Scientific Project Manager

February 1, 2021

Dr Chiara d’Agostini

Chiara D’Agostini studied Classics at the University of Milan. She has just finished and successfully defended her PhD at the University of Southern Denmark and its Centre for Medieval Literature. Her doctoral dissertation, titled Mapping Empires: Re-appropriations of Ptolemy’s Geography from the 12th to the 15th Centuries, explored the medieval reception of geography, considering text and maps from a new angle and focusing on its relevance to the construction of a quintessentially Byzantine geographical imagination.
February 1, 2021

Michaela Pölzl

Michaela Pölzl, Μ.Α., is a research assistant at the Chair of Medieval German Philology at the University of Bamberg and serves as Scientific Project Manager for NetMAR on the part of ZeMas Bamberg (Center for Medieval Studies Bamberg). She studied German Philology and Applied Cultural Studies in Graz (Austria) before starting to work on her doctoral thesis as a research fellow in the Bamberg graduate programme “Generational Consciousness and Generational Conflicts in Antiquity and the Middle Ages”.