February 25
03-02-25 Event titled «Copyright Protection and Management of Works of Music» (18:00)
November 24
06-11-24 Online Book Launch: "The Regulatory Landscape of Ship Recycling – Justice, Environmental Principles, and the European Union as a Global Leader" (09:30-11:00)
06-11-24 “Recent developments on registered partnerships in Europe”, Research Seminar by Dr. Nausica Palazzo (18:00-19:15, online).
13-11-24 “The Sultan of Sulu Arbitration: Jurisdictional and Ethical Challenges in Spain’s Arbitration Landscape”, Research Seminar by Mr. Ignacio Fornaris Valls (18:00-19:15, online).
22-11-24 Conference titled «Συνεπιμέλεια και κοινή φύλαξη. Σύγχρονες εξελίξεις σε Ελλάδα και Κύπρο» (15:00-18:00, LRC 012).
27-11-24 "The status of the precautionary principle in EU Law”, Research Seminar by Dr. Alex Khoury, (18:00-19:15, online).
October 24
09-10-24 PhD Colloquium (15:00-18:40, online)
16-10-24 “Witchcraft Accusations and Their Implications for Gender Equality and Human Rights: Analysing Socio-Cultural Dynamics in India”, Research Seminar by Amit Anand (18:00-19:15, online)
22-10-24 3rd Annual Lecture in Memory of Christos Tsaitourides (18:00, room B108)
30-10-24 “The integrity of the EU Single Market’ under threat? The cases of Covid-19 restrictions and the Northern Ireland Protocol”, Research Seminar by Dr. Katerina Kalaitzaki (18:00-19:15, online)
September 24
18-09-24 «Equality in the Planning Stage of Commissioning Healthcare Services for Older Patients in the NHS: A Justice Perspective», Research Seminar by Dr. Yvoni Komodromou (18:00-19:15, online)
April 24
03-04-24 «Η κριτική της βίας και η διάκριση μεταξύ δικαίου και δικαιοσύνης στον Walter Benjamin», Research Seminar by Margarita Karkagianni, Independent Researcher (18:00-19:15, online)
05-04-24 Conference entitled «ΓΥΝΑΙΚΟΚΤΟΝΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΕΜΦΥΛΗ ΒΙΑ» (15:00-18:30, Room B108)
10-04-24 «The Interactional Protection of SocioEconomic Rights», Research Seminar by Aristi Volou, Lecturer in Law at Goldsmiths, University of London, UK (18:00-19:15, online)
March 24
04-03-24 Conference entitled «ΟΡΓΑΝΩΜΕΝΟ ΕΓΚΛΗΜΑ ΚΑΙ ΚΥΠΡΙΑΚΗ ΠΡΑΓΜΑΤΙΚΟΤΗΤΑ» (09:00-14:30, Room B108)
06-03-24 «Supervision over the EU crypto-assets market in the light of the MiCA Regulation», Research Seminar by Magdalena Fedorowicz, Financial Law Chair, Law and Administration Faculty, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland (18:00-19:15 online)
08-03-24 Conference titled “Cyprus Conference on Competition Law: Key Trends and Developments” (08:30-16:00, Room 010, Social Facilities Centre)
13-03-24 «Justice in the EU: The Birth of Lawlessness Law», Research Seminar by Dimitry Kochenov, Head, Rule of Law Working Group, CEU Democracy Institute in Budapest and Professor of Legal Studies, CEU Department of Legal Studies, Vienna, as well as Malyi Fellow at The University of Chicago Law School and Sarah Ganty, JSD Candidate, Yale Law School, FWO Research Fellow, Ghent Faculty of Law and Research Associate, CEU Democracy Institute, Budapest (18:00-19:15 online)
February 24
08-02-24 CONFERENCE ON ACCESS TO ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE & PROTECTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL DEFENDERS (16:00, Main Ceremony room, Central Buildings of the University of Cyprus )
