- Archaeological Activities at the Young Volunteers’ summer school, Strovolos Municipality
- Archaeological Activities at the Young Volunteers’ summer school, Strovolos Municipality
- Tour of the Paphos Museum with primary school children
- Tour of the Paphos Museum with primary school children
- Tablet with name in Cypro-Syllabic
- Creating clay figurines
- Clay plank figurines in the Early Bronze Age prototypes!
- Activities with the Egkomi Primary School (Nicosia)
- Activities with the Egkomi Primary School (Nicosia)
- Activities with the Egkomi Primary School (Nicosia)
- Activities with the Egkomi Primary School (Nicosia)
- Activities with the Egkomi Primary School (Nicosia)
- European Researcher’s Night 2023
- European Researcher’s Night 2023
- European Researcher’s Night 2023
- European Researcher’s Night 2023
- The ComPAS team at the European Researcher’s Night!
- Artemis Georgiou “Οι κυπριακές πολιτείες της Ύστερης Εποχής του Χαλκού: από την «Εποχή του διεθνισμού» στη «Μεσογειακή Κρίση»”
Bank of Cyprus Podcast Series Μίλα μου Ιστορικά
See press release here
Listen here
- Cassandra Donnelly “Between knowns and unknowns: the Cypro-Minoan script”
Aegean Connections Podcast Series
Listen here
- Η Γεροσκήπου πριν την Ιεροκηπία: εξετάζοντας την αρχαιολογία της περιοχής στη 2η χιλιετία π.Χ.’ (Geroskipou before Ierokipia: examining the archaeology of the region in the 2nd millennium BC). Oral presentation delivered by Artemis Georgiou for the Ierokipeion Free University, organised in collaboration with the University of Cypruse, the Municipality of Geroskipou and Radio Paphos (broadcasted live), Geroskipou-Paphos, 31 May 2024.
- Writing, marking and trade in Late Bronze Age Cyprus, by Cassandra Donnelly, ‘ComPAS Afternoon Seminar Series’:
- Interregional commercial strategies in the Late Bronze Age-Early Iron Age eastern Mediterranean: the contribution of the newly implemented ERC Starting Grant “ComPAS”, by Artemis Georgiou, Archaeological Research Unit Public Lecture Series:
- Measuring the flow of trade in the Eastern Mediterranean during the 2nd millennium BCE: Capacity study of imported Maritime Transport Containers, by Dr Cydrisse Cateloy, ‘ComPAS Afternoon Seminar Series’:
- Το ερευνητικό πρόγραμμα «ComPAS» (ERC Starting Grants-947749): Προκαταρκτικά αποτελέσματα από τις ανασκαφές στη θέση Παμπούλα Κιτίου (The research programme ‘ComPAS’ (ERC Starting Grants-947749): Preliminary results from the excavations at the site Kition-Bamboula), by Artemis Georgiou at the annual workshop Το Έργον 2022, Τhe Archaeological work of the University of Cyprus:
- Από τη γη των Φαραώ στην Αλασία: διεπιστημονική μελέτη των εισηγμένων αιγυπτιακών αμφορέων στο πλαίσιο του ComPAS ERC Starting Grant (From the land of the Pharaohs to Alashiya: interdisciplinary research of imported Egyptian Amphorae in the frame of ComPAS ERC Starting Grant), by Artemis Georgiou at the annual workshop Το Έργον 2023, Τhe Archaeological work of the University of Cyprus.
- Marks and signs in Cypro-Minoan. by Cassandra Donnelly at the annual workshop Το Έργον 2023, Τhe Archaeological work of the University of Cyprus.
- Archaeology in Action Annual Lecture Series-Levant (2022). co-organised by Artemis Georgiou and Ianir Milevski, in the frame of “The International Association for Archaeological Research in Western and Central Asia” (ARWA). Presentations are accessible online
- Article on Cyprus Weekly: Ancient Israeli opium containers were made in Cyprus
- Interview with Active Radio Station:
- Press release at Phileleftheros newspaper:
- Press release at Cyprus Mail:
- Press release at Financial Mirror:
- Press release at Economy Today:
- Press release at paideia-news:
- Pres release at dialogos:
- Press release at Larnaca online:
- Pres release at newsincyprus:
- Press release at pafospress:
- ‘Real skills for scientists-Humanities’ (webinar organised by the National Documentation Centre, Greece):
- Join our facebook page:
- Write your name in the Cypro-Syllabic Script – instructions
- Write your name in the Cypro-Syllabic Script – signary
- Plank figurines to copy in clay – download
- Animal figurines to copy in clay – download