Πτυχίο Αγγλικής Γλώσσας και Φιλολογίας (Άριστα), Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης, 1991. Μεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα (Magister Artium) στις Αγγλικές Σπουδές (με διάκριση), University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, 1994. Διδακτορικό (Doctor of Philosophy) στις Αγγλικές Σπουδές, με δευτερεύουσα ειδίκευση στη Συγκριτική Λογοτεχνία και τις Πολιτισμικές Σπουδές, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, 1998. Έχει διατελέσει ερευνητικός υπότροφος του Princeton University (2004-05). Έχει επίσης διδάξει στα πανεπιστημιακά ιδρύματα University of Minnesota (ως βοηθός καθηγητή), Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης (ως μεταπτυχιακός συνεργάτης), Dartmouth College (ως διδάσκων του Ινστιτούτου Αμερικανικών Σπουδών) και University of California, Santa Cruz (ως επισκέπτης καθηγητής).
Συγκριτικές σπουδές στην Ουτοπία· Αμερικανική πεζογραφία του 18ου-19ου αιώνα· Λογοτεχνική γεωγραφία και σημειωτική παραγωγή του χώρου· Κριτική θεωρία, ιδιαίτερα Μαρξισμός, θεωρία εθνικισμού, αποικιοκρατίας και παγκοσμιοποίησης· Θεωρία του μυθιστορήματος· Πολιτική θεωρία· Οπτική κουλτούρα, ιδιαίτερα κινηματογράφος.
Antonis Balasopoulos and Stephanos Stephanides, ed. "Comparative Literature and Global Studies: Histories and Trajectories." Gramma: Journal of Theory and Criticism 13 (2005). Special issue. 230 pages.
Antonis Balasopoulos, Gesa Mackenthun, Theodora Tsimpouki, ed. Conformism, Non-Conformism and Anti-Conformism in the Culture of the United States. Heidelberg: Universitatsverlag Winter, 2008. 330 pages.
Antonis Balasopoulos and Apostolos Lampropoulos, ed. Chores Tēs Theorias: Istoria kai Geographia tōn Kritikōn Aphegematōn. [States of Theory: History and Geography of Critical Narratives]. Athens: Metaichmio, 2009. 583 pages.
Antonis Balasopoulos. Through the Loophole: Archive of Elliptical Impulses [Ap' to mati tis velonas: Arheio Elliptikwn Parormisewn]. Athens: Astra, 2011. 69 pages. Reprinted Herakleion: Enantia, 2022.
Antonis Balasopoulos. The Book of Brief Reflections. [To Vivlio ton mikron syllogismon]. Athens: Astra, 2011. 93 pages.
Antonis Balasopoulos, ed. Intellectuals and the State: Complicities, Confrontations, Ruptures. Occasion: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities 3 (2012). Online.
Antonis Balasopoulos, Multiplicities of Zero [Pollaplotites tou midenos]. Thessaloniki: Shakespearikon, 2020. 58 pages.
Antonis Balasopoulos and Stella Achilleos, ed. Reading Texts on Sovereignty: Textual Moments in the History of Political Thought. Textual Moments series, ed. J.C. Davis and John Morrow, Bloomsbury Academic, 2021. 208 pages.
Antonis Balasopoulos, White on White [Lefko sto lefko]. Athens: Enypnio, 2021. 102 pages.
Antonis Balasopoulos, The Cube and Other Stories [O kuvos kai alles istories]. Athens, 24 Grammata, 2021. 178 pages. State Literature Award for best Short Story/Novella, Republic of Cyprus.
Antonis Balasopoulos, The Book of Creatures [To vivlio ton plasmaton]. Thessaloniki: Shakespearikon, 2021. 68 pages. Shortlisted for State Literature Award for Poetry, Republic of Cyprus.
Antonis Balasopoulos, The Book of Hands [To vivlio ton herion]. Larissa: Thraca, 2023. 64 pages.
Antonis Balasopoulos, ed. A.L. Morton, The English Utopia. Ralahine Classics Series. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2023. 302 pages.
