General Information

This programme is conceived primarily to help students function academically and socially in a university setting. Students engage collaboratively in the completion of tasks that are pedagogically and linguistically motivated to develop and enhance knowledge of English in an academic context. Students entering the first level of English Language Studies (LAN 100) are expected to be approximately at the level of the Cambridge FCE Exam or at the B1+ (Threshold) level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. All English language courses can be taken as free electives provided any prerequisites are met.



IELTS Intensive course

Duration: October - December 2024

Days/time: Wednesday & Friday 19:00-21:00

Instructor: Damaskini Metzidaki

Room: Online and/or Physical presence

Diagnostic Exam: 27/09/2024 at 19.00 (online)*

Cost of the diagnostic exam: 30

Starting date: 02/10/2024

Fees: 480 euros, including teaching material. A reduction of 10% is granted for UCY students provided that the minimum number of enrolments is 7 participants. Tuition fees are payable in one instalment. Payment is made upon notification of the commencement of the program.

Bank account: here

Registration link: here

Important: Holders of an IGCSE Certificate with grade A or B and UCY students who have completed LAN 101/LAN104/LAN103 etc., with a grade of 7.0 or above, are exempted from the diagnostic exam. Copies of the Certificates and the academic transcript must be submitted electronically to [email protected] as soon as your registration is complete.

*A diagnostic test will be performed regarding the level of the interested parties in order to make sure that they meet the requirements of the program.

**The cost of the diagnostixe exam is 30 euros, it's not refundable and must be prepaid to the bank account found in the above link. The receipt of the payment to the account must be presented at the exam. In the case of being accepted to the programme, the amount paid for the diagnostic exam will be subtracted from the registration fees of the programme.

Minimum number of participants 10 people, maximum 15.  

English - Upper Intermediate level

Duration: October - December 2024

Days/time: Tuesday & Friday 18:30-20:30

Instructor: Diamanto Makri

Room: Language Centre Conference Room ΣΓΠ01 (008)

Diagnostic Exam: 30/09/2024 at 18.00 (with physical presence)*

Cost of the diagnostic exam: 30 euro

Starting date: 04/10/2024

Closing date: 10/12/2024

Fees: 480 euros, including teaching material. A reduction of 10% is granted for UCY students provided that the minimum number of enrolments is 7 participants. Tuition fees are payable in one instalment. Payment is made upon notification of the commencement of the program.

Bank account: here

Registration link: here

Important: Holders of an Intermediate Certificate with grade A or B, are exempted from the diagnostic exam. Copies of the Certificates and the academic transcript must be submitted electronically to [email protected] as soon as your registration is complete.

*A diagnostic test will be performed regarding the level of the interested parties in order to make sure that they meet the requirements of the program.

**The cost of the diagnostixe exam is 30 euros, it's not refundable and must be prepaid to the bank account found in the above link. The receipt of the payment to the account must be presented at the exam. In the case of being accepted to the programme, the amount paid for the diagnostic exam will be subtracted from the registration fees of the programme.

Minimum number of participants 10 people, maximum 15. 

English Workshop – English for Communication

Duration: October – November 2024 

Days/Times: Tuesday & Friday 16:30-18:00 

Instructor: Diamanto Makri 

Room: Language Centre - SGP01 (008) 

Start Date: 08/10/2024 

End Date: 22/11/2024 

Tuition Fees: 350 euros, including course materials. A 10% discount is offered to University of Crete students, provided that the minimum number of registrations is 7 participants. Tuition fees are paid in a single instalment upon notification of the program’s start. 

Bank Account: [click here]. 

Registration Link: [Link here]. 

Important: Participants are expected to have at least a B1 level of English proficiency to attend this workshop. 

Brief Description: Learning English for the workplace is key to advancing in your career. It helps you communicate confidently with your team and clients. Knowing the right business vocabulary and being fluent in a work environment is essential for clearly sharing your ideas. Developing adequate communication skills is crucial. Understanding business English enhances professional interactions. Moreover, mastering workplace vocabulary aids in effective communication, and ultimately, using corporate language exudes professionalism.


Minimum number of participants: 10, maximum 15.

English Language & Communication/Intermediate Level

Duration: October –May 2025 

Days/Times: Saturday & (morning) 

Instructor: Diamanto Makri 

Room: Language Centre - SGP01 (008) 

Start Date: 05/10/2024 

End Date: 31/05/2025 

Fees:960 euros, including teaching material. A reduction of 10% is granted for UCY students provided that the minimum number of enrolments is 7 participants. Tuition fees are payable in three (3) instalments. Payment is made upon notification of the commencement of the program 

Bank account: here.  Registration link: here.

Important: Holders of a Pre-Intermediate Certificate with grade A or B, are exempted from the diagnostic exam. Copies of the Certificates and the academic transcript must be submitted electronically to [email protected] as soon as your registration is complete. 

*A diagnostic test will be performed regarding the level of the interested parties in order to make sure that they meet the requirements of the program.

**The cost of the diagnostic exam is 30 euros, it's not refundable and must be prepaid to the bank account found in the above link. The receipt of the payment to the account must be presented at the exam. In the case of being accepted to the programme, the amount paid for the diagnostic exam will be subtracted from the registration fees of the programme..


Maximum number of participants:12