Faked Rituals in ‘Tristan and Isolde’ or Who Knows What?
May 31, 2023
University of Pisa, Project on Female Holiness (Divino Al Femminile) – Stavroula Constantinou (UCY) will give a lecture entitled “Maternal Saints and Lay Mothers in Byzantine Hagiography”
June 13, 2023NetMAR: 3rd NetMAR webinar, titled ‘European Funding Proposal Writing’
The Centre for Medieval Arts and Rituals of the University of Cyprus, is organizing the 3rd NetMAR webinar, titled ‘European Funding Proposal Writing’, as part of the activities of the NetMAR project, including editorial and diamond open access journal-hosting matters), research funding, and project management and administration. These activities are aimed at NetMAR members (ESRs and senior team members).
The webinar will take place (via Zoom) on the 28th of June 2023 and will be led by Dr Marios Demetriades (Head of Research & Innovation Support Service at the University of Cyprus and Executive Director at the European Office of Cyprus). Dr Demetriades will talk about how to write successful proposals for European funding. He will share his valuable expertise and will provide information about best practices. He will also give writing tips concerning competitive proposal writing, competent project management, as well as dissemination and exploitation of research and innovation.
Please click here for the 3rd NetMAR webinar poster: https://www.ucy.ac.cy/netmar/wp-content/uploads/sites/173/2023/05/NetMAR_Webinar3_v1.0.public-1.pdf
For more info, please click here: https://www.ucy.ac.cy/netmar/training-webinars/