- Cypro-Minoan, Cuneiform, and Ceramics: technological aspects of script transmission in the House of Yabninu. Oral presentation delivered by Cassandra Donnelly for the “Archaeology of Texts” workshop, organised by the Institute of Ancient Near Eastern Studies at Charles University, Prague, 4 June 2024.
- Η Γεροσκήπου πριν την Ιεροκηπία: εξετάζοντας την αρχαιολογία της περιοχής στη 2η χιλιετία π.Χ.’ (Geroskipou before Ierokipia: examining the archaeology of the region in the 2nd millennium BC). Oral presentation delivered by Artemis Georgiou for the Ierokipeion Free University, Geroskipou-Paphos, 31 May 2024.
- Exploring the inception, apogee and transformation of Cypriot connectivity in the Late Bronze Age. Oral presentation delivered by Artemis Georgiou at the MEDITARCH lecture series 2023-2024 ,organised by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 24 April 2024.
- Μελετώντας τα δίκτυα επαφών της Κύπρου με τη Συροπαλαιστίνη στην Πρώιμη Εποχή του Σιδήρου (11ος -8ος αι. π.Χ.): η περίπτωση του Κιτίου. Oral presentation delivered by Anna Georgiadou for the “Archaeological work of the University of Cyprus”, at the Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus, 24 February 2024.
- Σημεία γραφής αριθμών και μέτρων και η χρήση τους στα εμπορικά δίκτυα της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου της 2ης χιλιετίας π.Χ. Oral presentation delivered by Cassandra Donnelly for the “Archaeological work of the University of Cyprus”, at the Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus, 24 February 2024.
- Tracing the exchange networks in the eastern Mediterranean during the 2nd millennium BCE: new insights from the ComPAS project. Oral presentation delivered by Cydrisse Cateloy for the “Archaeological work of the University of Cyprus”, at the Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus, 24 February 2024.
- Επισκόπηση των ερευνητικών και άλλων δραστηριοτήτων του ComPAS (ERC Starting Grants) για το 2023. Oral presentation delivered by Artemis Georgiou for the “Archaeological work of the University of Cyprus”, at the Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus, 24 February 2024.
- Introduction aux méthodes de mesure de la capacité et présentation d’une étude de cas portant sur les amphores levantines échangées en Méditerranée orientale, Oral presentation delivered by Cydrisse Cateloy for the Aegean Protohistory Seminar, organised by Maia Pomadère for Master students in Universite de Paris I-Sorbonne, 8 December 2023
- Cross-Regional connections: Levantine amphorae and their circulation in the Eastern Mediterranean during the Middle and Late Bronze Age. Oral presentation delivered by Cydrisse Cateloy at the 20th meeting of Postgraduate Cypriot Archaeology (PoCA), University of Athens, 1-3 December 2023
- An updated overview of Late Bronze Age Cyprus and Mediterranean connectivity. Oral presentation delivered by Artemis Georgiou in the VIIth Festival of the Nuragic Civilization, International Meeting “Minoans, Mycenaeans and Cypriots in Sardinia and the Mediterranean in memory of Lucia Vagnetti”, hosted in Orolli, Sardinia (online participation), 23 September 2023
- Interregional connectivity in the Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Mediterranean: the contribution of ‘ComPAS’ (ERC Starting Grant). Oral presentation delivered by Artemis Georgiou in the frame of the event ‘Celebrating Five Years of the A.G. Leventis Chair at the Cyprus Institute’. hosted at The Cyprus Institute, Nicosia, 20-22 September 2023
- Measuring marks on Canaanite Amphorae?. Oral presentation delivered by Artemis Georgiou and Cassandra Donnelly in workshop titled ‘No Half Measures for Understanding Ancient Pots. aims and Methods for Capacity Studies in the Mediterranean Bronze Age’, hosted at the French School at Athens, 15-16 June 2023
- Contextualising Cypriot connectivity with Italy post-1200 BC. Oral presentation delivered by Artemis Georgiou at an International Symposium titled “Italy and Cyprus in Antiquity. A Fresh Look”, hosted at the Swedish School in Rome, 16-17 May 2023
- Transitions and transformations in the pottery record from the Late Bronze Age – Early Iron Age settlement of Kition-Bamboula. Oral presentation delivered by Anna Georgiadou and Artemis Georgiou at an international conference “Cyprus and the Anatolian South Coast from the Late Bronze to the Early Iron Age: Dynamics of Interaction in a Period of Transformation”, hosted at the University of Bern, 6-8 May 2023
