S/NEntity nameDepartmentFacultyResearch FieldsKey Words / Research DescriptionName and Surname of HeadContact Emails
1CAT Lab (Cyprus Acquisition Team)Department of English StudiesFaculty of HumanitiesLanguage ScienceExplore language acquisition and development in Cyprus, with emphasis on (Cypriot) Greek, English, and Russian.Kleanthes Grohmann[email protected]
2Interpreting LabDepartment of English StudiesFaculty of HumanitiesLanguage ScienceInterpretingKonstantinos Kritsis & Georgios Floros[email protected] [email protected]
3Teaching, Testing & Translation LabDepartment of English StudiesFaculty of HumanitiesLanguage ScienceApplied Linguistics/TESOL and Translation in Cyprus and abroad. Language Testing and Assessment Lab and Translation Technology Lab (https://www.ucy.ac.cy/eng/en/labs-en)Spyros Armostis, Georgios Floros & Sviatlana Karpava[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
4Cyprus Phonetics LaboratoryDepartment of English StudiesFaculty of HumanitiesPhoneticsExperimental work in phonetics, laboratory phonology, and psycholinguistics. Collaborations to other areas of research, such as field linguistics, geolinguistics, variational sociolinguistics, sociophonetics, clinical linguistics, language documentationSpyros Armostis [email protected]
5Language Centre Faculty of HumanitiesFaculty of HumanitiesLanguage ScienceIt offers general or specialized courses in a variety of languages (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Turkish, Russian, Chinese and Cypriot Sign Language). It's mission is to help understand how to use a foreign language by employing a range of teaching techniques and strengthen language skills as a key element of success.Fryni Kakoyianni-Doa[email protected]
6Laboratory Méthodal OpenLabDepartment of French Studies and European StudiesFaculty of HumanitiesLanguage ScienceAims to create interdisciplinary teams for higher level research, active participation in research prog\rams, new high level multidisciplinary research links, and support for every innovation opportunity. The purpose is the optimal synergy between researchers and actors in the field of education and work, which are related to the methodology of teaching/learning languages ​​and cultures (linguistics, language teaching, sociolinguistics, literature, translation sciences, philosophy of ideas), communication sciences and technologies, sociology of education, educational policy , educational technology, psychopedagogy.Fryni Kakoyianni-Doa[email protected]
Culture Sciences
7The Cyprus Neuroscience Research Unit (CNRU)Medical SchoolMedical SchoolNeuroscienceDementia and Neurodegenerative Disorders, Neuroimmunology,
Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, Peripheral Neuropathies, Sleep-Wake Disorders, Small Fiber Neuropathies.
Georgios Hadjigeorgiou[email protected]
8The Laboratory of Medical Statistics, Epidemiology and Public Health Medical SchoolMedical SchoolMedical Statistics(a) provide up-to-date education to the students of the Medical School and other Departments of the University of Cyprus in the fields of Medical Statistics, Epidemiology, Research Methodology and Public Health, (b) train medical, nursing and other scientific staff, (c) to organize scientific events, (d) provide services to public health authorities (Ministries, Local Government, Hospitals and others) on specific issues of Epidemiology and Public Health, (e) provide responsible public information on public health issues, (f) cooperate with academic and research institutions in Cyprus and internationally, (g) develop methodologies, promote research and conduct quantitative and qualitative research in the field of medicine and health in general, including clinical trials.Georgios Nikolopoulos[email protected]
Research Methodology
Public Health
9Molecular Medicine Research Center- CY-BiobankMedical SchoolMedical SchoolMolecular ScienceBiobank, Molecular genetics and biostatistics, Bioinformatics, Molecular and cell biology.Constantinos Deltas[email protected]
Health Science
10Experimental Pharmacology
Medical SchoolMedical SchoolPharmacologyMolecular and behavioural pharmacology laboratory's research revolves around drug discovery and drug repurposing through High-Throughput screenings of compound libraries against a set of biological target assays, in vitro and in vivo. We apply this knowledge to discover novel drugs or find new therapeutic applications for existing clinical drugs against various chronic diseases. ​​Nikolas Dietis[email protected]
11Respiratory Physiology Laboratory Medical SchoolMedical SchoolRespiratoryAims to develop and provide high quality diagnostic and clinical services to respiratory patients. Carries out innovative research in the fields of diagnostics, prophylaxis and treatment of respiratory diseases as well as in environmental and public health.Panayiotis Yiallouros[email protected]
12Molecular Cell Biology LabDepartment of Biological SciencesFaculty of Pure and Applied Sciences Molecular ScienceMolecular cell biology, Centrosome and ciliogenesis regulation in mammalian cells, Mechanisms of ER morphogenesis and nuclear envelope formation in human cells.Niovi Santama[email protected]
Biological Science
Chemistry (Biochemistry)
13Behavioural Ecology and Evolution LabDepartment of Biological SciencesFaculty of Pure and Applied Sciences EcologyBehavioural Ecology, Evolution.Alexander Kirschel[email protected]
14Molecular Ecology and Evolution LabDepartment of Biological SciencesFaculty of Pure and Applied Sciences Molecular ScienceApplies molecular genetics and genomic tools to address ecological questions, with a special focus on the study of island communities. Specifically, we use molecular markers and genomic data to study the phylogeny, phylogeography and population genetics of island taxa, while we also apply metagenetic methodologies to unravel biodiversity dynamics of island communities.Anna Papadopoulou[email protected]
15Epigenetics and Gene Regulation LaboratoryDepartment of Biological SciencesFaculty of Pure and Applied Sciences Molecular ScienceEpigenetic Regulation of Gene Expression, Therapeutic targets and diagnostic tools for cancer.Antonis Kirmizis[email protected]
Biological Science
16Bioinformatics Research Laboratory Department of Biological SciencesFaculty of Pure and Applied Sciences BioinformaticsSequence repeats, low complexity/compositionally biased regions, Transmembrane and membrane-associated protein topology and structure prediction, Comparative Genomics, Protein classification, Computer-aided and automatic Complete Genome Annotation, Biodiversity Informatics.Vasilis J Promponas[email protected]
Biological Science (Computational)
17Tumor Viruses and Cancer LaboratoryDepartment of Biological SciencesFaculty of Pure and Applied Sciences CancerCarcinogenesis, Tumor viruses, Oncoproteins, Tumorigenesis, Oncogenes.Katerina Strati[email protected]
