Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Green Park, 303
91, Aglantzias Ave.
Dr Nicolas Hadjipantelis is Assistant Professor in Structural Engineering at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Cyprus, where he is conducting research in the area of Steel Structures and is teaching courses related to steel structures and structural stability at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.
Dr Hadjipantelis is the founder and leader of the Steel Structures Laboratory at the University of Cyprus, which comprises a state-of-the-art Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) system. Dr Hadjipantelis has several years of experience in the research area of WAAM, specifically in the production, testing, modelling, and development of design rules for WAAM structures.
Before joining the University of Cyprus in August 2020, Dr Hadjipantelis has worked for two years as a Research Associate at Imperial College London in affiliation with The Alan Turing Institute, which is the United Kingdom's national institute for data science and artificial intelligence.
Dr Hadjipantelis holds a PhD in Steel Structures from Imperial College London, for which he was awarded an Imperial College President’s Scholarship. As part of his undergraduate studies at the University of Bristol, where he obtained a first class honours MEng degree in Civil Engineering, he studied and conducted research for an academic year at the University of California, Berkeley.
Dr Hadjipantelis is an Associate Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), a Graduate Member of the Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE), a Full Member of the Cyprus Scientific and Technical Chamber (ETEK), a Full Member of the Cyprus Association of Civil Engineers (CYACE).
Curriculum Vitae (Jan. '25)
Steel Structures; Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing; Prestressed Steel Structures; Finite Element Modelling; Structural Stability
Research philosophy
My research philosophy is based on three pillars: Innovation, Quality and Impact.
Innovation fosters novel and create ideas, which quality work transforms into recognised research excellence, which has a positive impact on the wider society, the physical environment and the built environment.
Research areas
My research activity lies in the field of steel structures and includes the following research areas:
(1) Metal 3D printing – Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM)
(2) Prestressed steel structures
(3) Cold-formed steel structures
(4) Hot-rolled steel structures
(5) Structural stability
(1) Experimentation – e.g. full-scale, member and material testing
(2) Numerical modelling – e.g. finite element modelling (GMNIA)
(3) Analytical modelling – e.g. energy methods and structural mechanics
Research output
My research output is published in high-impact peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), Engineering Structures, Thin-Walled Structures and the Journal of Constructional Steel Research, and is presented at key international conferences.
Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing
Dr Hadjipantelis has recently set up a Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) facility in the Steel Structures Laboratory of the University of Cyprus.
WAAM is a metal 3D printing technique that employs a robotic arm in conjunction with a welding machine to print metallic components of any desired geometry and size in a layer upon layer fashion, as shown below. The facility is used to produce specimens that are tested in the laboratory with the aim of demonstrating the benefits of using WAAM in construction.
You can watch a presentation by Dr Hadjipantelis outlining the use of WAAM in construction in this video (in Greek).
Dr Hadjipantelis has actively participated in the final full-scale loading tests on the MX3D Bridge, the first metal 3D printed pedestrian bridge in the world.
Prestressed steel structures
Dr Hadjipantelis is conducting research work in the area of prestressed steel structures. Dr Hadjipantelis has proposed a novel concept, whereby the load-carrying capacity and serviceability performance of cold-formed steel beams are enhanced by utilising prestressing techniques. The prestressing force is applied by means of a high-strength steel cable, which induces initial stresses in the beam that are opposite in sign to those introduced during the subsequent loading stage.
In a recent study, Dr Hadjipantelis has also examined the use of externally anchored prestressed cables to enhance the stability of steel truss compression elements.
Journal Publications
- Huang C, Hadjipantelis N, Quan S, Chen T & Gardner L. (2024). Mechanical properties of wire arc additively manufactured steels at polar temperatures. Structures, 70, 107627.
- Evans SI, Hadjipantelis N & Wang J. (2024). Stub column tests on wire arc additively manufactured equal-leg angle sections. Engineering Structures, 164:105790.
- Shah IH+, Hadjipantelis N+, Walter L, Myers RJ, Gardner L. (2023). Environmental life cycle assessment of wire arc additively manufactured steel structural components. Journal of Cleaner Production, 389, 136071.
