Prof. Lars Boje Mortensen
February 1, 2021
Dr Nils Holger Petersen
February 1, 2021Elisabetta Barili
Elisabetta Barili is a doctoral student at the University of Southern Denmark (Odense), working under the supervision of Associate Professor Aglae Pizzone and Professor Lars Boje Mortensen. She is based at the Department of History at SDU and at the Centre for Medieval Literature (CML). She holds an MA in Classical and Modern Philology and Literature from the Università degli Studi di Parma. Her main research interests include Byzantine scholarship, commentaries, the role of rhetoric in Byzantine literary culture, Philology and Palaeography. Her research project – Medieval Self-Commentaries: John Tzetzes and the corpus Hermogenianum- tackles a 12th-century unedited Byzantine commentary of John Tzetzes on the most mature work of the rhetor Hermogenes of Tarsus called Περὶ ἰδεῶν λόγου. Her PhD thesis will lay the groundwork for a future edition of the commentary. Her PhD research project is part of the larger project Medieval Self-Commentaries Beyond Europe: A Transcultural Perspective, which is funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark.