This is a six-year programme of study which aims to train young doctors who after completing their studies and following a preparatory year shall be in a position to work in the Cyprus Health System or elsewhere. The programme aims at promoting and developing critical thinking, lifelong learning and excellence in the practice of patient oriented clinical medicine. The programme’s objective is to equip students with the right tools so that they are competently trained to practice Medicine in the 21st century by offering them a modern programme of study that bears the stamp of Academic Excellence of the University of Cyprus.

The guiding principles of the curriculum design are:

  • The curriculum focuses on the development of knowledge, clinical reasoning, professional qualities, attitudes, and behaviours required to qualify as a competent doctor
  • The curriculum promotes contextual learning where basic science concepts are given clinical relevance by being introduced and assimilated in the context of common health issues and/or diseases
  • The curriculum incorporates teaching of medical research methods and evidence-based practice
  • Early clinical experiences are integrated into the curriculum and are followed by intensive clinical experiences with opportunities to reinforce biomedical, clinical, and psychosocial sciences, clinical skills, humanism/altruism, and professional behavior
  • The educational environment promotes students’ and faculty’s participation as mutually respectful partners in learning
  • The educational environment supports and facilitates the students’ immersion in peer learning, independent study, and self-directed learning
  • The curriculum facilitates student learning through the utilization of effective and evidence-based instruction and encourages innovative teaching methods
  • The curriculum remains flexible to accommodate differences in students’ learning styles, learning needs and professional interests
  • Curricular changes are supported by faculty development programs
  • The curriculum includes a comprehensive program evaluation process allowing effective evaluation and future revision.
  • The curriculum integrates population health, patient safety, quality care and a collaborative approach to health care delivery
  • The curriculum fosters the development of leadership skills, the highest standards of professionalism and a humanistic approach to patient care
  • The curriculum is responsive to emerging and dynamic needs of the society and the health-care system, including local and global health issues
  • The curriculum is delivered in accordance with principles of equality and supports a culture of diversity and inclusion
  • Τhe curriculum prepares the students for life-long learning

Programme Structure

The programme is divided in three Phases:

Phase I A year of preparatory studies (basic exact and pure sciences).
Phase II Two years of interconnected studies in basic medical and clinical sciences including the study and analysis of behaviour.
Phase III Three years of clinical studies.

The official teaching and assessment language is Greek with the possibility to use English when deemed necessary.

The programme of study follows well established practices of medical training in Europe. More specifically, the educational approach is based on the integration of the best elements of time-tested and respected programmes of European Schools of Medicine, adjusted to the needs and context of Cyprus.

Apart from the core courses (mandatory syllabus), students may, as of their first year and throughout their studies, choose Elective Topics which are of interest to them. They therefore have the opportunity to work with researchers from the UCY and the Cyprus Health System and further develop their own competences and skills. In addition, students in Phase I  have the opportunity to attend Elective Courses offered by other Schools of the University.


Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
60 60 60 60 60 60

Teaching Venues

Courses are taught at the Shacolas Educational Centre for Clinical Medicine (SECCM) except for certain courses in Phase I which are taguht at the University Campus.

Clinical practice included in all Phases is carried out at the following hospitals:

  • Archbishop Makarios III Hospital
  • Bank of Cyprus Oncology Centre
  • Mental Health Services
  • Nicosia General Hospital
  • The Cyprus Institute of Neurology & Genetics
  • Nicosia Health Centres