Research Interests: Probability Inequalities and Asymptotic Results for Associated Random variables, Demimartingales, indirect Questioning Techniques in Survey Sampling.


Member of the European Statistical Advisory Committee2015-2019
Best paper award for a young statistician for my Ph.D student Milto Hadjikyriakou, Greek Statistical Institute April 20172010
Editor (A. Chaudhuri and C. R. Rao, coeditors)
Handbook of Statistics, Vol 34
Data Gathering, Analysis and Protection of Privacy through Randomized
Response Techniques: Qualitative and Quantitative Human Traits
Associate Editor
Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods2007-today
Communications in Statistics-Computation and Simulation2007-today
Communications in Statistics-Case Studies, Data Analysis and Applications2015-today
Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice2014-today
Statistics and Probability Letters2012-today


Contribution to Society:

Member of the Statistical Council of the Republic of Cyprus2000-today
President of the Cyprus Statistical Society2017-today