The MBA Full-Time Program is a one-year Program geared towards individuals who are committed to developing their management skills and decision-making abilities in a fast-changing business environment. The duration of the Program is twelve months with classes beginning in September. The Program is completed within five terms. The duration of each term is two months.

In order to graduate, students must complete 90 European Credit Transfer System units – ECTS units. Courses of 3.5 or 4 ECTS units are completed within 28 contact-hours over a two-month period. The Program also offers a number of courses of 2 ECTS units that are completed within 14 contact-hours over a two-month period.

Courses equivalent to 57 ECTS units constitute the core curriculum, which introduces students to the fundamentals of the business disciplines. These courses enable students to improve their analytical thinking and decision-making skills and are offered during the first four terms.

Program participants must choose elective courses equivalent to 12 ECTS units from a list of courses which covers all fields of business administration. These courses provide students with the opportunity to customize their Program according to their professional needs and interests. The elective courses are offered during terms four and five.

The Applied Business Project (21 ECTS units) takes place during the last term, and enables students to apply the knowledge acquired during the Program to an organization. The Applied Business Project focuses on a real-life case within a corporate environment, and brings together teams of students with sponsor companies. The Applied Business Project reflects one of the central themes of the Program which is teamwork. The complexity of the business environment forces managers to seek the integration of knowledge through collaboration.


Terms/Courses ECTS
September – October
MBA 574,  Principles of Business Communications 2
MBA 531,  Business Economics 3.5
MBA 551,  Marketing Management 4
MBA 561,  Leading and Managing Organizations 4
November – December
MBA 511,  Financial Accounting for Management Decisions 4
MBA 544,  Business Statistics 3.5
MBA 562,  Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics 2
MBA 566,  Leadership 4
January – February
MBA 512,  Managerial Accounting 3.5
MBA 521,  Financial Management 4
MBA 542,  Managing Operations 3.5
MBA 563,  Entrepreneurship 4
March – April
MBA 564,  Strategic Management 3.5
MBA 541,  Methods for Management Decisions 3.5
MBA 522,  Capital Markets and Investments 3.5
Elective Courses 4
May – June
MBA 543,  Managing Information Systems 4
Elective Courses 6
May – August
MBA 590,  Applied Business Project 21

Elective Courses
Accelerating Business Value Emotional Intelligence
Bank Financial Management Energy Business Management
Consumer Behaviour Enterprise Risk Management
Corporate Governance From Theory to Practice
Creativity and Innovation Managing Change
Creativity and Organisations Managing Diversity
Crisis Management Negotiations
Data Analytics for Managers Sales Management
Digital Marketing Sales Management