NetMAR Early-Stage Researchers

February 1, 2021

Sara Moure López

Sara Moure López is working on her PhD thesis at the University of Santiago de Compostela, under the supervision of professors Rocío Sánchez Ameijeiras and Rosa M. Rodríguez Porto. She is a FPU Pre-Doctoral Fellow at the Department of Art History at USC and part of the Research Group “Síncrisis: Investigacións en formas culturais”.
February 1, 2021

Anna-Maria Ernesti

Anna-Maria Ernesti is an early stage researcher at the University of Bamberg. Her undergraduate studies in Bamberg and London contained the subjects German Literature, Language and Culture as well as Art History. With her Zentrum für Mittelalterstudien (Zemas)-related master’s degree “Medieval Studies“ she specialised in the core subjects Older German Literature, Medieval Art History and Medieval History.
February 1, 2021

Srđan Beck

Srđan Beck is a doctoral student at the Otto-Friedrich Universität Bamberg in the Bamberg Graduate School of Historical Studies (BaGraHist) programme. He is working on a thesis titled ‘St. Mary the Great near Bale (Istria) in the context of Carolingian Monastery Organization’.
February 1, 2021

Marie-Luise Kosan

Marie-Luise Kosan is a PhD student at the University of Bamberg. In her art historical dissertation she analyses the function of sculptural depictions and the interrelated conception of architecture and sculpture on medieval church portals in the 13th century using the example of the portal hall of Freiburg Cathedral (south-west Germany). The dissertation project is supported by a scholarship from the Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst.
February 1, 2021

Kouadio Guy-Stéphane Kouamé

Kouadio Guy-Stéphane Kouamé is a PhD student in Medieval History at the University of Bamberg. His thesis, written in French under the title “Elites sans progéniture: le célibat des prêtres en occident, les eunuques à Byzance et dans le monde arabe – une étude comparative”, analyses the function of eunuchs and celibate priests as childless elites in the Latin West, Byzantium, as well as in the Islamic world.
February 1, 2021

Chrystalla Loizou

Chrystalla Loizou works on a PhD thesis on the dynamic rural landscape of medieval Cyprus (12th-15th centuries) at the University of Cyprus under the supervision of Associate Professor A. Vionis. Her PhD is funded by the University of Cyprus and A. G. Leventis Foundation.