Anna-Maria Ernesti
February 1, 2021
Elisabetta Barili
February 1, 2021Prof. Lars Boje Mortensen
Lars Boje Mortensen is Professor of Ancient and Medieval Cultural History at the University of Southern Denmark. He is the Head of the Centre of Medieval Literature, a Danish Centre of Excellence established in 2012 with a second node at the University of York (UK). He is the editor-in-chief of the international OA journal, Interfaces, published by the University of Milan. His current research focus is on the theory and practice of writing the literary history of the Middle Ages, with special emphasis on the role of Latin literature in the period c. 1050-1300. His approach combines the history of the book with literary and intellectual history as well as the sociology of learning, and he is also engaged in the dynamics between Latin and the new book languages of the high Middle Ages (“the vernaculars”). In the context of the Centre he is leading, he seeks to promote a European view of medieval culture. Mortensen is also engaged in theoretical and philosophical interdisciplinary work between philology, literature and history as different approaches to understanding our pre-modern past.