In the postgraduate programme the seminars are allocated according to the three fields, as appears in the use of the three letters of the course codes. In each field in-depth examination of particular research issues is combined with broader interdisciplinary considerations.
In particular, the postgraduate seminars are allocated as follows:

1. Byzantine Language and Literature (BMG 500-515)
2. Byzantine and Medieval History (HIS 500-515)
3. Byzantine and Medieval Art and Archaeology (ARC 500-515)

List of Postgraduate Seminars according to Field

A. Byzantine Language and Literature (BMG 500-515)
  1. BMG 500 Editorial Theory and Practice
  2. BMG 501 Genre Issues
  3. BMG 502 Byzantine Narratives
  4. BMG 503 Language and Literature
  5. BMG 504 Religious Poetry and Hymnography
  6. BMG 505 Biography and Autobiography
  7. BMG 506 Byzantine Law
  8. BMG 507 Aspects of the Male and Female World
  9. BMG 508 Authors and their Audiences
  10. BMG 509 Emotions and Mentalities
  11. BMG 510 Representations of the Body
  12. BMG 511 Conquests of Cities


B. Byzantine and Medieval History (HIS 500-515)
  1. History of Byzantine Society: The aristocracy in Byzantium (12th-15th c.)
  2. Byzantium: Politics and Ideology: Emperor and priest, the beginnings of Byzantine political ideology
  3. HIS 505 History of the Byzantine economy: Byzantium and the flourishing of Italian trade (12th-15th c.)
  4. HIS 506 The Crusades and the Latin East: Social History of the Latin Eastern States: Jerusalem – Cyprus – Romania, 11th-13th c.
  5. HIS 507 Latin Rule in the Greek World
  6. HIS 508 Byzantine Scholars in Italy (from the Council of Ferrara-Florence to the end of the 16th c.)
  7. HIS 509 Byzantine Cyprus
  8. HIS 510 Frankish and Venetian Cyprus(1191-1571)
  9. HIS 511 Historiography: Problems of Historicity and Ideology in the Latin-Ruled Greek World(12th-17th c.)
  10. HIS 512 Receptions of Byzantium in Early Modern Europe
  11. HIS 513 Receptions of the Greek Church Fathers in Early Modern Europe
  12. HIS 514 Byzantium and the West (800-1000)

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  1. ARC 500 Survey of Research and Interpretative Approaches to Byzantine Archaeology
  2. ARC 501 The Study of Ceramics in Byzantine Archaeology
  3. ARC 503 The Archaeology of Death in Byzantium
  4. ARC 504 Byzantine Material Culture and Identity
  5. ARC 505 Byzantine Icon Theory
  6. ARC 506 Byzantine “Secular” Art
  7. ARC 507 Dress: The Mirror of Byzantine Society
  8. ARC 508 Relations between Centre and Periphery: Byzantine Art in Cyprus
  9. ARC 509 From Paganism to Christianity
  10. ARC 510 Art and Identity in the Time of the Crusades
  11. ARC 511 Art in Medieval Cyprus under Latin Rule
  12. ARC 512 The Transformation of the Byzantine City