Tumor Virology
Molecular Science
18Biotechnology and Molecular Virology (BMV) LaboratoryDepartment of Biological SciencesFaculty of Pure and Applied Sciences BiotechnologyHuman immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1)Leondios G. Kostrikis[email protected]
Molecular Science
19Embryology / Developmental Biology and Stem Cells Laboratory Department of Biological SciencesFaculty of Pure and Applied Sciences Biological ScienceEarly development of the epiblast (progenitor of the fetus) in vivo and in vitro, Organogenesis of the placenta (the major extraembryonic organ) in vivo and in vitro, Influences of extraembryonic tissues on embryo development.Pantelis Georgiades[email protected]
Molecular Science
20Cell and Development Biology LaboratoryDepartment of Biological SciencesFaculty of Pure and Applied Sciences Biological ScienceBiology, Bioimaging.Paris Skourides[email protected]
Molecular Science
21Drosophila Infection and Carcinogenesis LaboratoryDepartment of Biological SciencesFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesCancerModeling of human infectious diseases and carcinogenesis in Drosophila and mouseYiorgos Apidianakis[email protected]
22Drosophila Development and Homeostasis LaboratoryDepartment of Biological SciencesFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesCancerIntestinal damage-included inflammation and tummors promote neotracheogenesisChrysoula Pitsouli[email protected]
23Ecology and Biodiversity LabDepartment of Biological SciencesFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesEcologyIsland biogeography, Community assembly, Evolutionary ecology, Phylogeography, Systematics.Spyros Sfenthourakis[email protected]
Geography (Bio-)
Geography (Phylo-)
24Networks Research Laboratory (NetRL)Department of Computer ScienceFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesComputer ScienceProtocols, algorithms, and mechanisms that support network control and the provision of quality of service in both fixed and wireless/mobile networks (Including sensor, ad-hoc, VANETS, 3G/4G), Web of Things, Internet Services. Andreas Pitsillides[email protected]
25Graphics and Extended Reality LabDepartment of Computer ScienceFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesComputer ScienceRendering, Virtual reality, Animation.Yiorgos Chrysanthou and Andreas Aristidou[email protected] [email protected]
26Ε-Health LaboratoryDepartment of Computer ScienceFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesComputer ScienceComputational Intelligence in Medical and Biological Systems, Medical Image Analysis: Ultrasound, MRI, Endoscopy, Microscopy, Biosignal Analysis: Electromyography, eHealth, mHealth, and eEmergency Systems, Life Sciences Informatics, Smart, Ubiquitous, and Participatory Technologies for Healthcare Innovation.Constantinos Pattichis[email protected]
Intelligence (Computational)
Health Science
Informatics (Life Sciences)
27CASPER: Computer Architecture System Performance and Evaluation Research Department of Computer ScienceFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesComputer ScienceParallel Processing, Memory Hierarchy, Database Workloads.Pedro Trancoso[email protected]
Computer Architecture
28Software Engineering and Internet Technologies Laboratory (SEIT) labDepartment of Computer ScienceFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesComputer ScienceCloud Computing, Service Oriented Architectures, Context-Aware Middleware Platforms, Smart and Mobile Computing for the development of pervasive and self-adaptive applications, Smart IoT Services, Interoperability, heterogeneity and scalability in Cloud-Based, Service-Oriented Middleware Platforms for IoT, Service-Oriented Crowd-Sourcing and Big Data platforms for data collection, aggregation, analysis, visualizations and predictive modeling, Health monitoring and support services, Smart and Personalised services for Elders, Assistive Technologies for people with disabilities, Creativity services.George A. Papadopoulos[email protected]
Engineering (Software)
Internet Technologies
29DMSL: Data Management Systems LaboratoryDepartment of Computer ScienceFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesComputer ScienceEmerging networks and systems, Big data management systems, Smartphone and sensor systems, Peer-to-peer systems, Crowdsourcing systems.Demetris Zeinalipour[email protected]
Data Science
Engineering (Data)
Knowledge Discovery
Big Data
30Laboratory for Internet Computing (LINC)Department of Computer ScienceFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesComputer ScienceCloud and Grid computing, Web data management, Vehicular computing, Cloud-based Systems, Interoperability amongst different Clouds, Content Delivery Networks, Benchmarks and Testbeds, Data Grid Applications in Medicine, Autonomic Systems and Software Tools, Decentralized Online Social Networks, Web Communities, Data Mashups & Web 2.0, Web Searching and semantic Web, Vehicular Service Protocols, Information Dissemination and Network Modeling.Marios Dikaiakos[email protected]
Internet Computing
Data Science
31CIN Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience research groupDepartment of Computer ScienceFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesComputer ScienceComputational Intelligence, Computational Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience, Neural Networks, Bioinformatics.Chris Christodoulou[email protected]
Computational Intelligence
Neuroscience (Computational)
Neuroscience (Cognitive)
Neural Networks
32SREC (Security Research)Department of Computer ScienceFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesComputer SystemsConducts security and privacy research in computer systems. We are located in Cyprus and we are part of the Computer Science department of the University of Cyprus. Our research is focused on how systems can be exploited and defended against modern attacks.Elias Athanasopoulos[email protected]
33Xi Computer Architecture Research GroupDepartment of Computer ScienceFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesComputer ScienceMicroarchitecture, fault-tolerance, power and temperature aware architectures, edge, data-centre and cloud TCO modelling, multi-cores, interconnection networks and benchmarking.Yiannakis Sazeides[email protected]
Computer Architecture
34Research Laboratory for Foundations of Computing Systems and Theoretical Computer ScienceDepartment of Computer ScienceFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesComputer ScienceAlgorithmic Game Theory, Distributed and Parallel Computing, Specification and Verification, Networking Theory.Marios Mavronicolas[email protected]
Computing Systems
35Εxperimental Condensed Matter Physics (ECMP) LaboratoryDepartment of PhysicsFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesOptical StudiesOptical studies of inorganic, organic and hybrid semiconductors, with emphasis on the characterization and optoelectronic applications of semiconductor nanocrystals.Grigorios Itskos[email protected]
