The University of Cyprus is a member in University Networks and Associations worldwide, while it has signed Bilateral Agreements of Cooperation with universities and research institutions in Europe, Australia, Middle East, Asia, USA, Canada and Africa. These agreements facilitate the student exchange, joint research projects, conferences and exchange of teaching and research material.
A basic condition for the exchange of students of the University of Cyprus with students of universities abroad is the existence of protocols of cooperation, between the concerned departments of the University of Cyprus and the other universities. These protocols need to be approved by the Senate.
Students interested in participating in exchange programs, may attend courses at the partner university, or write part of their dissertation or carry out part of their research work at another university with the approval of their Research Supervisor and the Department Board.
The University of Cyprus can also participate in an inter-university postgraduate cooperation with one or more Higher Education Institutions in Cyprus or abroad. These inter-university collaborations contain as a mandatory element the mobility of students. Two types of inter-university collaborations are accepted: (a) with a joint program and (b) an International Doctoral Supervision (Joint Supervision/ Cotutelles).
Collaborating Universities
- Universite Pierre Mendes, (France)
- Universite Paris-Sorbonne, Paris IV, (France)
- Universite de Poitiers, (France)
- Universite de Provence (Aix Marseille I), (France)
- National Technical University of Athens, (Greece)
- University of Milano-Birocca, (Italy)
- Johannes Gutenberg Universitat Mainz, (Germany)
- Universite Paul-Valery Montpellier III, (France)
- University of Cologne, (Germany)
- De Reims Champagne-Ardenne, (France)
- Technical University of Eindhoven (TU/e), (Holland)
- Universite Rennes 2, (France)
- Berkley University, (California, USA)
- Cyprus University of Technology, (Cyprus)
- National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, (Greece)
- University of New Mexico, (USA)
- University of Patras, (Greece)
- L’ Universite de la Sorbonee Nouvelle, (France)
- Museum National D’ Histoire Naturelle, (France)
- Universite Paris Seine, (France)
- Bergische Universtitat Wuppertal (Germany)