December 30, 2022

Of Mumblings and Carvings: How magical is the Old High German Word rûna (‘rune’) and its Derivations?

By Dr Aletta Leipold, Saxon Academy of Science and Humanities

The Old High German noun rûna does not denote a character, as one might erroneously assume based on the meaning of the German word Rune. The majority of words connected to rûna, rûnên and related derivates and compounds pertain to the semantic field of words such as ‘whisper’, ‘whispering’, ‘murmur’, and ‘murmuring’. This semantic range, associated with orality, was further expanded to include meanings related to ‘sorcery’ and ‘secret’. How much magic is in these Old High German words and what may we learn from them about medieval concepts of magic?
November 10, 2022

Press Release: 2nd NetMAR Stakeholders Workshop ‘Cyprus Cultural Heritage as a Path to Sustainable Development’

The 2nd NetMAR Stakeholder Workshop with the title ‘Cyprus Cultural Heritage as a Path to Sustainable Development’ took place on Wednesday 09 November 2022 at the Learning Resource Centre – Library ‘Stelios Ioannou’ of the University of Cyprus. The workshop brought together researchers with experts in tourism and cultural industry, policy makers, and key actors of local and governmental agencies who had the opportunity to exchange knowledge and ideas in an informal and friendly environment.
November 10, 2022

Ανακοίνωση Τύπου για το 2nd NetMAR Stakeholders Workshop ‘Cyprus Cultural Heritage as a Path to Sustainable Development’

Με μεγάλη επιτυχία πραγματοποιήθηκε την Τετάρτη, 9 Νοεμβρίου 2022 στο Κέντρο Πληροφόρησης–Βιβλιοθήκη «Στέλιος Ιωάννου» το δεύτερο μοναδικό στο είδος του εργαστήριο (stakeholders workshop), το οποίο διοργανώθηκε από το Δίκτυο για Μεσαιωνικές Τέχνες και Τελετουργίες (Network for Medieval Arts and Rituals - NetMAR) της ομώνυμης Ερευνητικής Μονάδας (ΕΜοΜεΤ) του Πανεπιστημίου Κύπρου.
May 30, 2022

Welcome Nibelungs! The Burgundians’ Arrival in Etzel’s Kingdom in the Codex Hundeshagen

By Dr. Nadine Hufnagel

Most of the illustrations in the only fully illustrated manuscript of the Nibelungenlied (Codex Hundeshagen) do not show action scenes. Instead, they depict primarily situations of courtly ritual, especially scenes of reception and farewell. Nadine Hufnagel of the University of Bamberg explores how text and image work together to foreshadow the further development of the story, when the Burgundians arrive at Etzel’s court. 
February 25, 2022

Postdoctoral researchers positions (2) in Byzantine Studies and Digital Humanities

In the framework of the project "DigiByzSeal – Unlocking the value of seals: New Methodologies for Historical Research in Byzantine Studies" jointly funded by the ANR and the DFG, there are open positions for 2 postdoctoral researchers in Byzantine Studies and Digital Humanities to start on April 1st 2022 for 24 months.
February 2, 2022

NetMAR Summer School: “Teaching (in) the Middle Ages: Arts – Rituals – Education”

The Network for Medieval Arts and Rituals, a project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, invites PhD and Master students from all related disciplines to participate to its one-week-long summer school in the UNESCO world heritage city of Bamberg. Generous travel grants are on offer.
January 31, 2022

First NetMAR Stakeholders Workshop ‘Creative Tourism and Medieval Arts and Rituals in Cyprus’

The Network for Medieval Arts and Rituals, a Horizon 2020 project funded by the European Union and bringing together the Centre for Medieval Arts & Rituals of the University of Cyprus (host institution) and the Centre for Medieval Literature of the University of Southern Denmark and the Centre for Medieval Studies of the University of Bamberg, organised in Nicosia on the morning of Wednesday 26 January its first Stakeholder Workshop.
January 17, 2022

Call for Papers for NetMAR International Conference: The Arts and Rituals of Pilgrimage

The conference invites papers from scholars of all career levels that engage with questions and themes including but not limited to: • The practice of pilgrimage and its place in medieval literature and visual arts • Pilgrimage in literature and literature as pilgrimage • Pilgrimage in painting/ sculpture/ music/ rhetoric and/or performance • The architecture of pilgrimage • The communities of pilgrimage-goers and of pilgrimage sites • Pilgrim routes • The afterlives of pilgrimages by no later than 31 July 2022.