Electronics (Optoelectronics)
36Laboratory of Ultrafast ScienceDepartment of PhysicsFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesUltrafast ScienceUltrafast interactions and processes in novel material.Andreas Othonos[email protected]
37Theoretical and Computational Biophysics GroupDepartment of PhysicsFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesPhysics (Biophysics)Aspects of the equilibrium and dynamical properties of molecular and biomolecular systems in solutions.Georgios Archontis and Spiros Skourtis[email protected] [email protected]
Molecular Science
38High Energy Particle PhysicsDepartment of PhysicsFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesPhysics (High Energy Particle)High Energy Particle Physics,Higgs bosons, Studies of supersymmetry, Grand unified theories, Physics of dark matter and dark energy. Panos Razis[email protected]
Data Science
39Nuclear Physics LaboratoryDepartment of PhysicsFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesPhysics (Nuclear)The International HADES and CBM Collaborations at GSI, The Radioisotopes Project in Cyprus, Mössbauer Spectroscopy, High Performance Linux Cluster.Haralabos Tsertos[email protected]
40Lattice QCD Department of PhysicsFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesQuantum ChromodynamicsHadron structure from Lattice QCD, SU(N) gauge theories, Topology, Confinement and chiral symmetry breaking, Renormalization, High performance computing.Constantia Alexandrou[email protected]
41Molecular Spectroscopy Research LaboratoryDepartment of ChemistryFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesMolecular ScienceThe effect of structure on the photophysics and optical properties of conjugated polymers, The interaction between small molecules with biomolecules, for the development of medicinally-useful compounds.Sophia Charalambous-Hayes[email protected]
42Fullerene and Supramolecular Chemistry Research LaboratoryDepartment of ChemistryFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesChemistry (Organic)Organic Chemistry, Fullerene Chemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry.Nikolaos Chronakis[email protected]
Chemistry (Fullerene)
Chemistry (Supramolecular)
43Heterogeneous Catalysis and Chemical Technology Research LaboratoryDepartment of ChemistryFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesCatalysisQuadrupole Mass Spectrometry (QMS), Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (DRIFTS), Visible Diffuse Reflection Spectroscopy (UV-Vis DRS), Powder X-ray Diffraction (PXRD), Area, Pore Size and Volume Analysis (BET/BJH).Angelos M. Efstathiou[email protected]
Chemical Technology
44Inorganic Chemistry Research LaboratoryDepartment of ChemistryFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesChemistry (Inorganic)Inorganic Chemistry.Anastasios Keramidas[email protected]
45Organic Chemistry Research LaboratoryDepartment of ChemistryFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesChemistry (Organic)The synthesis and reactivity of novel and unusual S,N-heterocyclic compounds, The design and synthesis of organic magnets based on radical and diradical polyazaheterocyclic systems, The design and synthesis of novel conjugated and non conjugated polymers, The design and synthesis of biologically active heteroarenes.Panayiotis Koutentis[email protected]
46Biophysical and Bioanalytical Research LaboratoryDepartment of ChemistryFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesChemistry (Biophysical)Biophysical/Bioanalytical Chemistry, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, Attenuated Total Reflection FTIR, time-resolved step-scan FTIR, High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), Biochemistry, Food Chemistry.Eftychia Pinakoulaki[email protected]
Chemistry (Bioanalytical)
Chemistry (Biochemistry)
47Polymer Science Research LaboratoryDepartment of ChemistryFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesPolymer SciencePolymer Synthesis, Controlled Polymerisations, Amphiphilic Polymer Conetworks, Block Copolymers, Microphase Separation, Degradable Polymer Networks, RNA and DNA Delivery.Patrickios S. Costas[email protected]
48Metal - Organic Materials Research LaboratoryDepartment of ChemistryFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesMaterials ScienceNew Polynuclear Metal Clusters and Single Molecule Magnets, New Multidimensional Coordination Polymers with interesting Magnetic Properties, MOFs with gas sorption or/and SCSC solvent exchange properties.Anastasios J. Tasiopoulos[email protected]
49Physical Chemistry of Colloids and Interfaces (PCCI) LaboratoryDepartment of ChemistryFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesChemistry (Pysical)Specific ion effects on biophysical and physicochemical systems, Synthesis of hybrid materials based on silica for drug delivery and use as sorbents of environmental pollutants, Langmuir-Blodgett molecular film production and Layer-by-layer film production from stabilized nanoparticle dispersions, Oriented oxide films for photocatalytic and biomedical applications and water splitting, Multilayer emulsions for the oxidative stabilization and long-term storage of sensitive food ingredients.Epameinondas Leontidis[email protected]
Materials Science
50Radioanalytical Chemistry Research LaboratoryDepartment of ChemistryFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesChemistry (Radioanalytical)Interaction of (radio)toxic metal ions with colloids, mineral surfaces, natural organic matter and biochar fibres, Preparation and characterization of (radio)toxic metal ion complexes with bioactive ligands, Development and application of simple and reliable radioanalytical methods.Ioannis Paschalides[email protected]
51Instrumental Analysis Research Laboratory Department of ChemistryFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesInstrumental AnalysisInstrumental Analysis.Constantina Kapnisi Christodoulou[email protected]
52Synthetic Organic Chemistry and Chemical Biology Research LaboratoryDepartment of ChemistryFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesChemistry (Synthetic)Synthesis and investigation of compounds with the potential to act as spatial and temporal modulators of critical cellular signal transduction pathways, Development of new chemical agents that act as stabilizers of DNA G-quadruplexes in human guanine-rich single-stranded DNA sequences.Savvas Georgiades[email protected]
Chemistry (Bioorganic)
Chemistry (Medicinal)
53Porous Solids Research LaboratorDepartment of ChemistryFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesPorous SolidsAdsorption on porous solids; surface properties of zeolites; microporous ALPO-n phases and the reactions of their surface with gases and vapours; surface texture and properties of the oxides and hydroxides of calcium and magnesium, solid state chemistry of organic crystals.Charis Theocharis[email protected]
