CML Conference: Scale(s) of Literary History – Europe c. 500-1500
February 25, 2022
International Workshop: Inside Out: Gender and Aging Agency in Urban and Non-urban Religious Spaces in Antiquity
February 27, 2022Postdoctoral researchers positions (2) in Byzantine Studies and Digital Humanities
In the framework of the project “DigiByzSeal – Unlocking the value of seals: New Methodologies for Historical Research in Byzantine Studies” (more on the project here) jointly funded by the ANR and the DFG, there are open positions for:
2 postdoctoral researchers in Byzantine Studies and Digital Humanities
to start on April 1st 2022 for 24 months.
This call for application is intended for early career researchers, with less than 4 years of experience, but priority will be given to applicants having finished their PhD no longer than 2 years prior to the beginning of the contract.
You will work within the CNRS – UMR 8167, Orient et Méditerranée, équipe Monde Byzantin, based in Paris (5th arrondissement), in the premises of the Collège de France, where the work will be carried out under the supervision of Alessio Sopracasa, scientific responsible of the project.
Knowledge in Byzantine history, sigillography, epigraphy and/or numismatics as well as XML (particularly TEI and EpiDoc) and XSLT are preferable, but not mandatory.
Please note that in order to submit your application you will have to sign up on the job portal of the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), where the 2 calls (one per vacancy) are available, with further information and requirements:
NB: there are two calls, one for each vacancy. They are identical (same profile, same planned activities, same salary etc.), and you can submit your application to either call. After clicking on the “Apply” button you will be able to create your account and submit your application.
The applications will have to be submitted only through the CNRS portal by March 15th.