In the postgraduate programme the seminars are allocated according to the three fields, as appears in the use of the three letters of the course codes. In each field in-depth examination of particular research issues is combined with broader interdisciplinary considerations.
In particular, the postgraduate seminars are allocated as follows:
1. Byzantine Language and Literature (BMG 500-515)
2. Byzantine and Medieval History (HIS 500-515)
3. Byzantine and Medieval Art and Archaeology (ARC 500-515)
List of Postgraduate Seminars according to Field
A. Byzantine Language and Literature (BMG 500-515)
- BMG 500 Editorial Theory and Practice
- BMG 501 Genre Issues
- BMG 502 Byzantine Narratives
- BMG 503 Language and Literature
- BMG 504 Religious Poetry and Hymnography
- BMG 505 Biography and Autobiography
- BMG 506 Byzantine Law
- BMG 507 Aspects of the Male and Female World
- BMG 508 Authors and their Audiences
- BMG 509 Emotions and Mentalities
- BMG 510 Representations of the Body
- BMG 511 Conquests of Cities
B. Byzantine and Medieval History (HIS 500-515)
- History of Byzantine Society: The aristocracy in Byzantium (12th-15th c.)
- Byzantium: Politics and Ideology: Emperor and priest, the beginnings of Byzantine political ideology
- HIS 505 History of the Byzantine economy: Byzantium and the flourishing of Italian trade (12th-15th c.)
- HIS 506 The Crusades and the Latin East: Social History of the Latin Eastern States: Jerusalem – Cyprus – Romania, 11th-13th c.
- HIS 507 Latin Rule in the Greek World
- HIS 508 Byzantine Scholars in Italy (from the Council of Ferrara-Florence to the end of the 16th c.)
- HIS 509 Byzantine Cyprus
- HIS 510 Frankish and Venetian Cyprus(1191-1571)
- HIS 511 Historiography: Problems of Historicity and Ideology in the Latin-Ruled Greek World(12th-17th c.)
- HIS 512 Receptions of Byzantium in Early Modern Europe
- HIS 513 Receptions of the Greek Church Fathers in Early Modern Europe
- HIS 514 Byzantium and the West (800-1000)
- ARC 500 Survey of Research and Interpretative Approaches to Byzantine Archaeology
- ARC 501 The Study of Ceramics in Byzantine Archaeology
- ARC 503 The Archaeology of Death in Byzantium
- ARC 504 Byzantine Material Culture and Identity
- ARC 505 Byzantine Icon Theory
- ARC 506 Byzantine “Secular” Art
- ARC 507 Dress: The Mirror of Byzantine Society
- ARC 508 Relations between Centre and Periphery: Byzantine Art in Cyprus
- ARC 509 From Paganism to Christianity
- ARC 510 Art and Identity in the Time of the Crusades
- ARC 511 Art in Medieval Cyprus under Latin Rule
- ARC 512 The Transformation of the Byzantine City