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- ‘Arts and Rituals of Death in Byzantine Literature’
- ‘Creative Tourism and Medieval Arts and Rituals in Cyprus’
- “Brynhild’s Return. On the Depiction of the Icelandic Queen in Twenty-first Century Cinema”
- 2022
- 36th Annual International Conference on Medievalism
- Advisory Board
- Aletta Leipold
- Alyssa Steiner
- Andria Andreou
- Ann Marie Rasmussen
- Announcement
- appropriate bread for holy communion
- Arts and Rituals
- Bamberg. UNIBA
- Bamberg’s Late Medieval Stations of the Cross
- Blog
- Blog. NetMAR
- Bookcity Università 2021: Milano University Press at Bookcity Milano
- Byzantine Studies and the Latin East
- Call for Papers
- Call for Papers: Material Culture and Emotions
- Call for papers: Mothers in the Time of the Church Fathers: Maternal Thought and Maternal Practice between Normative Representations and Individual Transgressions
- Call for papers: NetMAR at ICM 2022
- Celebrating 2 years of NetMAR Blog
- Chiara D’Agostini
- Christian Schäfer
- Christos Hadjiyiannis
- CML Conference: Scale(s) of Literary History – Europe c. 500-1500
- CML videoseminar. Ingrid Bennewitz
- Coordinator
- Daniele Gallindo Gonçalves (Federal University of Pelotas – Brazil)
- Diamond Access
- Dr Marina Toumpouri
- Dr Sarah Böhlau
- Dr. Wiebke-Marie Stock
- Florian Abe
- Following the Footsteps of Jesus
- Freie Universität Berlin
- Gabriele Knappe
- Gerda Henkel Stiftung
- Gerlinde Gangl
- Germany/University of Notre Dame
- H2020
- Hannah Potthoff
- Heritage
- Icon with the Koimesis
- Identities and Gender in the Mediterranean (12th -16th centuries)
- IMC 2022
- IMC 2023
- IMC Fringe 2021
- IMC Leeds 2022
- International Conference – LACTATING BREASTS: Motherhood and Breastfeeding in Antiquity and Byzantium
- International Conference – Storyworlds in Collections: Toward a Theory of the Ancient and Byzantine Tale (2nd – 7th c. CE)
- International Conference: Humour and Religion
- International Workshop: Inside Out: Gender and Aging Agency in Urban and Non-urban Religious Spaces in Antiquity
- Janina Dillig
- Kent
- kick-off
- Languages of Shame
- Lars Boje Mortensen
- Lecture at UNI BA by Prof. Dr Bettina Wagner and Alyssa Steiner
- Lecture at UNI BA: Dr Clemens Kosch on the Functional Environment of Medieval Cathedrals
- Lecture at UNI BA: Nadine Hufnagel on the Contemporary Reception of Hagen
- Leeds
- LogoDimia
- M.A.
- Maria Parani
- Michalis Olympios
- Nadine Hufnagel
- Narrating Relationships in Holy Lives from the First Millennium AD conference
- NetMAR
- NetMAR Associate
- NetMAR Early-Stage Researchers
- NetMAR International Conference
- NetMAR Reading Group
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- Nicholas of Cusa
- Nils Holger Petersen
- Paideia News
- Patrizia Noel Aziz Hanna
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- polemic between Byzantium and Rome
- post-doc
- Postdoctoral and Project Manager Positions
- Press Release
- Professor Dr Heinz Sieburg (University of Luxembourg)
- Project Manager
- Reading Group
- Regrowing Maimed Spires as an Act of Rebuilding Collectivity
- Rituals and the Sound of War – The Belliphonic in the Middle Ages
- Rituals of Gender Staging and Performance in the Middle Ages
- Rosa M. Rodríguez Porto
- Savvas Mavromatidis
- Scientific Project Manager
- SDU Associate
- Seminar by Dr. Nils Holger Petersen (University of Copenhagen/SDU): “The Medieval Latin Mass and its Receptions into the Modern Concert Hall and Various Electronic Media”
- Seminar on “Issues of metaphrasis”
- Seminars
- Sophia Labadi
- Spring 2022
- Stakeholders
- Stakeholders Workshop
- T.S. Eliot
- TaleTheory
- Team Leader
- Technische Universität Chemnitz
- The Palaiologan Romance in Context: Narrativity
- The Pillory and Its Impact on Metaphorical Ways of Speaking
- Tucher Kulturstiftung
- UK
- UNI BA. Lecture
- uniba
- University of Bamberg
- University of Bonn
- Viviane Diederich M.A.
- Webinar
- Welcome Nibelungs! The Burgundians’ Arrival in Etzel’s Kingdom in the Codex Hundeshagen
- Workshop
- ZeMas
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