“The Fractured Image: Plato, the Greeks, and the Figure of the Ideal City.” Exploring the Utopian Impulse: Essays on Utopian Thought and Practice. Ed. Tom Moylan and Michael Griffin. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2007. 117-137.
“‘Utopian and Cynical Elements’: Chaplin, Cinema and Weimar Critical Theory.” Futurescapes: Space in Utopian and Science Fiction Discourses. Ed. Ralph Pordzik. Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi, 2009. 327-258.
“Theoreia, Istoria, Kūriarhia”. Chores Tēs Theorias: Istoria kai Geographia tōn Kritikōn Aphegematōn. Athens: Metaichmio, 2010. 475-516.
“Anti-Utopia and Dystopia: Rethinking the Generic Field” (bilingual text). Utopia Project Archive, 2006-2010. Ed. Vassilis Vlastaras. Athens: School of Fine Arts Publications, 2011. 59-67.
“Varieties of Lacanian Anti-Utopianism”. Spectres of Utopia: Theory, Practice, Conventions. Ed. Artur Blaim and Ludmila Gruszewska-Blaim. Frankfurt-am-Maim: Peter Lang, 2012. 69-80, 272-275.
“Pigs in Heaven? Utopia, Animality and Plato's Hūopolis.” The Epistemology of Utopia: Rhetoric, Theory and Imagination. Ed. Jorge Bastos da Silva. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2013. 8-27.
“Celestial Cities and Rationalist Utopias”. In The Cambridge Companion to the City in Literature. Ed. Kevin McNamara. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014. 17-30.
“The Negation of Negation: On Demand the Impossible and the Question of Critical Utopia". In Tom Moylan, Demand the Impossible: Science Fiction and the Utopian Imagination, revised edition, Oxford: Peter Lang, 2014. 263-269.
“Conrad, Ideology and Utopia.” Strange Vistas: Perspectives on the Utopian. Ed. Justyna Galant and Marta Komsta. Bern: Peter Lang, Mediated Fictions vol. 16, 2019. 59-77
“Divided Sovereignties: Lenin and Dual Power.” In Reading Texts on Sovereignty: Textual Moments in the History of Political Thought. Ed. Stella Achilleos and Antonis Balasopoulos. Textual Moments in the History of Political Thought. Gen. ed. J.C. Davis and John Morrow. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2021. 147-154
(with Stella Achilleos) Introduction. In Reading Texts on Sovereignty: Textual Moments in the History of Political Thought. Ed. Stella Achilleos and Antonis Balasopoulos. Textual Moments in the History of Political Thought. Gen. ed. J.C. Davis and John Morrow. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2021. 1-8.
“Marxism”. Palgrave Handbook of Utopian and Dystopian Literatures. Ed. Fatima Vieira, Jennifer Wagner-Lawlor and Peter Marks. Cham: Palgrave/Macmillan, 2022. 315-332.
“The Dialectics of Revery: Daydreaming and the (Un)Fair City, 1794-1922.” Utopia, Ideology, and Equity in Urban Texts: Fair and Unfair Cities. Ed. Michael Kelly and Mariano Paz. Cham: Palgrave MacMillan, 2023. 25-46.
“Editor’s Introduction.” In A.L. Morton, The English Utopia. Ed. Antonis Balasopoulos. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2023. vii-xliii.
“Anti-Anti-Utopia for Post-Socialist Times: Fredric Jameson’s An American Utopia in Perspective”. In Rethinking Democracy for Post-Utopian Worlds: Alternative Political Projects After the Sovereign State. Ed. Jorge León Casero and Julia Urabayen. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. In press.
“‘People who have come to the end of things’: Ideology, Narrative Form, and the Evolution of Dystopias of the State, 1887-1949”. The Dystopia Reader. Ed. Patricia McManus. Oxford: Peter Lang. Forthcoming.
“Unworldly Worldliness: America and the Trajectories of Utopian Expansionism.” Utopian Studies 15:2 (Spring 2004): 3-35. Published by the University Press of America.