Chemistry (Surface)
54Inorganic Nanocrystals LaboratoryDepartment of ChemistryFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesNanocrystalsInorganic Nanocrystals LaboratorySotirios Christodoulou[email protected]
55Volatolomics Research LaboratoryDepartment of ChemistryFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesVolatolomicsIdentification and mapping of the chemical signatures of human presence, emanating from expired air, urine, blood, sweat and other biological excretions, Evaluate indoor/outdoor air quality for exposure to toxic environmental contaminants,Early diagnosis and monitoring of various diseases and metabolic disorders by correlating VOCs with human metabolic pathways, Decomposition of organic matter for toxicological applications, Analysis of aroma of food and beverages, Analysis of fuels and natural gas.Agapios Agapiou[email protected]
56Organic Chemistry Research LaboratoryDepartment of ChemistryFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesChemistry (Organic)Application of computational methods (ab initio, DFT) into ChemistryReactive intermediatesRadicals, diradicals and diradicaloidsCarbocations, carbenes and nitrenes.Pyramidalized olefins and their organometallic complexes.Athanasios Nikolaides[email protected]
57Oceanography CentreFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesFaculty of Pure and Applied SciencesOceanographyOcean physics and dynamics, Remote sensing, Operational oceanography, Biological and chemical oceanography, Environmental assessments, Dedicated ocean and marine data and meta databases and information systems.Georgios Georgiou[email protected]
Physics (Ocean)
Environmental Science
Information Systems
Data Science
58Language, Literacy, and EducationDepartment of EducationFaculty of Social Sciences and EducationLiteracyResearching issues relating to language, literacy and education in and out of school, with special emphasis placed on language arts, literacy theory and pedagogy, and applied and social linguistics. These broad research interests and related activities are theoretically informed by sociocultural approaches to literacy, multimodality, critical discourse studies, applied linguistics, and sociolinguistics. Special emphasis is placed on the study of language and literacy as objects of research and instruction across a variety of localized and historicized contexts.Elena Ioannidou and Stavroula Kontovourki[email protected] [email protected]
Language Science
59Special and Inclusive EducationDepartment of EducationFaculty of Social Sciences and EducationSpecial EducationCovers a broad range of issues in the field and contribute in strengthening theory, policy development and improvement of teaching praxis. The theoretical framework guiding research is Special and Inclusive Education, Disability Studies and Sociology of Education.Helen Phtiaka and Simoni Symeonidou[email protected] [email protected]
60Educational administration and evaluationDepartment of EducationFaculty of Social Sciences and EducationEducational administration and evaluationEducational administration and evaluationLeonidas Kyriakides, Maria Eliophotou, Charalambos Charalambous, Panayiotis Antoniou[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
61Mathematics EducationDepartment of EducationFaculty of Social Sciences and EducationMathematics EducationThe purpose of the mathematics education team is to develop innovative research activities for the purposes of basic research, solution of practical educational problems and cutting-edge research. The aim of these research activities is to contribute to the enhancement of knowledge in the research field of mathematics education at European and international level, but also to the improvement of learning and teaching of mathematics in Cyprus.Demetra Pitta-Pantazi,
Marios Pittalis
[email protected] [email protected]
62Early Childhood Education Research LabDepartment of EducationFaculty of Social Sciences and EducationEarly Childhood EducationExplore the experiences of preservice teachers during their School Practicum (e.g. mentor-student teacher relationship) have been informing our school practicum courses.Eleni Loizou[email protected]
63Sport PedagogyDepartment of EducationFaculty of Social Sciences and EducationSport PedagogyAims to expand the knowledge base in physical education. It focusses on instructional and curriculum research studies that maximize the learning of children, enhance the quality of instruction in physical education, and improve the educational system.Niki Tsangaridou[email protected]
64Learning in the Natural Sciences and the EnvironmentDepartment of EducationFaculty of Social Sciences and EducationEnvironmental and Sustainability EducationThe Environmental and Sustainability Education Research Team works on environmental education, education for sustainability and ecology education. The team has expertise on the designing and evaluation of ecology and environmental education projects, materials and activities. The focus of the research is on the educational conditions that support people’s empowerment for action, agency, pluralism, community engagement and environmental citizenship. The work of the Research in Science & Technology Education Group (ReSciTEG) focuses on research and teaching across K-16, mainly, in the domain of Science Education and the domain(s) of STE(A)M.Constantinos Korfiatis[email protected]
Science & Technology EducationZacharias Zacharia[email protected]
65Online Journalism LabservatoryDepartment of Social and Political Sciences Faculty of Social Sciences and EducationJournalismCollects articles from ten different newsportals. Specifically, ten background jobs are executed frequently and in parallel for indexing all the latest article's pages using web crawlers and RSS feeds. Then the content of the article is extracted, using artificial intelligence methods, and stored in a database.Dimitris Trimithiotis[email protected]
66DAT-ACT labDepartment of Social and Political Sciences Faculty of Social Sciences and EducationData ScienceIts mission is to contribute to the ongoing theoretical discussion around data power and its effect on users, activists and journalists.Venetia Papa[email protected]
67Media Digital Usage systems’ Analysis LabDepartment of Social and Political Sciences Faculty of Social Sciences and EducationMediaMedia Digital Usage systems’ Analysis LabTheodora Maniou[email protected]
