Welcome to the portal of the research programme "Evidence based strategies and actions to face bullying" sponsored by the European Commission's Daphne III Programme (Daphne project JLS/DAP/2007-1/226). The main aim of this research project is to help schools in the five participating countries use an evidence-based approach to face bullying among students of diverse socio-ethnic backgrounds. This project encourages each partner and each school unit to develop different actions and strategies to face and reduce bullying in terms of their own experience, their context, their culture and their specific problems/challenges they are facing.


The essential characteristic of this research programme is that instead of addressing bullying independently from providing learning opportunities to students, we treat it as a challenge not only for establishing a productive and safe learning environment in the school but also for introducing and achieving cognitive and affective aims like social cognition, understanding of social values, emotional recognition and positive attitudes towards peers.
We are very hopeful that this project will improve the professional and human competency of primary schools teaching staff towards raising the status of school effectiveness to face the problem of bullying in their school. In this way, the benefits and the contribution of the actions that have been undertaken in terms of the project with the cooperation of researchers, the school management teams, the teachers, the students and their parents will not be only individual or educational but social as well. In this context, our effort to raise awareness of the problem in schools is strongly related to other social objectives of the EU such as education for democratic citizenship, application of human rights, prevention of school failure in order to reduce/eliminate the drop out and provide equal opportunities.
The coordinator of the research programme "Evidence based strategies and actions to face bullying"
Dr Leonidas Kyriakides
Associate Professor of Educational Research and Evaluation
Department of Education, University of Cyprus