Research Committee 
The Research Committee coordinates the research strategy and policy of the University of Cyprus. More specifically, the members of the Committee look into research policy issues and make appropriate recommendations to the Senate, as well as coordinate the preparation, formulation and implementation of the University’s research projects and activities. The Research Committee aims to provide conditions that will both support and stimulate quality research among the University’s academic staff, and, it promotes all their research endeavours. The
Research Committee is chaired, ex officio, by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs.



Innovation Committee 



Patents Committee
Several outstanding advances and innovations have been achieved through rigorous university research. The University of Cyprus has recently obtained its first patents. This is a significant achievement since the commercialization of patents and import of the technology in the global market will bring important economic benefits to the University. What is more, the inventions patented by the academic researchers at the University constitute an integral part to the progress of the science and technology in Cyprus; such achievements strengthen the economy, create new jobs and enhance the welfare of the Cypriot population.
As a result, an Ad hoc Committee has been created in order to manage the applications for patents for academic from the University of Cyprus.