Program in French Language and Literature and Program in Modern Languages and European Studies
For students of the first year: Associate Professor Panagiotis Christias
For the second year students : Lecturer Christakis Christofi
For the third year students : Professor Fabienne Baider
For the fourth year students : Associate Professor Fryni Doa
For the fifth and sixth year students : Associate Professor Fryni Doa
For the postgraduate students
Master in French Didactics: Associate Professor Fryni Doa
Master in Modern languages and European studies: Associate Professor Panagiotis Christias
Minors’ programs
Coordinator of Minor in French Studies : Associate Professor Fryni Doa
Coordinator of Minor in Modern Languages and European Studies: Associate Professor Fryni Doa
Coordinator of Minor in Gender Studies: Professor Fabienne Baider
Erasmus programs and exchange students
Incoming Students: Professor Fabienne Baider
Outgoing Students: Lecturer Christakis Christofi
Faculty Mobility / Bilateral Collaborative Agreements: Associate Professor Fabienne Baider + Christakis Christofi