Dr Marina Ilia
February 1, 2021
Chrystalla Loizou
February 1, 2021Savvas Mavromatidis
Savvas Mavromatidis is a PhD student at the University of Cyprus working on the funerary sculpture of the Lusignan Cyprus (1192-1474/89). His PhD is funded by the University of Cyprus. The aim of his research is to interpret Cypriot artistic production and topics presented on or related to the funerary slabs (iconography, epigraphy, dress, heraldry, memory), placing Cyprus at the centre of a cross-cultural dialogue that took place in the eastern Mediterranean during the late Middle Ages. He has presented papers at various conferences on gender and ethnic identities as ‘inscribed’ on Cypriot tombstones. He participated in the SOAS University of London/Getty Foundation project “Medieval Eastern Mediterranean Cities as Places of Artistic Interchange” (Spring 2021) and collaborates with the research project “ERC GRAPH-EAST. Latin as an Alien Script in the Medieval ‘Latin East’.” Savvas holds degrees from the Department of History and Archaeology of the University of Athens.