68NESTOR Research GroupDepartment of Social and Political Sciences Faculty of Social Sciences and EducationSocial and Political SciencesProvides the necessary infrastructure for high quality research on political and social behavior. We aim to contribute to the international literature through cutting-edge empirical research.One of our main aims is to develop new and useful methodological tools for the study of social and political trust and to investigate how trust formulates, crystallizes and transforms in extreme socioeconomic conditions.Antonis Ellinas, Iasonas Lamprianou[email protected] [email protected]
69YouthTrams ObservatoryDepartment of Social and Political Sciences Faculty of Social Sciences and EducationYouthPromote academic research in Cyprus on youth and the relationship between higher education and work. The objective is the dissemination to society of the research results provided by academic research conducted at the University of Cyprus as well their use in university teaching in courses on youth, education and work in contemporary society, issues of social stratification, social mobility and inequality.Sophia Stavrou [email protected]
70Center for Applied NeuroscienceFaculty of Education and Social SciencesFaculty of Social Sciences and EducationNeuroscience (Applied)Neurocognitive Research, Clinical Psychology and Psychophysiology, Learning Disabilities, Language and Cognitive Development, Experimental Psychology.Fofi Constantinidou[email protected]
Language Science
71Center for Field Studies (UCFS)Faculty of Education and Social SciencesFaculty of Social Sciences and EducationField StudiesField research, Public opinion analysis (polls, "barometers"), Panel discussions, Research on specific populations, Field observations.Charis Psaltis[email protected]
72Neurocognitive Research LabDepartment of PsychologyFaculty of Social Sciences and EducationNeurocognitiveIs equipped with current neuropsychological/cognitive tests, research protocols and materials required for the ongoing projects, as well as networked computers. There is an adjacent observation room (shared with the Psychobiology Laboratory) used for data recording and observation.Fofi Constantinidou[email protected]
73Experimental Psychology LabDepartment of PsychologyFaculty of Social Sciences and EducationVirtual RealityConducts research in spatial cognition. It has advance equipment for immersive Virtual Reality (VR), HTC Vive Pro headset and Worldviz Precision Position Tracking (PPT) that provides research grade motion tracking. We have access to several other facilities, including equipment for EEG recordings, psychophyiological measurements, eye-tracking, and motion capture. Topics: Spatial cognition, visual perception, time perception, emotions etc.Marios Avraamides[email protected]
74Social and Developmental Psychology LabsDepartment of PsychologyFaculty of Social Sciences and EducationCognitive PsychologyInterested in the development of individuals, how the cognitive and psychosocial development of individuals is affected by social interactions and the historical and sociocultural context of a society. Charis Psaltis[email protected]
75Clinical Psychology & Psychophysiology Lab,Department of PsychologyFaculty of Social Sciences and EducationExperimental PsychopathologyThe main interest of the lab is EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOPATHOLOGY, i.e. the use of experimental methods to examine the etiological and sustaining cognitive and emotional mechanisms behind psychological disorders. In terms of disorders, we are interested in a wide range of problems, including anxiety, depression, aggression, impulsivity and smoking. Georgia Panayiotou and George Spanoudis[email protected] [email protected]
76Developmental Psychopathology LabDepartment of PsychologyFaculty of Social Sciences and EducationPsychopathologyFollowing the perspective of Developmental Psychopathology, we combine questions about developmental change and psychopathology. Our research focuses primarily on investigating the development of various psychopathological problems, such as attention deficit disorder and behavioral disorders, from preschool to adolescence. The research methodology we employ is a combination of longitudinal, psychophysiological, and neuropsychological research as well as intervention studiesKostas Fantis[email protected]
77Memory & Attention Development LabDepartment of PsychologyFaculty of Social Sciences and EducationCognitive PsychologySpecializes on the study of cognitive and brain development and functioning from early childhood to young adulthood through behavioural, neuroscience, and molecular genetics methods.Andria Shimi[email protected]
78Economics Research CentreFaculty of Economics and ManagementFaculty of Economics and ManagementEconomics (Macro)Microeconomic and welfare analysis, Macroeconomic Forecasts and Analysis, Employment.Elena Andreou[email protected]
Economics (Micro)
79LExEcon, the Laboratory for Experimental Economics Department of EconomicsFaculty of Economics and ManagementEcomonics (Experimental)Focus on the study of the process of decision making, with emphasis in situations where there is human interaction. Moreover, they are interested in the analysis of behavioral patterns that arise in different environments.Philippos Louis, Nikolaos Tsakas, Dimitrios Xefteris, Nicholas Ziros[email protected], [email protected], [email protected] , [email protected]
80Archimedes Research Center for Structural and Construction TechnologyDepartment of ArchitectureFaculty of EngineeringConstruction (Structural)Structural and construction design, Computer-aided structural analysis and information technology for Civil Engineering, Construction engineering and management.Marios C. Phocas, Petros Komodromos and Symeon Christodoulou[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Design Science
Construction (Design)
Structural Analysis
Engineering (Construction)
Management (Construction)
81VernArch LAB: Research Laboratory in the Vernacular Architecture of CyprusDepartment of ArchitectureFaculty of EngineeringArchitecture (Vernacular)Vernacular Architecture.Maria Philokyprou[email protected]
82MesArch: Research Laboratory in the History and Theory of Modern Architecture in the Eastern MediterraneanDepartment of ArchitectureFaculty of EngineeringArchitecture (Modern)Architecture/urbanism and politics in 20th Century Eastern Mediterranean, Histories of urban development and environmental sustainability, cultural heritage, memory and conflict, Digital humanities and architectural archives .Panayiota Pyla[email protected]
Susatinability (Environmental)
Urban Development
Heritage (Cultural)
Humanities (Digital)
83Robotic Construction LaboratoryDepartment of ArchitectureFaculty of EngineeringRobotic ConstructionInnovative solutions for sustainable construction using robotic principlesOdysseas Kontovourkis[email protected]
84Energy and Environmental Design of Building Research LaboratoyDepartment of ArchitectureFaculty of EngineeringEnergy and Environmental DesignEnergy and Environmental design of existing and new buildingsAimilios Michael[email protected]
