Research Interests: Computational and Theoretical Methods for Time Series, High-Dimensional Time Series Analysis, Integer-Valued Time Series Analysis, Diagnostics, Detection of Interventions, Measures of Dependence, Spectral Analysis, Clustering, Isotonic Regression.



Fellow of the American Statistical Association
Ranked in the top 2% cited scientists in the world (single year) by Ioannidis, John P.A. 2022, 2023, 20242022, 2023, 2024
Best Ph.D. thesis award by the Italian Statistical Society to M. Armillotta (external advisor with A. Luati & M. Lupparelli), 20222022
Eleneio Doctoral Thesis Award in Statistics 2015-2016: awarded by the Greek Statistical Institute to M. Pitsillou, April 20172017
Gambrinus Fellowship, TU Dortmund, Department of Statistics2013-2014
Best Student Paper Award: 7th Eastern Mediterranean Region–
International Biometric Society Conference, (V. Christou, April 2013)
Elected Member of the International Statistical Institute2005
Springer Book Series: Frontiers in Probability and the Statistical Science2017-today
Associate Editor
International Statistical Review2024-today
Statistical Modelling2017-today
Journal of Time Series Analysis2013-2023
Journal of Risk and Financial Management2018-2020
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis2010-2013
Statistics & Probability Letters2009-2017


Contribution to Society:

Vice-chair for the joint committee of the University of Cyprus and the Ministry of Education, Republic of Cyprus, for the pre-service program for secondary school teachers2007-2018
PI of an interdisciplinary team for mathematical modeling of the evolution of pandemia COVID-19.2020-2021