Maiken Bundgaard Villumsen
February 1, 2021
Prof. Claudia Rapp
February 1, 2021Sara Moure López
Sara Moure López is working on her PhD thesis at the University of Santiago de Compostela, under the supervision of professors Rocío Sánchez Ameijeiras and Rosa M. Rodríguez Porto. She is a FPU Pre-Doctoral Fellow at the Department of Art History at USC and part of the Research Group “Síncrisis: Investigacións en formas culturais”. She holds a degree in Art History from the University of Santiago de Compostela (2014-2018) and an MA in Advanced Studies in Art History from the University of Barcelona (2018-2019). Her main research interests include medieval book illumination and medieval Iberian culture. Her doctoral project focuses on the ideological constructions regarding the accursed biblical cities (Babel, Babylon, Sodom, Gomorrah) in the thirteenth-century Castilian imaginary, through the analysis and study of both images and textual sources. She has presented part of the results of her doctoral research in progress at international seminars and symposiums.