21-02-24 «Human Rights do not exist”: thinking about and beyond the existence of human rights», Research Seminar by Dr. Christos Marneros, Lecturer in Law at the Department of Law and Criminology, Royal Holloway, University of London(18:00-19:15 online)
21-02-24 Presentation of the 2nd edition of the Associate Professor’s book Costas Paraskeva: ΒΑΣΙΚΗ ΚΥΠΡΙΑΚΗ ΝΟΜΟΘΕΣΙΑ (18:00, Main Ceremony room, Central Buildings of the University of Cyprus)
28-02-24 «The Normative Foundations for EU Criminal Justice - Powers, Limits and Justifications», Research Seminar by Jacob Öberg, Professor of European Union Law, University of Southern Denmark (18:00-19:15 online)
December 23
01-12-23 Scientific memorial in memory of Kypros Chrysostomides (17:00, Ceremony Hall of the University of Cyprus)
November 23
01-11-23 «The Cross-Border Legal Recognition of Parenthood Under European Law: Current Law and Future Prospects», Research Seminar, Alina Tryfonidou - Assistant Professor (18:00-19:15 online)
15-11-23 «Hard AI-Crime": What it is and what we can do about it», Research Seminar, Elina Nerantzi - PhD Candidate, European University Institute (18:00-19:15 online)
23-11-23 Lecture with the Attorney General of the Republic of Cyprus, Mr G. Savvides (18:00, room B108)
28-11-23 Presentation of the edition of Professor Nikitas Hatzimihail: ΒΑΣΙΚΗ ΚΥΠΡΙΑΚΗ ΝΟΜΟΘΕΣΙΑ (18:30, National Bank of Greece (Cyprus))
29-11-23 «H Σύμβαση για το δίκαιο της θάλασσας ως πρωτογενές ενωσιακό δίκαιο και η αρμοδιότητα του ΔΕΕ στο ζήτημα οριοθέτησης ΑΟΖ για τα κράτη μέλη και οι νομικές επιπτώσεις για τις υποψήφιες χώρες προς ένταξη βάσει των Συμφωνιών Σύνδεσης με την ΕΕ», Research Seminar, Georgios Anthrakefs, Postdoctoral Researcher, National and Kapodistiran University of Athens (18:00-19:15, online)
October 23
4-10-23 «Ποσοστώσεις υπέρ γυναικών στο διεθνές δίκαιο και την Κυπριακή έννομη τάξη», Research Seminar, Aristotelis Constantinides - Associate Professor (18:00-19:15 online)
18-10-23 «Ποινικό Δίκαιο και Νευροεπιστήμη: Tα Βασικά Σημεία Συνάντησης», Research Seminar, Ioanna Neofytou - PhD Candidate (18:00-19:15 online)
31-10-23 Lecture in Memory of Christos Tsaitourides (18:00, room Β 108, Keynote Speaker: Antonis R. Liatsos-President of Supreme Constitutional Court)
September 23
28-9-23 up to 30-9-23 «The Law and Governance of Clean and Affordable Energy», Third YUFE LAW Conference
June 23
7-6-23 Lecture with Professor Scott Brewer, Harvard Law School, entitled ‘‘Can We be Equal and Excellent Too?’’ Answers from the Logocrat-Agon-Axic Method (18.00)
8-6-23 and 9-6-23 Research Seminar with Professor Scott Brewer, Harvard Law School, entitled «An Introduction to the Logocratic Method» (16:00–21:00). [Scientific Responsible: Lecturer Konstantinos Tsinas]
April 23
26-4-23 «Misleading omissions as unfair commercial practices» organized by Assistant Professor in Private Law M. Chatzipanagiotis (18:00)
March 23
15-3-23 Lecture by Prof. Aleksandra Sikorska-Lewandowska (Coord. N. Hatzimichail) “Outline of Polish Commercial Law” (17.30-21.00)
16-3-23 Lectures by Aleksandra Sikorska-Lewandowska (courses by Th. Papadopoulos)
- 10.30-12.00: “Commercial Companies in Polish Law – General Issues”
- 18.00-21.00: “Capital Companies in Poland”
23-3-23 Lecture by Prof. T. Synodinou (Coord. Vlachou)