- Hadjipantelis N, Weber B, Buchanan C & Gardner L. (2022). Description of anisotropic material response of wire and arc additively manufactured thin-walled stainless steel elements. Thin-Walled Structures, 171, 108634.
- Kyvelou P, Nethercot DA, Hadjipantelis N, Kyprianou C, Gardner L. (2020). The evolving basis for the design of light gauge steel systems. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 20(13), 2041008.
- Wadee MA, Hadjipantelis N, Bazzano JB, Gardner L, Lozano-Galant JA. (2020). Stability of steel struts with externally anchored prestressed cables. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 164:105790.
- Hadjipantelis N, Gardner L, Wadee MA. (2019). Finite-element modeling of prestressed cold-formed steel beams. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 145(10), 04019100.
- Hadjipantelis N, Gardner L, Wadee MA. (2019). Design of prestressed cold-formed steel beams. Thin-Walled Structures, 140:565-78.
- Hadjipantelis N, Gardner L, Wadee MA. (2018). Prestressed cold-formed steel beams: concept and mechanical behaviour. Engineering Structures, 172:1057-72.
+These authors contributed equally to this work.
Conference Publications
- Mavros M*, Hadjipantelis N, Ioannou I & Kontovourkis O. (2024). 3D printed steel reinforcement for strengthening historic unreinforced masonry structures. Proc. of 18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Milan, Italy, June 30–July 5, 2024.
- Huang C*, Hadjipantelis N & Gardner L. (2024). Mechanical properties of WAAM steels at polar temperatures. Proc. of 10th International Conference on Steel and Aluminium Structures, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 5–7, 2024.
- Panagiotopoulos V*, Hadjipantelis N & Gantes JC. (2023). Evaluation of effects of printing parameters on geometric and mechanical properties of wire arc additively manufactured elements. Proc. of 10th Hellenic National Conference of Steel Structures, Athens, October 19–21, 2023; (in Greek).
- Hadjipantelis N*,++, Shah IH++, Walter L, Myers RJ & Gardner L. (2023). Metal additively versus conventionally manufactured structures – An environmental life cycle assessment. Proc. of 10th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures, Eurosteel, Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 12–14, 2023. (link)
- Evans SI*, Hadjipantelis N & Wang J. (2023). Effects of deposition rate on local stability of wire arc additively manufactured outstand elements. Proc. of 10th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures, Eurosteel, Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 12–14, 2023. (link)
- Hadjipantelis N*, Weber B & Gardner L. (2021). Characterisation of the anisotropic response of wire and arc additively manufactured stainless steel. Proc. of 9th European Conference on Steel and Composite Structures, Eurosteel, Sheffield, UK, September 1-3, 2021. (link)
- Hadjipantelis N*, Kyvelou P, Gardner L, Wadee MA. (2019). Numerical modelling of prestressed composite cold-formed steel flooring systems. Proc. of 7th International Conference in Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, Cape Town, South Africa, September 2-4, 2019. (link)
- Hadjipantelis N*, Gardner L, Wadee MA. (2018). Prestressed cold-formed steel beams – parametric studies and design recommendations. Proc. of 9th International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures, Hong Kong Institute of Steel Construction Limited, Hong Kong, China, December 5-7, 2018.
- Hadjipantelis N*, Gardner L & Wadee MA. (2018). Prestressed cold-formed steel beams - Conceptual development. Proc. of 8th International Conference on Thin-Walled Structures, Lisbon, Portugal, July 24-27, 2018.
- Hadjipantelis N*,+. (2018). Prestressed cold-formed steel beams. Proc. of 20th Young Researchers' Conference of the Institution of Structural Engineers, London, United Kingdom, April 10, 2018.
*Oral presentations
++These authors contributed equally to this work.
Other publications
- Hadjipantelis N. (2021). Metal 3D printing in the construction sector: prospects and challenges. The Civil Engineer. Issue July 2021. Cyprus Association of Civil Engineers.
- Hadjipantelis N. (2019). Prestressed cold-formed steel beams. PhD Thesis. Imperial College London.