The PhD programme in European Studies provides students with a contemporary and specialised education and gives them the opportunity to acquire scientific expertise. The programme trains students for research and research methodology in compliance with the current requirements of academic knowledge, being aware of the data of new European reality.

Graduate students of this programme may work in various sectors and institutions of the Republic of Cyprus as well as in the European Union, such as academic teaching, public and private teaching, cultural and linguistic services, public services, international institutions, diplomatic corps, translation centres, tourism and hotel industry, media, multinational companies, NGOs.

Download the Regulation of the PhD programme (original in Greek — translation in English or in French).

Download here the Postgraduate Studies Prospectus: in Greek – in English


The date for submission of applications to the Doctoral Programme (Doctorate level, according to the European Framework 3-5-8, or in French L-M-D) will be announced by the Department; the date will apply to all PhD programmes of the Department. Students who have not yet obtained their Masters degree—in French Studies or any other field of the Humanities or Social Sciences—but who will complete their studies by 31 July of the year that they wish to enter the PhD programme are eligible. Applicants with a relevant degree in science must demonstrate proficiency in the English and French languages (writing, reading and speaking); knowledge of additional foreign languages will be considered as an added qualification.



The application must be submitted to the Graduate Programme Coordinator by the date specified by the University. The number of admissions per year is determined by the Graduate School.

Applications must include the following:

  1. Curriculum Vitae
  2. Copies of diplomas and transcripts
  3. A sample of scholarly writing: short article, chapter of the Masters thesis, etc.
  4. A brief statement (maximum two pages) of personal objectives and research interests
  5. A preliminary research proposal for admission to a doctoral programme
  6. Evidence of proficiency in the Greek, English, French or German language
  7. Two reference letters that must be submitted directly from the referee Professors either on the online application system, either to the Secretary of the Department.

In order to request (by writing) a recommendation letter from a teacher, students must a) give enough time to the teacher, considering the other numerous obligations he/she may have (conferences, research mobilities, etc.), b) provide a recent transcript of records, c) their CV, d) the full name and address of the degree/programme/Department/University to which the recommendation letter is destined, e) indicate the language in which they require the recommendation letter to be written.

All candidate applications will be reviewed by the Graduate Programme Committee of the Department. If the Committee deems it necessary, short-listed candidates may be invited to a personal interview or teleconference interview. The Committee submits its final selection of candidates to the Department Council for their approval.

For more information, please contact the Graduate School (22894021/44), or the Departement Secretary (22894389).


The doctoral degree must be completed within eight (8) years from the day of admission to the doctoral programme. Doctoral students are encouraged to spend up to one calendar year of study at universities abroad through an exchange programme.


The doctoral studies are regulated by the Postgraduate Students Regulation of the University of Cyprus. Download here the Regulation of the PhD programme.



The Ph.D. programme in European Studies comprises a minimum of 240 ECTS. The distribution of the ECTS in the different stages of the programme is as follows:

Master II 60
FES 650

FES 651

FES 652

FES 653

FES 660

FES 661

FES 670

FES 671

FES 680

Research stage I

Research stage IΙ

Research stage IΙΙ

Research stage IV

Comprehensive exam

Thesis proposal

Writing stage Ι

Writing stage ΙI

Thesis Defense










Total 240

Each semester is equivalent to 30 ECTS, either at the Research stage or at the Thesis writing stage. However, the student may divide each research stage in two semesters and complete 15 ECTS per semester. Students must register for each stage of the programme and thus must pay fees for each semester, unless they formally take a leave.

Research supervisor. The doctoral thesis has to be undertaken with a Supervisor. The Supervisor is assigned by the Departmental Board following a proposal from the Department Graduate Programme Committee and in consultation with the doctoral student and the proposed Supervisor. The Supervisor monitors the research work of the student and provides all necessary support and guidance. (see Research interests of the Academic Staff)

Tripartite Committee. At the end of the second semester of the programme (at the latest) a tripartite Research Committee is selected; it will monitor the Ph.D. thesis writing. This Committee is chosen during a Department Board meeting on the recommendation of the Department Postgraduate Studies Coordinator and the Ph.D. Supervisor. The Ph.D. Committee consists of: a) The research supervisor who is the main coordinator of the Ph.D. thesis; b) Another member of the Department of French and European Studies; c) Another member from either the Department of French and European Studies or from another Department of the University of Cyprus, or from another University or Research Center to the extent that this member works in a related discipline. The Tripartite Committee is appointed only after the student has passed the comprehensive exam of the doctoral thesis and not before.

