NetMAR Formally Concluded During a Well-Attended Conference on 04 December 2023
December 13, 2023Maulbronn Monastery Complex Digital Anniversary Roundtable
February 8, 2024“Bodily Suffering and Divine Healing in Byzantine Hagiography”
The Research Training Group on “Early Concepts of Humans and Nature: Universal, Specific, Interchanged” at the University of Mainz (Germany) organises an open lecture by the Director of CeMAR, Stavroula Constantinou, who will talk on “Bodily Suffering and Divine Healing in Byzantine Hagiography”
Η Ερευνητική Ομάδα “Early Concepts of Humans and Nature: Universal, Specific, Interchanged” του Πανεπιστημίου Mainz στη Γερμανία διοργανώνει δημόσια διάλεξη με ομιλήτρια τη Διευθύντρια της ΕΜοΜεΤ Σταυρούλα Κωνσταντίνου, με θέμα “Bodily Suffering and Divine Healing in Byzantine Hagiography”, Πέμπτη 25/05/24, στις 16.15 CET.