85Laboratory of Urbanism Department of ArchitectureFaculty of EngineeringPolitical Agencies of Archtecture and Urban DesignValue of urban design and social dimensions of architectureSocrates Stratis[email protected]
86Digital Fabrication LabDepartment of ArchitectureFaculty of EngineeringDigital ConstructioonImplementation and creation of physical prototypes of high quality and accuracy at various scalesNadia Charalambous[email protected]
87Computer LabDepartment of ArchitectureFaculty of EngineeringSpecialized computers and softwaresProcessing and analyzing architectural design data[email protected]
88Digital Architectural and prototype systems development Lab Department of ArchitectureFaculty of EngineeringArchitecture (Digital Design)Digital architectural design, fabrication strategies and physical prototyping, Computer-aided design/ Computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM), Parametric-associative design logic and physics-based computer modeling, Physical computing and robotics in architecture.Odysseas Kontovourkis[email protected]
Design Science
89Embedded and Application Specific Systems on Chip LaboratoryDepartment of Electrical and Computer EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringEmbedded SystemsEmbedded Intelligence, (Embedded) Image Processing, Computer Vision and Multimedia Hardware, Architectures, Hardware/Software Co-Design and System-Level Design Space Exploration of Embedded and Mobile Applications, Biomedical Applications mapped on Reconfigurable Hardware and ASICs, Embedded Biometrics, Manycore/Multicore (CMP/MPSoC) Architectures and Algorithms, Hardware Acceleration of Bioinformatics Applications.Theocharis Theocharides[email protected]
90Holistic Electronics LaboratoryDepartment of Electrical and Computer EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringElectronics (Holistic)Electronic circuits and systems using a holistic approach.Julius Georgiou[email protected]
91Microwave Photonics LaboratoryDepartment of Electrical and Computer EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringMicrowavesMicrowave engineering, Photonics.Stavros Iezekiel[email protected]
Engineering (Microwave)
92Multicore Computer Architecture Laboratory, multiCALDepartment of Electrical and Computer EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringComputer ArchitectureComputer Architecture, Network-on-Chip (NoC) Architectures / On-Chip Interconnection Networks, Microprocessor & Computer System Design, Reliable and Fault-Tolerant Computer Architecture, Digital System Design.Chrysostomos Nicopoulos[email protected]
System Design
93Photovoltaic Technology LaboratoryDepartment of Electrical and Computer EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringPhotovoltaic TechnologyPhotovoltaic Technology.George E. Georghiou[email protected]
Sustainable Energy
94Electronic Design, Test and Reliability LabDepartment of Electrical and Computer EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringEmbedded SystemsComputer aided design, testing and reliability of modern VLSI circuits and embedded systems, with expertise in CAD algorithms for automatic testing, diagnosis, verification, and resilient design, applicable to different hardware platforms.Maria Michael[email protected]
Design Science
Electronics (Design)
95Mobile Communications and Networking (MCN)Department of Electrical and Computer EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringCommunication (Mobile)Signal processing for Wireless communication systems, Cognitive radio/dynamic resource allocation, Radio-frequency energy harvesting/wireless energy transfer, MIMO and multi-user communication systems, Physical-layer secrecy/Information theoretic secrecy, Cooperative networks/Relaying, Heterogenous networks/ small cells, Full-duplex radio/Hardware-based modeling and signal processing techniques, Software radio/USRP experimental implementation, 5G Communication systems/ massive MIMO/millimeter-wave communications, Large-scale networks/stochastic geometry.Ioannis Krikidis[email protected]
Computing Systems (Mobile)
96Communications & Networking LaboratoryDepartment of Electrical and Computer EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringCommunication (Tele-)Modelling, simulation, emulation and design of architectures, protocols, algorithms and technologies for next-generation communication systems (e.g. machine-to-machine, 5G systems, optical/wireless telecommunication networks), with a focus on communication theory, wireless communications and networking.--
Communication Systems
97Electromagnetics and Novel Applications LaboratoryDepartment of Electrical and Computer EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringElectromagneticsElectromagnetic measurements and the application of Electromagnetics.--
98Sensors and Robotics LaboratoryDepartment of Electrical and Computer EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringRoboticsmulti-sensor systems for monitoring different environments, critical infrastructures--
99Distributed Control Systems and NetworksDepartment of Electrical and Computer EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringDistributed Control SystemsFault tolerance (e.g., to network delays, packet drops, and component failures) and resiliency to malicious attacks on the network.--
100Power System Modelling Laboratory (PSM)Department of Electrical and Computer EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringPower Systems (Modelling)Electrical Control and Analysis of DC Corrosion, Engineering Cost/Benefit Analysis and Risk Management, Earthing/ Lightning Protection – Solar Applications and LV systems, Loss Evaluation of Power Transformers, Earthing Design for Microgrids, Power System Analysis.Charalambos A. Charalambous[email protected]
101Optimal Diagnostics Laboratory (ODx)Department of Electrical and Computer EngineeringFaculty of Engineering--
102Power Systems and Power Electronics LaboratoryDepartment of Electrical and Computer EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringPower Systems--
103Power Systems Pilot SideDepartment of Electrical and Computer EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringPower Systems--
104Microwaves & Antennas LaboratoryDepartment of Electrical and Computer EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringMicrowavesFocuses on the design of novel electromagnetic structures, such as antennas and RF/microwave/mm-wave circuits and systems, which exhibit new phenomena and/or demonstrate superior performance characteristics compared to their conventional counterparts.Markos Antoniades[email protected]
105Mass and Energy Transfer LaboratoryDepartment of Mechanical and Manufacturing EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringEnergyHeat & mass transfer, Renewable energy sources, Computational Fluid dynamics (CFD), Direct and Large Eddy simulations of Turbulent flows (DNS/LES), High performance & GPU computing, Algorithmic acceleration of scientific computations.Demokratis Gregoriades[email protected]
