A number of scientific publications in important MERIT topics is planned to be delivered by the consortium to reflect the findings of the research work carried out within the project. Papers will be submitted for publication in peer-reviewed journals, books and repositories and where applicable Open Research Europe will be utilised to that end. In any case all research work will be published in full open access outlets once completed and peer-reviewed.

Should we be wary of the role of scientific publishers in Open Science?

Adrien Fillon, Zacharias Maniadis, Eva Méndez and Pablo Sánchez- Núñez


"We wish to express our concern for the role of for-profit scientific publishers in understanding and appropriating what “Open Science” means. This role can be characterised as opportunistic, and has led to an interpretation that can cause considerable confusion when we identify Open Science with Open Access and Open Access with" paying for publishing”....

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