General information

The Russian language program aims to develop skills in oral and written language, to develop the student’s ability to participate in dialogues and discussions, to help the student to develop oral comprehension skills so that they can read and interpret short texts. Moreover, the programme aims to develop skill in written language and in the composition of short essays, using complex sentences. Learning Russian is a process which helps to develop closer links, relationships and communication between Cyprus and Russia, countries with common linguistic traditions and a rich culture.


Russian -Beginners I (Α1.1 & Α1.2)
Russian for Communication – Workshop

Russian for Communication – Workshop

We are launching our new series of Communication Language Courses.


Online Russian Courses –offered

  • Interactive and fun lessons
  • Group of 6 – 12 participants
  • Fully qualified and experienced Russian Instructors
  • Structured courses with a focus on communication
  • Opportunities to develop speaking, listening and reading
  • Online Russian courses offered once a week
  • Excellent value for money

Induction test: Not required, beginners level

Tuition fees:          €280 (including teaching material)

Day/time:              Wednesday  17.00-19.00

Starting date:        05/02/2025

Ending date:          30/04/2025

Bank Account:       εδώ.

Registration link:  εδώ.
