
