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Welcome to the web pages of the Department of French and European Studies!

Historically, throughout its rich history, Cyprus has been a cultural crossroads of peoples and mentalities. In modern Cyprus, a member-state of the EU since 2004, the Department offers teaching of culture and civilization of European peoples within an undergraduate curriculum is leading to two degrees: The Bachelor of French Language and Literature and the Bachelor of Modern Languages and European Studies.

These two degrees enrich students’ knowledge by familiarizing them with the concepts of interculturality, dialogue, critical thinking, and scientific training. Moreover, the Department is the only one in the University of Cyprus, and in Cyprus in general, that offers Degrees certifying the knowledge of several foreign languages. In this way, it prepares its students to play an active and productive role in the society in which they will live.

The first part of the Department’s title, “French Studies” reflects the French dimension of the multidisciplinary character of the French Studies programme. The teaching offered is dual-oriented: language studies and literary/cultural studies. In addition to the quality teaching offered in Cyprus, students are encouraged to spend one or two semesters at a French-speaking university abroad. The four-year Degree in French Language and Literature that completes these studies also provides the opportunity for internships for graduates of the Department. Graduates are ready to start their careers teaching French as a Foreign Language or in various other fields. They can, of course, also continue their studies in Cyprus or abroad.

The second part of the Department’s title “European Studies” covers the creation of the multilingual and multidisciplinary European Studies Programme, leading to the Bachelor of Modern Languages and European Studies. Courses in the Programme are taught in French, English, or German, and cover the Humanities, together with Social and Political Sciences and Law. Graduates of the Department can start their careers in various fields in Cyprus, in countries or institutions of the European Union, or continue their studies.

The Department also offers Master’s programmes and PhD Postgraduate Programmes, so that its graduates can receive further training and specialisation.

Our vision for our students is to be linguistically, socially, and culturally competent to actively contribute to a competitive, modern, dynamic and multicultural society.

On these pages you can find information about all the activities of the Department.

We are happy to provide you with more information and help you with your choices.

Fryni Kakoyianni-Doa,
Chair of the Department