Identities and Gender in the Mediterranean (12th -16th centuries)

June 15, 2021

The Palaiologan Romance in Context: Narrativity, Identities and Gender in the Mediterranean (12th -16th centuries)

24-25 June 2021. A two-day conference on the Palaiologan Romance will take place on 24-25 June online, to which everyone is welcome to register and attend. The conference is taking place within the framework of the research programme The World of the Palaiologan Romance: Representations of Self and Society in the Greek Narrative works of the Late Medieval period (thirteenth – fifteenth centuries): A Multidisciplinary Approach to Identity, Otherness, Gender and Ideology housed at the Department of Social Anthropology and History of the University of the Aegean and funded by the H.F.R.I. // G.S.R.I.