“‘Suffer a Sea Change’: Spatial Crisis, Maritime Modernity, and the Politics of Utopia.” Cultural Critique 63 (Winter 2006): 122-156. Published by the University of Minnesota Press.
“Nesologies: Island Form and Postcolonial Geopoetics.” Postcolonial Studies 11:1 (2008): 9-26. Published by Routledge.
“Ghosts of the Future: Marxism, Deconstruction, and the Afterlife of Utopia.” Theory & Event 12:3 (2009): 1-19. (Published by the ohns Hopkins University Press.
“The Discreet Charm of the ‘Anarchist Sublime’: Sovereign Power and Bare Life Revisited”. Occasion: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities 3 (2012): 1-23. Stanford University.
Introduction: Intellectuals and the State: Complicities, Confrontations, Ruptures. Occasion: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities 3 (2012): 1-34. Stanford University.
“Factories, Utopias, Decoration and Upholstery: On Utopia, Modernism and Everyday Life”. Utopian Studies 25:2 (2014): 268-298. ( Published by Penn State University Press.
“Dark Light: Utopia and the Question of Surplus Population.” Utopian Studies 27:3 (2016): 615-629. Published by Penn State University Press.
“Utopian Studies in Greece Today: A Brief Survey”. Utopian Studies, 27:3 (2016): 441-448. Published by Penn State University Press.
“Repetition: Thinking Between G.W.F. Hegel’s Philosophy of History (1837) and Karl Marx’s The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte (1852)”. Philosophica, 54 (2019): 81-97. Published by the Department of Philosophy, University of Lisbon.
“Crisis, Justice, Messianism: Walter Benjamin’s ‘Critique of Violence’”, Cogito 12:2 (December 2020): 69-89. Published by Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University/Pro Universitaria.
“Hunger, World, the X: On Ghosh and Hillis Miller’s Thinking Literature Across Continents.” Journal of Foreign Languages and Cultures 4:2 (December 2020): 57-69. Published by Hunan Normal University Press.
“Georges Sorel and Critical Anti-Utopianism”, Revista Polis 8:4 (September-November 2020): 1-16. Published by Faculty of Political Sciences, Petre Andrei University.
“Fictional Menageries: Writing Animals in the Early Twenty-First Century” Word and Text: A Journal of Literary Studies and Linguistics, Vol. XI (December 2021): 209-217. Published by Universitatea Petrol-Gaze din Ploieşti.
“The Continuing Adventures of the Dialectic: On Roland Boer’s Socialism with Chinese Characteristics: A Guide for Foreigners”. (Review Essay) World Review of Political Economy 12:3 (2021): 321-347. Published by Pluto Press/Cass.
(with Roland Boer). “Socialism, Communism, and Concrete Marxism”. International Critical Thought 12:4 (2022): 501-516. Published by Routledge.
“The Politics and Aesthetics of Utopian Literature: From the ‘Golden Age’ Myth to the Renaissance”. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Literature. Published by Oxford University Press. Published online: 18 October 2023.
“Anti-Utopianism, Social Darwinism, and Self-Preservation: Some Reflections.” Utopian Studies 34:2 (2023): 311-317. Published by Penn State University Press.
“Two Cheers for Blueprints, or, Negative Reasons for Positive Utopianism”. Utopian Studies 34:3 (2023): 489-497. Published by Penn State University Press.
“Pessimism of the Intellect, Optimism of the Will: A Response on the Past and Future of Utopian Studies”. Utopian Studies 34:3 (2023): 544-549. Published by Penn State University Press.
“Utopia, Modernism, and Failure: On Franz Kafka’s Impossibilities.” Cultural Critique 123 (Spring 2024): 26-51. Published by the University of Minnesota Press.
“Genre History and Ideology in Utopian Literature, 1750-1840.” Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Literature. Published by Oxford University Press. Forthcoming.
“Genre History and Ideology in Utopian Literature of the Late Nineteenth Century: Edward Bellamy and William Morris.” Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Literature. Published by Oxford University Press. Forthcoming.
“Early Modern Utopian Novums: On the Politics and Poetics of Gestating the New”. Utopian Studies. Published by Penn State University Press. Forthcoming.