The MSc Programme PRECISION MEDICINE IN CLINICAL PRACTICE has a duration of 3 academic semesters (maximum 8 semesters) and requires the completion of 90 ECTS (60 ECTS courses & 30 ECTS thesis).The programme consists of 8 compulsory modules and the thesis. Four modules will be offered in Semester A, and four modules in Semester B whilst the thesis project will be offered in Semester C.


The purpose of the postgraduate programme PRECISION MEDICINE IN CLINICAL PRACTICE is to offer health professionals and professionals working in the field of biomedical sciences, educational training on the applications of precision and personalized medicine in clinical practice. The objectives include comprehension of and competence in the principles of clinical trials, genetics, molecular diagnostics, pharmacology, statistics, and analytics as well as ethics in the context of precision medicine and their clinical applications in different fields of medicine.

(Deadline: 16/08/2024 until 12:00 noon)
Course Distribution Per Semester 
Course Code Course Name ECTS
            A’ Semester 
MEDMS701 Introduction to Medical Statistics and Research Methodologies 6
MEDMS702 Clinical Τrials (essentials and beyond) 8
MEDMS703 Pharmacology and pharmacogenomics 7
MEDMS704 Autonomous 1 (Ethical problems and dilemmas in precision medicine) 6
             B’ Semester 
MEDMS705 Molecular Diagnostics 7
MEDMS706 Clinical applications of precision medicine 10
MEDMS707 Autonomous 2 (Case studies in precision medicine) 6
MEDMS709 Special Topics in Human Molecular and Medical Genetics 10
             C’ Semester 
MEDMS708 Thesis 30
Purpose of the programme
  • To offer postgraduate specialist education on precision medicine to healthcare professionals and biomedical sciences graduates, Cypriots, and international students
  • To promote research in this contemporary and currently expanding field
  • To improve the knowledge and understanding of health professionals and associated fields’ specialists in an area of medicine with immediate impact in clinical practice, ultimately improving the level of clinical services wherever needed
Objectives of the programme
  • Comprehension of and competence in the principles of a number of relevant medical fields including: Clinical trials, genetics, molecular diagnostics, pharmacology, statistics, analytics, ethics
  • Understanding and application of the concepts of precision medicine in clinical practice
Intended learning outcomes of the programme
The student is expected to become familiar with the principles and the concepts of precision and personalized medicine on the following:
  • Statistics and informatics as a tool to study different diseases in a way that produces evidence-based results
  • Design, development, and conduct of clinical trials
  • Pharmacology targeted therapies, and pharmacogenomics
  • Ethics in clinical and basic precision research
  • Genetic, molecular, and cellular basis of diseases
  • Contemporary methods of diagnostics
  • Examples of applicability (current and future) of precision medicine in different fields of clinical medicine
The programme consists of 8 compulsory modules and the thesis. Four modules will be offered in Semester A, and four modules in Semester B whilst the thesis project will be offered in Semester C. Out of the 8 modules, two will be autonomous offering the choice of specific subjects to the students. The purpose and objectives of the modules are:
1.Introduction to medical statistics and research methodologies
To familiarize students with principles and concepts of medical statistics, informatics, and research methodology
2.Clinical Trials (essentials and beyond)
To familiarize students with the principles and concepts of clinical trials, and to equip them with the necessary knowledge and skills so as to work in this field and make valuable contributions to the conduct of clinical research
3.Pharmacology and Pharmacogenomics
To provide students with a solid platform of knowledge in fundamental pharmacological and toxicological concepts, as well as pharmacogenomics in relation to dynamics and kinetics and the applicability of these data in precision medicine
4.Ethical problems and dilemmas in precision medicine (Autonomous 1)
Through literature search, the student is expected to identify and subsequently discuss in the form of an essay, the ethical issues and dilemmas arising from the application of precision medicine in clinical practice
5.Special Topics in Human Molecular and Medical Genetics I
Familiarization with the main properties of the human genome and understanding of the molecular basis of hereditary disorders
6.Molecular Diagnostics
Introduction to the field of molecular diagnostic methodology and how it is used in contemporary clinical practice for the diagnosis of diseases in the context of precision medicine
7.Clinical applications of precision medicine
To offer students insights into the concepts and principles of the applications of precision medicine in clinical practice
8.Case studies in precision medicine (Autonomous 2)
This module’s purpose is the description, discussion, and subsequently the analysis of the components of various aspects of precision medicine, in the form of case studies
The candidates will be asked to:
  1. Present their full curriculum vitae
  2. Present a Bachelor degree from an accredited university
  3. Have previous university education in a suitable and relevant field (academic background) and sufficient grades in the associated subjects:
    – Previous relevant and suitable background includes a degree in : medicine, nursery, biomedical sciences, biological sciences, pharmacological sciences, computational biology, biochemical sciences, molecular sciences, or other relevant fields
    – A minimum Upper Second-Class Honours (>60%) degree is required
    – In associated subjects (within the previous degree) grades of >60% are required
  4. Have good knowledge of the English language. This is defined by the criteria set by CYQAA (September 2020)
  5. Present letters of recommendation. The letters of recommendation are to be provided by at least 2 referees, one of which should preferably be one of the   candidate’s professors at their previous degree(s)
  6. In their short statement (maximum 2 pages) candidates should present their motivation to study Precision Medicine at a postgraduate level at UCY and the relevance to their future plans and how this degree may impact their career
Multilevel Benefits for the graduates
  • Clinical applicability in different fields of medicine, therefore relevance to daily clinical practice
  • Exposure to knowledge and experience in fields currently in expansion in Cyprus i.e. clinical trials
  • Implementation of state-of-the-art practices in their work or scientific endeavors by the acquirement of transferable skills
  • Student-driven learning approach: students to incorporate their needs/ experiences in the programme
  • Expansion of research activity in Cyprus or abroad
  • Increase of employability in health associated appointments
Academic and Teaching staff
  • The academics and collaborators teaching in this postgraduate programme belong to the staff of the University of Cyprus. There will also be external invited speakers with expertise in the fields of precision medicine.
  • The teaching background will comprise a mixture of basic science and clinical medicine.
  • Emphasis will be placed on the interdisciplinarity required in precision medicine & collaboration between fields.
  • All teaching staff is experienced in teaching, some of them with extensive experience in postgraduate teaching.
  • Their professional expertise and/ or research work in their respective fields is directly related to the topic they have been asked to teach in this postgraduate programme.


  • Provision of scholarships by the ESO organization to the students of the Medical School of the University of Cyprus.
Programme Coordinator:
Dr Anastasia Constantinidou
[email protected],
tel.: +357 22895231