Heat & mass transfer
Dynamics (Fluid)
106In Silico Modelling groupDepartment of Mechanical and Manufacturing EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringBiomechanics and Biomedical Theoretical mechanics in solid materials, structures and biological tissuesVasileios Vavourakis[email protected]
107Internal Combustion Engine LaboratoryDepartment of Mechanical and Manufacturing EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringEngine (Internal Combustion)Internal Combustion Engine.Demokratis Gregoriades[email protected]
108Vibration Analysis and Signal Processing LaboratoryDepartment of Mechanical and Manufacturing EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringMechanical VibrationsTesting on vibrating structures, modal analysis and control.Andreas Kyprianou[email protected]
Signal Processing
109Polymer processing laboratoryDepartment of Mechanical and Manufacturing EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringPolymer SciencePolymer based organic-inorganic hybrids, Micellar nanohybrids, Polymer-based nanocomposite hydrogels, Electrospun nanocomposite fibers.Theodora Krasia-Christoforou[email protected]
110Powder Technology LaboratoryDepartment of Mechanical and Manufacturing EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringPowder TechnologyMaterials Synthesis, Materials Processing, Materials Characterization, Materials Properties.Theodora Kyratsikyratsi@ucy ac cy
Materials Science
111Nanostructured Materials and Devices LaboratoryDepartment of Mechanical and Manufacturing EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringNanotechnologySynthesis of n- type transparent conducting oxide semiconductor nanowires, Fundamental properties of copper nitride and implementation of the first solar cell using this defect tolerant semiconductor. Matheos Zervos[email protected]
112Cancer Biophysics LaboratoryDepartment of Mechanical and Manufacturing EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringBiophysicsNovel computational approaches are combined with state-of-the-art experimental techniques to further explore the mechanopathology of cancer and overcome the barriers to the effective delivery of drugs to solid tumours. The focus of the lab is the application of principles from engineering and biology in order to investigate the mechanisms with which physical forces are related to tumour growth, progression and treatment and how these forces can be modulated to improve therapy.Triantafyllos Stylianopoulos[email protected]
113Laboratory for Biomaterials & Biomedical DevicesDepartment of Mechanical and Manufacturing EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringBiomedical ApplicationsRegemerative medicine, tissue models and drug screeningDimitrios Tzeranis[email protected]
114Robotics LabDepartment of Mechanical and Manufacturing EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringRoboticsDynamic analysis, control, design and development of robotic systemsEftychios Christoforou[email protected]
115Complex Functional Materials LaboratoryDepartment of Mechanical and Manufacturing EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringScientific Disciplinesnew technologies that affect positively the quality of human lifeIoannis Giapintzakis[email protected]
116Polymers LaboratoryDepartment of Mechanical and Manufacturing EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringMolecular polymersSynthesis and molecular characterization of polymers of various chemical compositions and architectures Theodora Krasia-Christoforou[email protected]
117Robotic Rehabilitation LaboratoryDepartment of Mechanical and Manufacturing EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringRobotic DevicesRehabilitation systems that assist users during physical therapy Loucas Louca[email protected]
118Manufacturing and Materials Modeling LaboratoryDepartment of Mechanical and Manufacturing EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringManufacturing processesAssist industry in material characterisation, tooling design, processing route optimisation and prototype development and testingDenis Politis[email protected]
119UCY-RespiHubDepartment of Mechanical and Manufacturing EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringRespiratory MedicineHuman respiratory physiology, pathology and function, drug delivery to the lungs and the interaction between neruophysiological disordersStavros Kassinos[email protected]
120Computational Science Laboratory (UCY-CompSci)Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringComputer ScienceAerodynamics, Turbulent fluid and plasma flows, Biological fluid flows, Environmental flows, Controlled thermonuclear fusion, Molecular dynamics. Stavros Kassinos[email protected]
Engineering (Computational)
121Surface Engineering Laboratory Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringSurface Engineeringfocuses on thin films and advanced materials with the goal to contribute towards the basic understanding required to synthesise tailor made functional materialsClaus Rebholz[email protected]
122GAIA Laboratory of Environmental Engineering Department of Civil and Enviromental EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringEngineering (Environmental)Industrial and Urban Wastewater, Environmental Pollution Control, Environmentally friendly products and processes.Despo Fatta-Kassinos[email protected]
Water (Management)
123Geomechanics Laboratory Department of Civil and Enviromental EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringEngineering (Geotechnical)Foundation engineering, expansive soils, slope stability, computational geomechanics, constitutive modeling, geotechnical earthquake engineering.Demetris Loukides[email protected]
Mechanics (Geo-)
124Strength of Materials LaboratoryDepartment of Civil and Enviromental EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringEngineering (Bulding)Strength of Materials.Ioannis Ioannou[email protected]
Materials Science
125Ledra and Building Material LaboratoryDepartment of Civil and Enviromental EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringEngineering (Bulding)Characterisation of traditional building materials, Lime and gypsum mortars, building and decorative stones and mud bricks, Aggregates and the effect of their characteristics on the quality of composite building materials, such as mortars and concrete. Ioannis Ioannou[email protected]
Materials Science
126Land Surveying Laboratory Department of Civil and Enviromental EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringLand SurveyingLand Surveying.Ioannis Ioannou[email protected]