- Late Bronze Age ceramic fabrics in their regional setting: the case of Paphos, Cyprus. Oral presentation delivered by Maria Dikomitou-Eliadou and Artemis Georgiou at the Minerva-Gentner Symposium titled “The power of ceramics Transformations and interactions in the Eastern Mediterranean during the Late Bronze and Iron Ages”, hosted at Tel Aviv University, 21-23 February 2023
- Από τη γη των Φαραώ στην Αλασία: διεπιστημονική μελέτη των εισηγμένων αιγυπτιακών αμφορέων στο πλαίσιο του ComPAS ERC Starting Grant (From the land of the Pharaohs to Alashiya: interdisciplinary research of imported Egyptian Amphorae in the frame of ComPAS ERC Starting Grant). Oral presentation delivered by Artemis Georgiou at the annual workshop Το Έργον, Τhe Archaeological work of the University of Cyprus, presented online, 11 March 2023
- Marks and signs in Cypro-Minoan. Oral presentation delivered by Cassandra Donnelly at the annual workshop Το Έργον, Τhe Archaeological work of the University of Cyprus, presented online, 11 March 2023
- Writing, marking and trade in Late Bronze Age Cyprus. Oral presentation delivered by Cassandra Donnelly at the ‘ComPAS Afternoon Seminar Series’, Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus, hybrid event, 07 December 2022. Watch on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2da8YrDirU&t=3701s
- The appropriation of the ‘exotic’: contextualizing the imitations of Tell el-Yahudiyeh ware in Late Bronze Age Cyprus. Oral presentation delivered by Artemis Georgiou in the final workshop of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Project ITEM (Imitations and inTeractions in the Eastern Mediterranean), titled: “Better a good copy than a bad original – a transmediterranean approach to imitations and transpositions of Cypriot wares during the 2nd millennium BCE” hosted at Paris Nanterre University between 23-24 November 2022
- Writers and Traders in the Eastern Mediterranean. Oral presentation delivered by Cassandra Donnelly in the international workshop “Nostoi II: Travelling in the Eastern Mediterranean”, hosted at the Acropolis Museum, Athens, 11 November 2022.
- Approaches to the hands-on study of pre-modern ceramic assemblages: a case study on Cypriot and Mediterranean Late Bronze Age ceramics. Seminar delivered by Artemis Georgiou in the frame of the training workshop titled ‘Ceramic Seriation and Styles. The A-to-Z in Ceramic Studies’, organized by PlaCE Marie Sklodowska Curie ITN programme, hosted at the Cyprus Institute and the Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus, 13 July 2022.
- Aspects of maritime trade and connectivity: the Egyptian transport amphorae in Late Bronze Age Cyprus. Oral presentation delivered by Artemis Georgiou in Session Session 22: The archaeology of ports, harbours and the stream of goods, organized in the frame of the international conference “IKUWA 7, 7th International Congress for Maritime Archaeology”, University of Helsinki, 07 June
- Ceramic bichromy beyond ‘Bichrome ware’ in Late Bronze Age Cyprus. Oral presentation delivered by Artemis Georgiou in the international workshop organized by the project MuseCo. (Brining Life to Old Museum Museum Collections), titled “Ceramic Bichromy in the Eastern Mediterranean during the 2nd and 1st millennia BC”, hosted at the Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus, 20 May 2022
- Maritime Transport Containers from Late Bronze Age – Early Iron Age Cyprus: Preliminary results from the excavations at Kition-Bamboula. Oral presentation delivered by Artemis Georgiou, Anna Georgiadou and Sabine Fourrier in the international workshop organized by PRIN, People of the Middle Sea. Innovation and Integration in Ancient Mediterranean, Consiglio Nazionale delle Richerche, titled “Levantine and Phoenician commercial amphorae between East and West: patterns of innovation (16th-7th centuries BCE)”. Presented online, 12 May 2022
- Το ερευνητικό πρόγραμμα «ComPAS» (ERC Starting Grants-947749): Προκαταρκτικά αποτελέσματα από τις ανασκαφές στη θέση Παμπούλα Κιτίου (The research programme ‘ComPAS’ (ERC Starting Grants-947749): Preliminary results from the excavations at the site Kition-Bamboula). Oral presentation delivered by Artemis Georgiou at the annual workshop Το Έργον, Τhe Archaeological work of the University of Cyprus, presented online, 09 April 2022.
- Moving and Mixing: Mobility, Theory and Provenance. Participation of Artemis Georgiou to round table discussion organized in the frame of the 3rd International Congress on Archaeological Sciences in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East (ICAS-EMME 3), at The Cyprus Institute, hosted between 14–18 March 2022.
