Eventum is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed, non-profit, and open access scholarly journal that is dedicated to the ritual dimensions of medieval arts, and to the overlaps between visual, literary, and performing works within the framework of various medieval rituals: religious, semireligious or profane. For Eventum’s purposes, the term ‘medieval’ is used in its broader sense, covering Byzantine, Western European, Coptic, Syriac, Hebrew, Arabic, Armenian, Georgian, and Slavic cultures from the 4th to the 15th centuries. Eventum aims to reposition the arts and rituals of these medieval traditions and to provide an international and congenial forum for the presentation and discussion of research on:
(1) all medieval arts in and as rituals; and
(2) the initiators, participants, spaces, forms, structures, and artistic dimensions of all medieval rituals.
Furthermore, Eventum provides a platform for the examination of the relationship between medieval, later, and contemporary arts and rituals, bringing to the fore the rich cultural heritage of the Middle Ages for a better understanding of both the past and the present.
The research promoted by Eventum, which aims at publishing the best new scholarship in a transparent, egalitarian, and efficient way, is situated at the crossing of various disciplines: history, archaeology, art and architectural history, philology, literature, linguistics, philosophy, theology, anthropology, musicology, and theatre studies. In short, this new journal reaches out to international scholars from all these fields including late antique, medieval, early modern, modern, and postmodern studies, ritual studies, performance studies, cultural studies, and cultural heritage studies, inviting contributions from around the world. Contributors are invited to explore the interrelations of arts and rituals in one or more medieval cultures or to examine the heritage of medieval arts and rituals in later periods of the Western world.
Eventum is an annual journal publishing articles in English and featuring both thematic and non-thematic issues.