With the primary aim to care for the health of the members of the University community, the Medical School oversees the operation of the two Health Centers, staffed with two Nursing Officers. At the Health Centers of the University of Cyprus routine tests are performed, such as:


  • Measurement of vital signs
    • blood pressure
    • pulse rate
    • temperature
  • glucose test
  • oxygen saturation (SpO2)

First aid is also provided to treat any health related condition. Required Initial treatment actions are performed to treat injuries, muscle and bone traumas, loss of consciousness and other medical conditions originating from either acute or chronic diseases. In a case of severe emergency, pre-hospital care is provided, whereas the condition of the casualty is been evaluated, treatment options are prioritised and emergency help is provided until the arrival of an ambulance or transportation to the hospital.

Health centers are responsible for the upkeep of the First Aid Boxes which are located at various places around the university’s premises, and for keeping up to date incidence records and managing the databases of first aid boxes of students with health conditions. In a health promotion context, information material is prepared which is accessible to the university community through the University’s media.

(To print contact information please click here)

Health Center of University Campus

Telephone: 22895270
Social Facilities Centre
Building 6, Office 009

Health Center of Central Area (Kallipoleos Campus)
Telephone: 22895280
Central Area/ Academia
Building B, Office 014

Working Hours of Health Centers (In accordance with the Academic Calendar)


Term  Working Hours
During periods of Courses and Exams 09.00-16.30 Monday to Friday (except Wednesday)
09.00-17.00 Wednesday
Christmas and Easter Holidays 07.30-14.30 Monday to Friday (except Wednesday)
07.30-18.00 Wednesday
June-July-August  07.30-14.30 Monday to Friday

INFORMATION MATERIALArticles / Documents / Publications

FIRST AIDERS – List of existing first aiders at the University of Cyprus.

AUTOMATIC EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATORS (AEDs) – Maps with the locations where AEDs are located at Central Area (Kallipoleos Campus) as well as on University Campus.