Courses attendance. Doctoral students must take undergraduate or / and postgraduate courses and / or seminars offered by the Department of French and European Studies, which they can choose after consultation with their Supervisor. The courses will help to make sure that their research and dissertation run smoothly. The indicative list of courses / seminars is as follows:

FES 370 Μεθοδολογία της Έρευνας
FES 730 Methodologie de la Didactique du FLE
FES 731 TICE en Didactique du FLE
FES 732 Acquisition des compétences linguistiques dans la communication orale et écrite du français langue étrangère
FES 733 Sociolinguistique et Didactique du FLE
FES 735 Approche pédagogique du texte littéraire francophone
FES 736 Strategies d’apprentissage de la Langue Francaise: Analyse d’erreurs et d’evaluation
FES 758 Discourse, Migration, Borders in the European Space
FES 759 Dada et surréalisme : mouvements européens
FES 761 The Elusive Definition(s) of Europe
FES 762 The Discourse of Culture in Europe, from Plato to Popper
FES 763 Tragedy in Europe and Europe in Tragedy
FES 764 L’Europe des divisions au cinéma
FES 765 L’Europe hors du musée
FES 766 From Europe’s Abduction to Huntington’s Clash: Models of Cultural Interpenetration
FES 767 Cultural Hegemonies in European Space
FES 768 The Critique of Justice in European Culture
FES 769 Europe-State of Emergency
FES 770 Which Political Form for which Europe?
FES 771 European Spirit in the Globalized Era
FES 772 Gender Roles in the European Space
FES 773 The Europe of Nations
FES 774 Hate Speech in the European Space
FES 775 European Spiritualities
FES 776 The Spirit of Nations

Doctoral Day. Each year in December, the Department organises a compulsory Doctoral day for all PhD Students, who are required to present their work to their fellow students as well as the Department’s (and other) Professors. This annual presentation, based on the My Thesis in 180 seconds model, aims to enhance the research work carried out within the Department, and to encourage scientific exchanges. The date of the Doctoral Day is communicated at the beginning of the academic year.

Comprehensive Exam. The doctoral student must take a comprehensive examination, preferably by the end of the fourth semester. In case of a failure, the doctoral student must repeat the Comprehensive Examination by the end of the sixth semester at the latest. In the event of a second failure, the studies are terminated. The Department is responsible for planning the Comprehensive Exam.

Thesis Proposal. The proposal must be submitted no later than two semesters after success on the Comprehensive Examination and before the expiration date of each course. The number of words for the examination of the Doctoral Thesis Proposal is determined by the supervisor. The presentation of the proposal must be made within the current examination period. In case of a rejection of the thesis proposal, or if modifications are suggested, the Ph.D. candidate must submit a new thesis proposal to the Committee, the latest before the end of the following semester. In the event of a second failure, the studies are terminated. From the moment the thesis proposal has been approved, the candidate starts to write his/her thesis.

PhD Thesis. The thesis must be original and should make a significant contribution to the student’s chosen field. It should be between 80,000 and 100,000 words – the exact length can be discussed between the candidate and the Research Supervisor.

Language of the thesis. The thesis may be written in Greek or in an international language.

Thesis Defense. The thesis defense is open to the public. The Jury is composed of 5 members and selected by the Departmental Board on the recommendations of the Postgraduate Committee and the Research Supervisor. The jury must be composed of: a) the Tripartite Committee; b) a member of another University or a Research Centre at the University level; c) a member of another Department of the University of Cyprus in a related discipline or another University or a Research Centre at the University level. The president of the Jury must be a member of the Department, but not the Research Supervisor.

Non award. If the Jury votes for non-award of the doctorate, the candidate is allowed to resubmit the thesis for a second and final time, after complying with the recommendations of the Jury. In this case, the whole process is repeated. The Jury must remain the same for the second submission, with the replacement of a member allowed only for very serious reason.

Participation in exchange programmes. The PhD candidate may and is encouraged to spend until one academic year of his/her studies in foreign Universities.

Contact: Department Secretary

For all information regarding the programme of the current semester, please see the Semester programmes in the Student Space.