
April 8, 2024

Call for Submissions Special Issue of the Diamond Open Acces Journal Eventum: A Journal of Medieval Arts & Rituals

Call for Submissions: Special Issue of the Diamond Open Access Journal Eventum: A Journal of Medieval Arts & Rituals “The Arts and Rituals of Medieval Mothering” Deadline for Submission: 31 December 2024. Contact: Stavroula Constantinou ([email protected])
March 28, 2024

The director of CeMAR presents NetMAR during the CYBC radio programme entitled “The Latin Community of Cyprus” (in Greek)

The director of CeMAR Stavroula Constantinou presents NetMAR during the CYBC radio programme entitled “The Latin Community of Cyprus” (in Greek). 23 March 2024 The […]
March 27, 2024

Lecture by Stavroula Constantinou at the ‘Interdisciplinary Hagiography: Current Topics and Tendencies in Hagiographical Studies’

The German network Arbeitskreis für hagiographischen Fragen celebrates its 30-year anniversary with a conference entitled ‘Interdisciplinary Hagiography: Current Topics and Tendencies in Hagiographical Studies’ which will take place between 10-13 April 2024 at Akademie der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart in Germany. The Director of CeMAR, Stavroula Constantinou, will give a paper with the title: ‘Holy Mothers: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Hagiographical Motherhood’.
December 30, 2023

Arts and Rituals of Death in Byzantine Literature

By Stavroula Constantinou, Centre for Medieval Arts & Rituals (CeMAR, UCY)

Chanting, poetry recitation, and storytelling played a key role in Byzantine rituals, while rituals and ritual languages and structures constituted important elements of poetry and prose. This blog post brings to the fore the strong interrelationships between arts and rituals in Byzantine literature.
December 13, 2023

NetMAR Formally Concluded During a Well-Attended Conference on 04 December 2023

The Concluding Conference of the “Network for Medieval Arts & Rituals” (NetMAR) took place in a hybrid mode, at the Ceremonial Hall of the University of Cyprus and online on the 4th of December 2023. The conference featured welcomes from several dignitaries; the launch of the network’s journal; a round table presenting the experiences of NetMAR Early Stage Researchers (ESRs); a musical performance; presentations by the EU partners’ Team Leaders; and two keynote lectures.
November 30, 2023

Following the Footsteps of Jesus: Bamberg’s Late Medieval Stations of the Cross

By Florian Abe, Tucher Kulturstiftung / Freie Universität Berlin

This blog post delves into Bamberg's late medieval Stations of the Cross, exploring their unique arrangement mirroring Jerusalem’s Via Dolorosa. These types of ensembles offered an immersive pilgrimage experience by intertwining art, architecture, and rituals that allowed visitors to physically follow Christ's steps, forging a profound connection between faith and experience that can still be grasped in the city today.
November 1, 2023


To τελικό συνέδριο του ευρωπαϊκού προγράμματος NetMAR της ΕΜοΜεΤ του Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου θα πραγματοποιηθεί στην Αίθουσα Τελετών του ιδίου πανεπιστημίου (Καλλιπόλεως 75, Λευκωσία) τη Δευτέρα 04 Δεκεμβρίου 2023
October 31, 2023

Breaking Βread and Βreaking Churches

By Associate Professor Robert Nelson, Melbourne University.

Is there a better way to understand the polemic between Byzantium and Rome that erupted in the eleventh century over the appropriate bread for holy communion? A new approach suggests that the ritual in church also entailed a domestic ritual, and the theological disagreement must be understood in visceral terms.