127Environmental Fluid Mechanics LaboratoryDepartment of Civil and Enviromental EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringMechanics (Fluid)Fluid flow phenomena in environmental and industrial applications, such as airflow and dispersion around and inside buildings, water flows and pollution in rivers and seas and air pollution. Marina Neophytou[email protected]
Engineering (Environmental)
128Earthquake Engineering Laboratory Department of Civil and Enviromental EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringEngineering (Earthquake)Earthquake engineering and structural dynamics, Seismic isolation and energy-dissipation systems, Development of computational schemes for nonlinear dynamic analysis, Earthquake-simulator large-scale testing, Rigid-body dynamics.Panayiotis Rousis[email protected]
Dynamics (Structural)
Engineering (Structural)
129Concrete Technology and Structures LaboratoryDepartment of Civil and Enviromental EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringEngineering (Structural)Concrete Technology and Structures.Michalis Petrou[email protected]
Dynamics (Structural)
Concrete Technology
130Virtual Reality LaboratoryDepartment of Civil and Enviromental EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringVirtual RealityVisual representations, animations and simulations of engineering, architectural and construction management projects.Symeon Christodoulou[email protected]
131Eupalinos- Construction Engineering and Water Distribution LaboratoryDepartment of Civil and Enviromental EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringConstruction EngineeringScientific and industrial research for construction engineering and the sustainable management of UWDNSymeon Christodoulou[email protected]
132Archimedes Research Center for Structural and Construction TechnologyDepartment of Civil and Enviromental EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringStructural and Construction TechnologyDevelopment of specialized research and the extension through interdisciplinary cooperationMarios Phocas, Petros Komodromos, Symeon Christodoulou[email protected]
133Environmental Biotechnology LaboratoryDepartment of Civil and Enviromental EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceCombats environmental pollution taking advantage of microorganisms vast properties and capabilitiesArgyro Tsipa[email protected]
134Steel Structures LaboratoryDepartment of Civil and Enviromental EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringSteel structuresExperimental, numerical and analytical work on cold-formed and hot-roleed steel, prestressed steel structures and metal 3D printingNicolas Hadjipantelis[email protected]
135Lαb of Transport EngineeringDepartment of Civil and Enviromental EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringEngineering (Transport)Transportation Networks, Traffic Modelling, Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), Urban Mobility, Traffic Safety, Travel Behavior, Freight.Dimitriou Loukas[email protected]
Engineering (Traffic)
136FOSS Research Centre for Sustainable EnergyFaculty of EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringEnergyRenewable energy sources (RES) with an emphasis on solar energy, Distributed generation and new technologies for electrical power systems, Smart electricity networks, Enabling technologies including energy storage and ICT, which are necessary for developing a smart grid environment, Energy efficiency and energy saving, Energy efficient buildings, Energy Policy and Energy economics.George E. Georghiou[email protected]
Sustainable Energy
Power Systems
137EMPHASIS Research CentreFaculty of EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringKey Enabling Technologies (KETs)Key Enabling Technologies (KETs), ICT, Electronics, Sensors, Nanotechnology, Microwaves, Photonics.Stavros Iezekiel[email protected]
138KIOS Research and Innovation Center of ExcellenceFaculty of EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringICTInformation and Communication Technologies (ICT), Monitoring, Control and Security of Critical Infrastructures, Large-scale, complex systems such as power and energy systems, water networks, transportation networks, telecommunication networks and emergency management and response.Marios Polycarpou and Christos Panayiotou[email protected] [email protected]
Computational Intelligence
Machine Learning
System Design
Intelligent Systems
Data Science
139Nireas International Water Research CenterFaculty of EngineeringFaculty of EngineeringWaterWater/Wastewater quality, monitoring and treatment, Drinking water supply, distribution and management, Environmental Biotechnology, Subsurface remediation technologies, Hydrologic, hydro-geomorphic and hydro-climatic processes, Geophysical hydrodynamics, Wave induced flows and wave energy, Socioeconomic analysis of water-related issues.Despo Fatta-Kassinos[email protected]
Biological Science
Environmental Science
140Archaeological Research UnitDepartment of History and ArchaeologyFaculty of LettersArchaelologyIts primary aims were to conduct active research and to teach the ancient culture of Cyprus and neighbouring civilisations in the Mediterranean.Vasiliki Kassianidou[email protected]
141Artefact and Landscape Studies LaboratoryDepartment of History and ArchaeologyFaculty of LettersLandscape StudiesLandscape archaeology, Documentation, study and publication of ceramic finds.Athanasios Vionis[email protected]
Archaeology (Field)
142Digital Humanities Geoinformatics LaboratoryDepartment of History and ArchaeologyFaculty of LettersDigital HumanitiesCutting-edge technologies in Landscape Archaelogy, Environmental Archaeology, Digital History, Monument Monitoring and Cultural Heritage Risk Assessment and ModelingSylvia Ioannou[email protected]
143Laboratory for Archiving, Study and Publication of Excavation's ProjectsDepartment of History and ArchaeologyFaculty of LettersAutodesk Map 3DUse of Autodesk Map 3D, the digital archiving, study and publication of an unlimited number of excavationsOurania Kouka[email protected]
144Maritime Archaeological Research LaboratoryDepartment of History and ArchaeologyFaculty of LettersArhaeology (Maritime)Maritime Archaeology, Digitization of archaeological data.Styliani Demesticha[email protected]
145The Centre for Medieval Arts & Rituals (CeMAR)Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek StudiesFaculty of LettersMedieval StudiesSpurs and promotes groundbreaking interdisciplinary research in medieval studies. Its unique approach to the study of medieval arts and rituals addresses a long-standing gap in existing research that has not seen medieval arts and rituals as the interdependent and complementary practices that they truly are. CeMAR proceeds on the premise that medieval arts are imbricated with medieval rituals.Stavroula Constantinou[email protected]
146Center of Modern Greek StudiesFaculty of LettersFaculty of LettersGreek Studies (Modern)Modern Greek Studies.-[email protected]