- Late Bronze Age interregional connectivity in the Mediterranean and the role of Cyprus: From the ‘Age of Internationalism’ to the ‘Crisis Years’. Oral presentation delivered by Artemis Georgiou in the lecture series of the Institüt für Vor- und Frühgeschichliche Archäologie und Provinzialrömische Archäologie, Ludwig Maximillians-Universität München, delivered online, 02 February 2022
- Developments, advancements and new directions in the study of Late Bronze Age Cyprus. Plenary session presentation addressed by Artemis Georgiou at the 20th PoCA (Postgraduate Cypriot Archaeology) Meeting, hosted by the University of Basel, between 9–11 December 2021
- Interregional commercial strategies in the Late Bronze Age-Early Iron Age eastern Mediterranean: the contribution of the newly implemented ERC Starting Grant “ComPAS”. Lecture delivered by Artemis Georgiou at the Archaeological Research Unit public lecture series, Nicosia, 25 October 2021 – watch on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fRzFtoH3o0&t=25s
- Tradition and innovation during the 12th-to-11th century BC transition in Cyprus: New data from the Kition-Bamboula settlement. Oral presentation delivered by Artemis Georgiou, Anna Georgiadou and Sabine Fourrier at the workshop titled “Social Transformations in Ancient Cyprus”, within the 27th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists at Kiel (hosted online), 11 September 2021
- Decentralised commercial strategies in the Mediterranean after 1200 BC and the role of Cyprus. Oral presentation delivered by Artemis Georgiou at the workshop titled “1200 BC from the Atlantic to Asia: Social Collapse and Resilience in Regional Perspective”, organised within the 27th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists at Kiel (hosted online), 10 September 2021
- Importation, appropriation and the materiality of the ‘exotic’: Revisiting Tell el-Yahudiyeh ware and local production in Cyprus at the close of the middle-beginning of the Late Bronze Age. Oral presentation delivered by Artemis Georgiou at the workshop titled “Everyday Life in Prehistoric Cyprus (ca. 10,000-1700 BC), Neolithic and Chalcolithic Cyprus Project”, hosted by the Kapodistrian University of Athens (online), between 25–26 June 2021
- “Manual and digital tools for measuring the capacity of ancient ceramics”, by Dr Cydrisse Cateloy, 20 January 202
Jointly organised with the Association of Cypriot Archaeologists and the Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute (CAARI)
- “Marks, Marketing and Markets. Investigating the intersection of marking practices and commercial strategies in the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age eastern Mediterranean”. An international, hybrid workshop organised in the frame of the research project ‘ComPAS’. Archaeological Research Unit, Univeristy of Cyprus, 14-15 March 2024. Organised by Cassandra M. Donnelly and Artemis Georgiou. Click here to follow the plenary lecture by Professor Nicolle Hirschfeld
- Collaboration with the MuseCo project, funded by the Research Promotion Foundation: “Ceramic Bichromy in the Eastern Mediterranean during the 2nd and 1st millennia BC”. An international workshop organised in the frame of the project MuseCo. Bringing Life to Old Museum Collections. Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus, 20 May 2022. Organised by Anna Georgiadou, Artemis Georgiou, Maria Dikomitou-Eliadou and George Papasavvas.
- Session 9 “Interdisciplinary ceramic studies as proxies for approaching Eastern Mediterranean societies of the 2nd and 1st millennia BC”. Organised within the 3rd International Congress on Archaeological Sciences in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East (ICAS-EMME 3). 17 March 2022. Organised by Maria Dikomitou-Eliadou, Artemis Georgiou and Anna Georgiadou.
- “The International Association for Archaeological Research in Western and Central Asia” (ARWA), Archaeology in Action Annual Lecture Series-Levant. Online lecture series. Organised by Artemis Georgiou and Ianir Milevski. Presentations are accessible online
- “Social Transformations in Ancient Cyprus”, An international workshop organised within the European Archaeologists’ Association conference 2021, Kiel (online event), 8-11 September 2021. Organised by Katarzyna Zeman-Wisniewska, Laerke Recht and Artemis Georgiou.
- A science-based, integrated approach to the study of Maritime Transport Containers from Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Cyprus:
the contribution of ComPAS. By Marcella Giobbe, Andreas Charalambous, Anna Georgiadou, Maria Dikomitou-Eliadou and Artemis Georgiou at the International Congress on Archaeological Science – Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East (ICAS-EMME) 4, Cyprus Institute, 15 May 2024. - A non-destructive method for the identification of VOCs in ancient Cypriot pottery: A preliminary case-study. Presented by M. Stylianou, P. Papaioakeim, A. Georgiou, M. Dikomitou Eliadou, E. Alphas, V. Kassianidou and A. Agapiou, at the 10th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, 21-24 June 2023
- Importation and appropriation: Revisiting Tell el-Yahudiyeh ware and local production in Cyprus at the dawn of the Late Bronze Age. Virtual poster presented by Artemis Georgiou, at the 2021 Annual ASOR poster session.
ComPAS Seminar Series
- Writing, marking and trade in Late Bronze Age Cyprus, lecture addressed by Dr Cassandra Donnelly, 7th December 2022. The lecture is available free and online at the youtube channel of the Archaeological Research Unit and in this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2da8YrDirU&t=3701s
- Measuring the flow of trade in the Eastern Mediterranean during the 2nd millennium BCE: Capacity study of imported Maritime Transport Containers, lecture addressed by Dr Cydrisse Cateloy, 15 November 2023. The lecture is available free and online at the youtube channel of the Archaeological Research Unit and in this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QARmnKGZpA8