The Economics Research Centre of the University of Cyprus (CypERC) participates jointly with RAI Consultants Ltd in the Joint Harmonised European Union Programme of Business and Consumer Surveys.

CypERC acknowledges funding from the European Union, the Ministry of Finance, and the University of Cyprus for conducting the project "Business and Consumer Surveys" in Cyprus.




The data are collected on a monthly basis via interviews with managers/directors of firms in services, retail trade, construction and manufacturing, as well as through telephone interviews with consumers. The Surveys gather information on firms' perceptions and expectations about different economic variables such as their turnover, production, employment and prices. The data also contain information on consumers' perceptions and expectations about the financial condition of their households and various aspects of the economy such as consumer prices and unemployment.

Harmonised Methodology and Questionnaires


Business and Consumer Surveys Bulletin

The monthly bulletin "Business and Consumer Surveys" presents the main results of Business and Consumer Surveys conducted in Cyprus. The bulletin discusses short-run changes in the business climate (Services, Retail Trade, Construction, Industry) as well as recent trends in consumers' expectations about the financial condition of their households as well as about the economy in general. The full text is available in Greek. The bulletin also provides the main results of the Surveys in English.

Economic Sentiment Indicator - CypERC (Historical Data)